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Danielle Cohen-Levinas (born 21 April 1959 in Paris) is a French philosopher, musicologist, and a specialist of Jewish philosophy.



A pianist by training and former graduate of the Conservatoire de Paris, Danielle Cohen-Levinas followed a double course in philosophy and musicology at the Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV[1] and the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She entered Radio France in 1982 (France Musique and France Culture) where she worked as a radio producer until 2005.

Danielle Cohen-Levinas defended a thesis (1992) and an authorization to conduct research in philosophy (1994) at the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She was called upon to the IRCAM directed by Pierre Boulez and appointed editor in chief of the magazine Inharmoniques then Cahiers de l'IRCAM between 1989 and 1993.

She was a resident at the Villa Medicis in Rome in 1992 and returned to the CNRS in 1993 at the "Laboratoire des Arts du spectacle" then the "Laboratoire d'esthétique" of the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne where she taught as associate professor and remained there until 1998. She was program director at the Collège international de philosophie between 1996 and 2002.

Named professor of music aesthetics and philosophy of music at the Paris Sorbonne-Paris University in 1998, Danielle Cohen-Levinas founded in 1998 the "Centre d'esthétique, musique et philosophie contemporaine". In 2008, she founded and directed the "Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine"[2] which she renamed Centre Emmanuel Levinas (EA 3552) in 2012. She has been a research associate at the Husserl Archives of Paris at the École Normale Supérieure of rue d'Ulm [fr] (ENS-CNRS)[3] since 2008 where she works more specifically on the work of Emmanuel Levinas and on his influence in international research. It is within the framework of the "Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine" that she took the initiative in December 2016, in collaboration with Perrine Simon-Nahum, to ensure the revival of the "Colloque des Intellectuels juifs de langue française" (NCIJLF).

Alongside her research in aesthetics and philosophy of music, in contemporary philosophy and post-phenomenology in France, Danielle Cohen-Levinas deploys a work in Jewish philosophy,[3] around the Judeo-German moment (H. Cohen, F. Rosenzweig, G. Scholem, L. Strauss ... ) and the Frankfurt School (Adorno, Benjamin, Bloch ... ), as well as around the revival of biblical and Talmudic studies in Europe from a philosophical point of view.

Since 2007 she has been editorial advisor by the Éditions Hermann and director of the philosophy series Le Bel Aujourd'hui which she founded the same year. In 2010, she created by Éditions Hermann a series intended to host collective works: the Rue de la Sorbonne series and, in 2011, a series devoted to Jewish thought and studies, "Panim el Panim".[1] She is the president of Les Cahiers Maurice Blanchot, which she co-founded with Monique Antelme and Mike Holland in 2010.

Danielle Cohen-Levinas is married to composer and pianist Michaël Levinas.

Main publications


Philosophy, music


Poetry and literary prose



  1. ^ a b "Danielle Cohen-Levinas - Hermann Éditeurs". Archived from the original on 17 February 2017. Retrieved 14 August 2017.
  2. ^ "Danielle Cohen-Levinas". France Culture (in French). 2012. Retrieved 14 August 2017.
  3. ^ a b "Cohen-Levinas Danielle - Pays Germanique - UMR 8547". (in French). Retrieved 14 August 2017.
  4. ^ L'Opéra et son double on La Flûte de Pan