Gustavo Bueno Martínez
Era20th and 21th centuries
RegionWestern Philosophy
SchoolMaterialismo Filosófico, Marxismo, Racionalismo, Academia de Platón, Escolástica
Main interests
Filosofía, Política, Religión,Ciencia,‎ Economía Política, Medios de Comunicación
Notable ideas
Main author of contemporanean Philosophycal Materialism, author of the concept: "Vuelta del Revés de Marx", Teoría del Cierre Categorial in Phylosophy of Science

Gustavo Bueno Martínez (Santo Domingo de la Calzada, La Rioja, 1924) is a Spanish philosopher español.

Gustavo Bueno is the main proponent of the philosophical system known as philosophical materialism. Philosophical materialism excludes any possibility of spiritual life without reference to organic life. Is ontology and theories of knowledge are not based in mechanic materialism or dualist historical materialism, but in a rich interpretation of the main systems defended by the different traditions available in the History of Philosophy.

The founder of academic (scholar) philosophy, Plato, defended in Sophist, from the point of view of his theory of knowledge, the principle of Symploké that Bueno uses to support both determinism and pluralism: «nothing is isolated from everything else, but not everything is connected to everything else; otherwise, nothing could be known.»
