Astana Platform
منصة أستانا السياسية
LeaderRanda Kassis
Founded2015 (2015)
Dissolved2023 (2023)[1]

Astana Platform was created after several meetings in Astana between members of the Syrian opposition forces. The platform is headed by the Syrian politician Randa Kassis.[2]



Establishment of a Syrian constitutional Commission

During Establishment of a Syrian constitutional Commission

In March 2017, the Astana political platform invited numerous Syrian academics, constitutionalists and political figures in order to start drafting a new constitution for Syria.[35][36]

The draft of the Syrian constitution was completed in July 2017[37] [2] with the help of French constitutionalist expert Xavier Latour, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Yasar Yakis[38] and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Giulio Terzi.[39]

Sochi Conference


On 13 January 2018, Sochi hosted the Syrian National Congress, where numerous Syrian ethnic representatives and opposition forces – including the Astana platform[40] – met to discuss various issues. Kassis highlighted the importance of creating a constitutional committee in order to facilitate the peace process,[41] which the UN and Astana troika – Russian, Iran and Turkey – later agreed to.[42]



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