Jean Barthélémy Richard (7 February 1921 – 25 January 2021) was a French historian, who specialized in medieval history. He was an authority on the Crusades, and his work on the Latin missions in Asia has been qualified as "unsurpassed".[1] Richard was a member of the Institut de France. He was President of the prestigious Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 2002. He was born in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France in February 1921.[2] Richard died in January 2021, two weeks shy of his 100th birthday.[3]



  1. ^ "Richard's characteristically thorough examination of the Latin mission to Asia remains unsurpassed", Peter Jackson, "The Mongols and the West", p.2.
  2. ^ Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
  3. ^ Décès de Jean Richard (prom. 1943)
