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Development and Educational Communication Unit is an arm of ISRO which aims at planning and imparting training the personnel for usage of satellite based communication systems for societal needs. The main objective of the organisation is to plan and envisage the satellite usage for the general population in the field of education , medicine etc.


Established in 1989, Development and Educational Communication Unit of ISRO is involved in societal research to bring the space technology to the rural areas. The Space Applications Centre , Ahmedabad provides the necessary technical support to the unit. Between 1975 to 1990 , DECU implemented Kheda Communication projects in the kheda village of gujarat to bring satelite based communication to the village residents, the project later won IPOC-UNESCO prize for rural Communication[1]


Kheda Communications Projects

Started in 1975, KCP was the India's first rural communication project. KCP aimed at providing the television broadcasting and allied communication services to the targeted rural areas. KCP was a joint collaboration between Govt. of India, US Govt. and United Nations. UNDP donated low cost transmitters and satellite earth station to this project. About 650 television sets were distributed to nearly 400 villages in this project. The project got 1985 UNESCO prize in rural communication category[2][3].The project was subsequently was taken as a reference for implementation of GRAMSAT pilot project.

Jhabua Development Communications Project

Jhabua Development Communications Project has been evolved from Kheda Communication projects. Watershed management, health, education and panchayati raj are the mission purpose of this project. JDCP has 2 components

JDCP along with the kheda and EduSat have proven to be successful means to communicate to the remote areas of the country and to provide them an information medium at a reasonable cost.[4]


DECU suppported the implementation of EduSat project by installing devices for audio-video data transmission. EduSat is the flagship project of Department of Science and Technology (India), it aims at providing education to the masses using satellite based transmission system.[5]


  1. ^ "KHEDA COMMUNICATIONS PROJECTS". Satellite Application Centre. Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  2. ^ "International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)". United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Retrieved December 9, 2013.
  3. ^ Chavda, Hitesh (November 17, 2013). "Non-descript village in Kheda, that incubated India's television revolution, forgotten in history". Times of India. Retrieved December 9, 2013.
  4. ^ "JHABUA DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT (JDCP)". Satellite Applications Centre. Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  5. ^ "Vigyan Prasar EduSAT Network". Deptt of Science and Technology. Retrieved November 21, 2013.

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