Groombridge transit circle

Edward Troughton, FRS (October 1753 – 12 June 1835) was a British instrument maker who was notable for making telescopes and other astronomical instruments[1].

He was born in Corney, Cumberland. In 1779, after serving an apprenticeship with his elder brother John, he became his partner and soon established himself as the top maker of navigational, surveying and astronomical instruments in Britain. He created the Groombridge Transit Circle in 1806, which Stephen Groombridge used to compile his star catalogue[2]. He did not merely build instruments, but designed and invented new ones.

He was awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1809. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in March 1810.[3]

In 1826, after John's death and in failing health himself, he took on William Simms as a partner and the firm became known as Troughton & Simms.

He was involved in a notorious lawsuit against Sir James South, who was dissatisfied with the quality of an equatorial mounting that Troughton had made for him. Troughton sued for payment, and with informal legal counsel provided by Richard Sheepshanks, he prevailed[4].

Troughton was color blind. On his death he was buried in Kensal Green cemetery.

See also


  1. ^ Biography at The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
  2. ^ Groombridge Transit Circle, 1820. -- Science and Society Picture Library
  3. ^ "Lists of Royal Society Fellows 1660-2007". London: The Royal Society. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  4. ^ The South-Troughton quarrel