Ethiopian Telecommuncations Corporation logo
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryEthiopian Telecommunications Corporation
SponsorEthiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Intended useEntities connected with  Ethiopia
Actual useHas some limited use in Ethiopia
Registration restrictionsNone known
StructureRegistrations are made at the third level beneath established subdomains
DocumentsService agreement

.et is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ethiopia. Registrars offer second and third level domains.

Ethio Telecom, the telecommunication services provider of Ethiopia and the Registry operator of .ET has launched the country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) for Ethiopia.  .ET domain is supported by the registry system developed by ZDNS, a leading internet infrastructure service provider from China. Another Ethiopian web hosting provider company named HahuCloud also supports .et domain registration. HahuCloud is an Ethiopian Web Hosting Provider and domain name registrar. It is owned by HahuCloud Web Solutions, founded in May 15, 2017 by Yared Ayalew.

Second-level domains

A number of second-level domains for Ethiopia exist.[1]


  1. ^ "Domain Name Registration".