The John F. Kennedy assassination and the subsequent conspiracy theories surrounding it have been discussed, referenced, or recreated in popular culture numerous times.

The assassination has also been the subject of many time travel and alternate history stories in science fiction film, television and literature, many with Kennedy and/or Oswald surviving or other people in the Presidential limousine dead. Some of these have Governor John Connally or Jacqueline Kennedy killed in place of President Kennedy.



Gideon's March (Hodder & Stoughton) by J. J. Marric is fictional novel published in 1962, the year before the Kennedy assassination. In the book, Inspector George Gideon learns of a plot to assassinate President Kennedy during a state visit to London. The assassination is to take place during a parade, by means of a bomb; the assassin, called O'Hara, is a Southern bigot who hates the President for his Roman-Catholic faith and his civil-rights initiatives.

J. G. Ballard wrote a 1967 short-short story titled "The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy considered as a downhill motor race."

The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975) by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson depicts the assassination scene, with several would-be assassins trying to kill Kennedy simultaneously.

Sherlock Holmes in Dallas (Dodd, Mead, & Co. 1980) by Edmund Aubrey, brings the renowned consulting detective out of his Sussex retirement to investigate the Kennedy assassination.

Libra (1988) by Don DeLillo is a fictional imagining of the assassination, with Lee Harvey Oswald as the protagonist.

The Underworld USA Trilogy (1995-2009) by James Ellroy, particularly the 1995 novel American Tabloid, constructs a fictional narrative involving several characters who have part in the Kennedy assassination.

In Columbo: The Grassy Knoll (1994) by William Harrington, the titular lieutenant solves the Kennedy Assassination after a talk-show host is murdered before an exposé.[1][2]

The 1996 Doctor Who spin-off novel Who Killed Kennedy features the Doctor's enemy the Master attempting to kill Oswald before the assassination as Kennedy's survival would trigger a chain reaction in history that could wipe the Doctor from existence, requiring journalist James Stevens to go back in time and kill Kennedy himself (acting as both gunmen at different points in his life, as Oswald's rifle had a misaligned targeting scope that prevented him delivering the fatal shot from the Book Depository on the first trip). It should also be noted that coincidentally, the TV show this book is based on started the day after the assassination with the first episode delayed by eighty seconds due to news coverage of the killing.[3]

The Star Spangled Contract (1976) by District Attorney Jim Garrison, and Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell, are both based, in part, on a conspiratorial view of the Kennedy assassination.

In The Amnesia Desk by Jim Sullivan, the son of Kennedy's 'real' killer - a CIA assassin - has to flee from the Amnesia Desk, a CIA clean-up team.

Joshua, Son of None by Nancy Mars Freedman (1973, ISBN 9789995585228) is a novel about government officials secretly cloning Kennedy after assassination, and duplicating his actual life events by staging them in the new person's life. By controlling both nature and nurture, genetics and life events, the desired outcome results: the young man is successful, and is elected President.

Comic books

In the first album of Jean van Hamme and William Vance's comic book series XIII, the title character is shown to be the alleged assassin of fictional U.S. President William B. Sheridan, who was murdered in his car during an official presidential visit to a city. The events are clearly based on JFK's assassination.[4]

In the Ultimate Marvel universe, Kennedy's true assassin is Red Skull, the son of Captain America. Nick Fury muses that the assassination of Kennedy was the Skull's way of showing that he would no longer take orders from America.

In the 2008–2009 series The Umbrella Academy: Dallas by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, the Kennedy assassination is a central plot element. The series initially takes place in a timeline where the assassination never happened, until an organisation of time-travelling assassins go back to 1963 to kill Kennedy. When the Umbrella Academy intercept the gunmen, The Rumour, disguised as Jacqueline Kennedy, uses her powers to make Kennedy's head explode.

In Superman: Red Son, Superman's space pod crash lands in the Soviet Union instead of the United States. Richard Nixon wins the 1960 Presidential Election, and he is the one who is assassinated in Dallas instead of Kennedy, who in this timeline marries Marilyn Monroe, and does not become president until decades later in 1998. In 2004 he is succeeded by Lex Luthor, who with Jimmy Olsen as his vice president, finally wins this extended version of the Cold War. In Crime Syndicate Kennedy is portrayed as a Dictator who is killed by a teenage Ultraman.

Alternative history in literature

In the 1980 novel Timescape by Gregory Benford, Kennedy's assassination was averted by a high school student who interrupted Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository, attacking the shooter and sending the would-be fatal third shot awry. Although seriously injured, Kennedy survived. This interference created an alternate timeline in which William Scranton was the US president in 1974, having defeated Robert F. Kennedy due to a telephone tapping scandal.

In the 1992 anthology Alternate Kennedys, edited by Mike Resnick, 25 science fiction authors imagine alternate histories involving the Kennedys, including speculating upon different outcomes of November 22, 1963.

In the 1994 alternate history novel Bubba Ho-Tep and the 2002 film of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, one of the main characters is an African-American man who claims that he is John F. Kennedy and that following his failed assassination attempt, his death was faked, his skin was dyed black and was abandoned by Lyndon B. Johnson in that same nursing home Elvis Presley was staying in.

In Stephen Baxter's novel Voyage (1996), the Dallas assassination attempt only succeeds in crippling Kennedy, but Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy is killed. Kennedy is re-elected in 1964 and commits the United States to landing a crewed vessel on Mars, which occurs in 1986. The novel uses the assassination attempt only as the impetus for an alternate history US space program.

In Michael Chabon's 2007 alternative history novel The Yiddish Policemen's Union it is mentioned that Kennedy was never assassinated and married Marilyn Monroe.

Jeff Golden's 2008 novel Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible speculates on what would have happened had the assassination attempt been unsuccessful, with Kennedy serving two full terms as president. (ISBN 0595471927) Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle jams during the assassination attempt, leaving Kennedy wounded and Governor Connally dead.

In the 2010 book, TimeRiders, a training mission involves going back to November 22, 1963, to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from killing JFK. This results in a new timeline in which a large space program sends a mission to Mars on September 10, 2001. The trainees learn that history corrects itself, and Oswald, who was originally a lone gunman, was no longer alone when he shot the President but was part of a conspiracy, thanks to their interference with the timestream.

Stephen King's novel 11/22/63, published in 2011, tells about a time traveler trying to stop the assassination. The novel was adapted into a TV series, 11.22.63, in 2016. In both versions, the protagonist succeeds in saving Kennedy and kills Oswald with his own rifle in the Texas Schoolbook Depository after distracting him on the day of the would-be assassination after Oswald fired the first shot at the motorcade, but returns to a dystopian future brought about by his actions, prompting him to return to the past to "reset" the results of his intervention. The protagonist also attempts to prove Oswald was assisted by a Soviet agent when he attempted to kill Kennedy and General Edwin Walker.

In the 2012 book The Man from 2063, a lawyer living in 2063 travels back in time prior to November 22, 1963, to prevent the assassination. Unlike Stephen King's novel which has Lee Harvey Oswald killing JFK acting alone, The Man from 2063 portrays the assassination as a conspiracy.

In the Space: 1999 graphic novel, Aftershock and Awe (2013), the events of the television series are set within an alternate history. That history diverged from our own when Kennedy escaped assassination by visiting Cape Canaveral instead of Dallas. His survival led to an accelerated space race and diminished Cold War tensions, although a limited nuclear exchange occurred between the United States and North Korea in 1987.[5] During the 1970s, when the TV show was made, 1999 was the future. Placing the show in an alternate timeline allows the graphic novel to ignore the events of real life history as the series has spacefaring technology advanced beyond that of the real 1999 (or indeed the late 2010s).

In Ken Davenport's 2017 novel The Two Gates, Kennedy survives the Dallas shooting with the back-to-throat wound he actually received, but First Lady Jackie is killed by the fatal third shot. The novel deals with speculation as to how Kennedy would have dealt with the Vietnam War had he lived.

In the SCP Foundation collaborative writing project, the assassination of Kennedy is featured in the 2017 short story SCP-3780 - Who Shot JFK?. SCP-3780 is a series of attempts by time travelers to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald. The Temporal Anomalies Department, a division of the SCP Foundation, is tasked with intercepting the attempts to assure or reinstate the proper series of historical events.[6] SCP-3780 - Who Shot JFK? was inspired by the amount of conspiracy theories and the release of the assassination files by order of President Donald Trump.[7][8]

Film, television, and stage


Alternate history in film

A pair of alternate history films called The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald made in 1964 and 1977 have the accused assassin not being killed by Jack Ruby and standing trial for the murder of President Kennedy. Neither film ends in a verdict: the earlier movie ends after jury instructions, imploring viewers to debate among themselves; while the latter one has him being shot to death while being escorted from his jail cell to the courtroom just after the jury came back from deliberating.

The 1990 TV movie, Running Against Time, depicts a contemporary schoolteacher (Robert Hays) who continues to lament the 1966 death of his brother in Vietnam. He is given the chance to go back in time and seeks to prevent the November 1963 assassination, based on the belief that it would prevent Lyndon Johnson from beginning an escalation of the conflict. However, his attempt results in him being accused of the crime and the subject of a nationwide manhunt. The film is based on the 1986 Stanley Shapiro book A Time to Remember.

In the 2000 film Timequest, a time-traveler prevents Kennedy's assassination and history takes an alternate course, including the birth of a second son, James Kennedy, who was conceived on the night of November 22, 1963, when Kennedy and his wife return from Dallas. It also has Robert F. Kennedy becoming president in the late 1970s, with Martin Luther King Jr. as his vice president, after both men were saved from their assassinations in 1968 by the same time traveler. The film's makers support the idea of a conspiracy by having Clint Hill shooting two would-be assassins hiding at the grassy knoll and later Jack Ruby to prevent him from killing Oswald.


Alternate history in television

"Lee Harvey Oswald", the 1992 season opener for the TV series Quantum Leap, finds Sam Beckett leaping into Oswald's body, but various glitches in the Leaping system result in Beckett's mind becoming 'mixed-up' with Oswald's, to the extent that Beckett starts acting like Oswald as he leaps through Oswald's life and gets closer and closer to the date of the assassination. At a critical moment, Al Calavicci prompts him to leap into Secret Service Agent Clint Hill. Hill attempts to reach the President's car before the shots are fired, but he fails to prevent Kennedy's death.

Calavicci later reveals that he and Beckett have saved one life – that of Jackie Kennedy, whom Oswald had killed along with the President in the original timeline. This episode was written by series creator Donald P. Bellisario, in response to the Oliver Stone film JFK. Bellisario, who served with Oswald in the Marine Corps, does not believe in a conspiracy; he used supporting evidence from the Warren Commission Report, and had Calavicci speculate that people find it comfortable to believe in a conspiracy, reasoning that if any one person can kill the President of the United States then nobody is safe.

In the Red Dwarf 1997 episode "Tikka to Ride", the characters accidentally knock Lee Harvey Oswald out of the fifth-floor window of the Book Depository when they travel back in time to 1963 by mistake, creating an alternate timeline where Kennedy is impeached in 1965 for sharing a mistress with a mafia boss. Jumping forward in time to 1966, the crew learn that, due to Kennedy's impeachment, J. Edgar Hoover was blackmailed into running for president by the mob and allows Russia to establish nuclear missiles in Cuba, while Kennedy's impeachment traumatised the nation and allowed the USSR to win the space race while the southern states flee due to the fear of missiles from Cuba.

Fearing the repercussions of this timeline, the crew go back to 1963 and redirect Oswald up to the sixth floor before their past selves can kill him, but realise that at that angle Oswald's trajectory is now too steep for him to do more than wound Kennedy. Unwilling to kill Kennedy themselves, the characters travel to 1965 and convince the alternate John F. Kennedy to go back in time and shoot his past self from the grassy knoll, arguing that this action will restore his historical position as a liberal icon. "Timeslides", an earlier episode of Red Dwarf, also jokingly mentions the possibility of preventing the assassination.

In American Heroes Channel's What if? Armageddon 1962, Richard Pavlick succeeds in assassinating President-elect Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson is sworn in on January 20, 1961. While the Bay of Pigs invasion goes as it historically did, the Cuban Missile Crisis is different. Having more confidence in his military advisers than Kennedy did, Johnson authorizes military air strikes to take out the missile sites. However, some missiles were hidden from sight and the United States, Cuba and the Soviet Union engage in a nuclear war.

In a 2018 episode of the TV series Timeless, a young Kennedy is transported to 2018, and before he can be returned to 1934, he is warned not to go to Dallas in 1963. When the time travelers return to 2018, they are told he was killed in Austin, Texas after two years as president.

In a 2021 episode of the Netflix series "Inside Job" an old man known as Grassy Noel Atkinson is given credit for the Kennedy Assassination and later helps to kill the JFK clones that are trying to escape the Cognito Inc. facilities in DC.

Stage productions

The 1967 satirical play MacBird! by Barbara Garson superimposes the events of the assassination on the general plot structure of Shakespeare's Macbeth, with Kennedy becoming murdered king "Ken O'Dunc" and Lyndon Johnson the treacherous title character. The mockery of the play's name is derived from Johnson's propensity to refer to his wife Claudia as "Lady Bird" and his elder daughter as "Lynda Bird." Garson insisted that her play was a satire and not intended to suggest seriously that Johnson had had a hand in the assassination.[14]

In 1975, a San Francisco-based group of artists called Ant Farm reenacted the Kennedy assassination in Dealey Plaza, and documented it in a video called The Eternal Frame.


Over 200 songs have been released about JFK, most of which were released following the assassination.[15]


The card game Chrononauts, which simulates the cause-and-effects of changing history through time-travel, features Kennedy's assassination as a Linchpin card. When flipped (and Kennedy is injured rather than killed), it affects three later Ripple Points: the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. (1968), the Apollo 11 Moon landing (1969), and Richard Nixon's resignation (1974).

Reelect JFK, in which Kennedy is a playable character, set in an alternative timeline, where he survives his assassination attempt, and attempts to seek reelection in 1964, while confronting key political issues such as Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement, and discovering who was responsible for the assassination attempt on his life.[25]

The 2004 video game JFK Reloaded puts the player in the role of Lee Harvey Oswald, where the player is then scored on how closely one's version of the assassination matches the report of the Warren Commission: first shot missed, second hit JFK and Governor Connally and third on JFK's head. According to the company, the primary aim of the game was "to establish the most likely facts of what happened on 1963-11-22 by running the world's first mass-participation forensic construction", the theory being that a player could help prove that Lee Harvey Oswald had the "means and the opportunity to commit the crime", and thus help prove the Warren Commission's findings.[26]

The 2010 video game Call of Duty: Black Ops gives hints that the main player character Alex Mason (Sam Worthington) is brainwashed by the Soviet Union into assassinating Kennedy within the context of the video game. An ending cutscene shows Mason was in the crowd of onlookers who watched Kennedy disembark from Air Force One in Lovefield.

In the post-credits scene of the 2016 video game Mafia III, Lincoln Clay's former CIA handler in Vietnam and Lincoln's intelligence provider in order to take down the Marcano Crime Family, John Donovan, has been invited to a Senate Committee hearing in 1971 to testify his participation in Lincoln's revenge against the Marcanos, Donovan explains that he helped Lincoln was due to evidence that he uncovered that Sal, the boss of the Marcano Crime family, has been one of the conspirators of the assassination of Kennedy, and further evidence states that one of the senators presiding over the hearing as another conspirator, Donovan then later pulls his silenced pistol and kills the senator, stating that he will hunt down those responsible for the death of Kennedy.

See also


  1. ^ Harrington, William (1994). The Grassy Knoll (Columbo). Tom Doherty Associates. ISBN 0812530241.
  2. ^ "The Grassy Knoll". Goodreads. Retrieved July 7, 2016.
  3. ^ "BBC One - Doctor Who".
  4. ^ "William Vance".
  5. ^ Andrew Gasska et al: Space 1999: Aftershock and Awe: Fort Lee, NJ: Archaia: 2013: ISBN 1936393883
  6. ^ A Random Day (October 27, 2017). "SCP-3780 - Who Shot JFK?". SCP Foundation.
  7. ^ A Random Day (March 28, 2009). "SCP-3780 / Discussion". Retrieved October 3, 2022. This was inspired by the release of the JFK Assassination files yesterday and how funny it would be if the only conspiracy was that there wasn't one at all.
  8. ^ "Trump allows release of most but not all remaining Kennedy assassination files". 27 October 2017. Retrieved 28 October 2017.
  9. ^ a b J.J. Murphy (March 4, 2012). The Black Hole of the Camera: The Films of Andy Warhol. University of California Press. pp. 141–. ISBN 978-0-520-27187-6.
  10. ^ a b Cox, Alex (2009). 10,000 Ways to Die: A Director's Take on the Spaghetti Western. Oldcastle Books. ISBN 978-1842433041.
  11. ^ Nicholas Cullather has discussed "The Movie Version" of John F. Kennedy's assassination in Nicholas Cullather, "History, Conspiracy, and the Kennedy Assassination," Retrieving the American Past, ed. Marc Horger (New York: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2005), 301-330.
  12. ^ Maslin, Janet (December 11, 1992). "Review/Film; Michelle Pfeiffer in a Tale of a 1960's Interracial Friendship". The New York Times.
  13. ^ a b Hauge, Ron (2007). The Simpsons The Complete Tenth Season DVD commentary for the episode "Mayored to the Mob" (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  14. ^ Horwitz, Jane (September 5, 2006). "She Hopes 'MacBird' Flies in a New Era". The Washington Post.
  15. ^ Brummer, Justin. "John F. Kennedy (JFK) Songs". RYM. Retrieved 9 August 2019.
  16. ^ "This epic poem describes the grief of Yugoslavs over the death of John F. Kennedy". Global Voices. 2018-12-03. Retrieved 2023-07-11.
  17. ^ a b Merenik, Lidija (2013-11-22). "Balkan Noise: Towards a better understanding of Zoran Naskovski's "Death in Dallas", pp. 149-163". JFK Culture.
  18. ^ Kirchner, Sheba Imany (January 28, 2014). Mouvement de foule, phénomènes de groupe: Le mouvement hippie et son héritage. A.c.c. ISBN 978-1-4953-7336-7 – via Google Books.
  19. ^ "Lonnie Lyrics". MetroLyrics. EMI. Archived from the original on 2016-10-22. Retrieved July 7, 2016.((cite web)): CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  20. ^ "Saxon - Strong Arm of the Law - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives".
  21. ^ "Saxon Setlist at el Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires".
  22. ^ a b Pemberton, Pat (November 19, 2013). "16 Inspiring Songs That Honor JFK: The Human League, 'Seconds'". Rolling Stone. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  23. ^ "Theater: Sondheim's 'Assassins': Insane Realities of History". The New York Times.
  24. ^ "Two Men in the Building". Retrieved November 22, 2014.
  25. ^ "Reelect JFK (Game)". Giant Bomb. Retrieved 2023-09-14.
  26. ^ "JFK shooting game 'despicable'". The November 23, 2004. Retrieved 2018-11-09.