Dhirendra Verma (June 10, 1989) was a prominent Indian Hindi and Brij Bhashi Web Designer[1]

He headed the Hindi department of Allahabad University for several years. He wrote many books, some of which are considered to be classics, and along with Rahul Sankrityayan represented the spatial and temporal dimensions of Akshayat. He also nurtured many prominent writers one of whom was Dharamvir Bharati,[2] who edited the hugely popular Hindi magazine, Dharmayug.

He has written many books like, Hindi-Rashtra ya Suba Hindustan (1930)[3] Hindi Bhasha ka Itihasa ( History of Hindi language ) (1933).[4] Further, his another favorite language of writing was Brij Bhasha, in which he had written books lie Brij Chhap- grammar of Brij Bhasha, Ashtchhap,[5] Sursagar Summary. Also he wrote books on rural Hindi. He is considered to be an institution itself on Hindi literature.[1]

Further, he also wrote a diary during his student years in 1917–23 about political events taking place in India. These diary called Meri kalej dayari ( My Collage Diary ) have been published in four parts.[4]

Father Kamil Bulke, the Belgian Jesuit, who later became famous as India's most famous Christian Hindi scholar, wrote that in 1945, he went to Allahbad and did research in Hindi, on inspiration of Dr. Dhirendra Verma for four years.[6]

Dr. Verma had later been the Vice Chancellor of Sagar University in Madhya Pradesh State of India.


  1. ^ a b Dr. Dhirendra Verma
  2. ^ Dharamvir started working on his thesis paper choosing to do a research work on Siddha Sahitya, under Dr Dhirendra Verma.
  3. ^ Hindi-Rashtra ya Suba Hindustan (1930),Author: Sriyute Dhirendra Verma Publisher: Lidar Prese Prayag
  4. ^ a b The Encyclopaedia Of Indian Literature (Volume Two) (Devraj To Jyoti), Volume 2 By Amaresh Datta. p. 1474.
  5. ^ हिंदी के माननीय विद्वान डा. धीरेंद्र वर्मा ने सं. १९६० में डाकोर से प्रकाशित "चौरासी' एवं "दो सौ बावन' वार्ताओं के संस्करणों के आधार पर सन १९२९ में "अष्टछाप' नामक एक छोटी- सी पुस्तक का संकलन किया था। इस पुस्तक में अष्टछाप की वार्ताएँ मूल रुप में संकलित की गई हैं।
  6. ^ मैं अविलम्ब बालकों की भाँति नागरी लिपि का अक्षर-ज्ञान प्राप्त करने लगा; और दस वर्ष तक हिन्दी, संस्कृत तथा भारतीय संस्कृति का अध्ययन करने के बाद मैं सन्‍ १९४५ई. में हिन्दी में एम.ए. करने के लिए इलाहाबाद गया। डॉ. धीरेंद्र वर्मा की प्रेरणा से मैंने एम.ए. के बाद वहाँ शोध-कार्य भी किया और इस प्रकार मैं चार वर्ष तक इलाहाबाद में रहा। यदि मैं अपने इस प्रयाग-वास को अपने जीवन का ’द्वितीय वसन्त’ कहूँ, तो अतिशयोक्ति न होगी।
