Template:DL character Khisanth is a fictional character in the Dragonlance universe. She is a large, fearsome black dragon who guards the disks of Mishakal. Khisanth has red eyes, white horns and claws, as well as a yellowish belly.


Early life

Khisanth, when she is very young, begins a long hibernation period. During this time, strange creatures called Bakali care for her. Two nyphids awake her and ask her for help. She becomes friends with the nyphids, and they teach her the art of shape shifting. Khisanth changes into a human form and names herself Onyx, and she wanders the nearby area with her friends, the nyphids. When they are killed by bandits, Khisanth grows angry and slaughtered the bandits, and then she goes away from the area where she had found peace.

Khisanth travels for a time with a fellow dragon, but he betrays her and she kills him in turn. She eventually goes to Maldeev, a Dragon Highlord, and joins his Black Dragonarmy, befriending Maldeev's mount as well, the most powerful dragon in the Black Wing. Khisanth has a low rank in the army because she will not accept a rider. She is, however, stronger and smarter than most of the others.

In a battle, Maldeev's mount and Khisanth's friend is killed. Khisanth is forced to be Maldeev's mount during a bonding ceremony, even though she believes Maldeev has had a hand in her previous mount's death. Maldeev eventually makes the mistake of riding another dragon in a training session; Khisanth kills him in retribution. Takhisis casts her out of the army and makes her guard the Disks of Mishakal.

The War of the Lance

Making a new lair in Xak Tsaroth, Khisanth has all kinds of treasure, including a lost spell book of the great wizard, Fistandantilus. She leads a life of dreariness, attended to by the local gully dwarves and draconian guards. Riverwind, in his wanderings, comes to her lair and is given the Blue Crystal Staff. Khisanth traumatizes Riverwind when he sees her, however; he nearly goes insane and titles her "death on black wings". Riverwind later slays a draconian friend of hers.

When the Heroes of the Lance come to Khisanth's lair in the early days of the War of the Lance, Khisanth attacks them, using her acid-like breath weapon to burn the skin off of Riverwind's body. However, the Blue Crystal Staff has enough power to fully heal him. When they again encounter Khisanth in her lair, she holds Raistlin hostage in exchange for the staff. Goldmoon, pretending to give Khisanth the staff, strikes her with it, and its holy power kills Khisanth.
