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Satellite view of Gwadar

The Gwadar Purchase (Urdu: گوادر کا حصول , lit.'Acquisition of Gwadar') was the acquisition of the territory of Gwadar by the Dominion of Pakistan from the Sultanate of Oman in 1958. Pakistan was able to acquire 15,210 square kilometres (5,870 sq mi) of land on the coast of Balochistan for around Rs 5.5 billion (or 2 billion US dollars today), paid mostly by Aga Khan IV.

The deal was made with the efforts of Prime Minister of Pakistan Feroz Khan Noon and Said bin Taimur, the Sultan of Oman, and Pakistan was able to purchase the land on 8 September 1958, and it officially became a part of Pakistan on 8 December 1958.[1][2]


Gwadar came under Omani rule in 1783, when the Khan of Kalat Mir Noori Naseer Khan Baloch granted suzerainty over Gwadar to Taimur Sultan, the defeated ruler of Muscat. The land remained under Omani control even after the Sultan was able to retake Muscat by appointing Walis (or "governors") for Gwadar.[3]

Saiad Sultan ascended to the throne of Muscat in 1797 but never returned Gwadar enclave to Kalat. The ensuing struggle between the heirs of the Sultan and Khan of Kalat for possession of Gwadar, allowed the British to intervene. Telegraph lines were later extended into the town courtesy of the British.[4]

After extracting concessions from the Sultan for the use of the area, the British facilitated Muscat to retain Gwadar.

From 1863 to 1879 Gwadar was the headquarters of a British Assistant Political Agent. Gwadar was a fortnightly port of call for the British India Steamship Navigation Company's steamers and included a combined Post & Telegraph Office.[4]

When Pakistan gained independence in 1947, Gwadar was still under Omani rule. With the independence of Pakistan and the eventual taking over of all Baloch states by Pakistan, including the Chief Commissioner’s Province of British Baluchistan on 15 August 1947, as well as the accession of the States of Kharan, Makran and Lasbela on 17 March 1948 and the Kalat State on 27 March 1948, Pakistan started to take interest in Gwadar.[5][1]

In 1954, Pakistan engaged the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to conduct a survey of its coastline which discovered the coastline of Gwadar to be a natural and suitable site for a new deep seaport.[2]


The surveyor of USGS Worth Condrick introduced Gwadar as a hammerhead peninsula fit for a deep-water port. Then in the historical, geographical perspective and following the support of people of Gwadar, government of Pakistan formally requested the Sultan of Oman and Muscat for granting accession of Gwadar to Pakistan, both countries entered a series of negotiations for four years.[6]

After Pakistan showed intentions of acquiring Gwadar, it also reached the UK government to help pave way for a trade deal between Oman and Pakistan, the UK, however, continued to discourage the deal till 1958, when it finally facilitated negotiations.[4] Prime Minister of Pakistan Feroz Khan Noon and his wife Viqar-un-Nisa Noon entered negotiations with the Sultan of Oman, Said bin Taimur in 1958. During this time, the Sultan of Oman agreed to hand Gwadar over to Pakistan for Rs. 5.5 billion, which was paid to by the 49th Imam of Nizari Ismailis, Aga Khan IV.[1][7]

Similarly, it was decided that if oil was found in commercial quantities in Gwadar, the government of Pakistan was bound to pay a percentage of total revenues to the Sultan. Retention of citizenship of Oman by the residents of Gwadar without prejudice to any rights enjoyed as citizens of Pakistan; facilitation in recruitment from the area for Sultan’s Armed Forces; training facilities for military personnel in Pakistan’s technical schools; extradition of deserters to Oman; export of rice to Oman when required, without restrictions and at normal trade rates were also among the important provisions decided upon.[4]

Acquisition by Pakistan

Prime Minister of Pakistan Feroz Khan Noon addressed the nation on Radio Pakistan on 7 September 1958 to announce the news of Gwadar's accession to Pakistan. Part of this radio address is as follows:

"The Government of Pakistan has issued a communiqué stating that the administration of the Port of Gwadar and its hinterland, which had been in the possession of His Highness the Sultan of Muscat and Oman since 1784, was today taken over by Pakistan with full sovereign rights. The people of Gwadar have joined the people of Pakistan and the whole of Gwadar now forms part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I know that the people all over Pakistan, including those residing in Gwadar, have received this announcement with feelings of great joy. I welcome the residents of Gwadar into the Republic of Pakistan and I would like to assure them that they will enjoy equal rights and privileges along with all other Pakistan nationals irrespective of considerations of religion, caste or creed. They will have their full share in the glory and prosperity of the Republic to which they now belong. The residents of Gwadar, most of who are members of the brave Balochi community, have close racial and cultural links with the people of Pakistan and joining the Republic of Pakistan represents the natural culmination of their political aspirations. I should like to take this opportunity to thank, on behalf of the people and Government of Pakistan, Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom for their assistance and help in bringing to a successful conclusion our negotiations with His Highness the Sultan of Muscat and Oman for the transfer of his rights in Gwadar."[6]

Post-acquisition status

After formal acquisition of Gwadar into Pakistan, the land was annexed into West Pakistan, then later on it was given the status of a Tehsil of Makran district. Makran District was upgraded into a division and was divided into three districts of Turbat (Kech since 1994–95), Panjgur and Gwadar on 1 July 1977 and this status has remained to this day.

Today, Gwadar consists of four Teshils, Jiwani, Pasni, and Ormara.[8]


  1. ^ a b c "Who do we thank for Gwadar?". Daily Times. 2018-05-22. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  2. ^ a b "Economic & Strategic Significance of Gwadar Port". Daily Times. 2020-11-30. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  3. ^ "International trade networks: The Omani Enclave of Gwadar. - Conference on German and International Research on Oman, Bonn 1998: abstracts". Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  4. ^ a b c d "Unravelling Gwadar town". 2013-09-29. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  5. ^ "How Balochistan became a part of Pakistan – a historical perspective". The Nation. 2015-12-05. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  6. ^ a b Rafaqat, Hussain. "Gwadar in Historical Perspective" (PDF). MUSLIM Institute.
  7. ^ "Another contribution of Aga Khan". The Nation. 2020-05-17. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
  8. ^ "BHC :: Gawadar > History of District". Retrieved 2022-12-13.