The year 1987 was marked by many events that left an imprint on the history of Soviet and Russian Fine Arts.



See also


  1. ^ Белоусов Петр Петрович. Каталог выставки. Л., Искусство, 1987.
  2. ^ Николаев Борис Павлович. Выставка произведений. Каталог. Л., ЛОСХ, 1987.
  3. ^ Сергей Кузьмич Фролов. Выставка произведений. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1986.
  4. ^ Александр Михайлович Семенов. Выставка произведений. Л., ЛОСХ, 1987.
  5. ^ Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint-Petersburg, NP-Print Edition, 2007. P.403.
  6. ^ Catalogue of the exhibition of works of Soviet artists, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the railways of the country – Moscow, 1987.
