Dr. Leonard McCoy

Leonard Horatio McCoy, M.D. is a fictional character in the fictional Star Trek universe, played by the late DeForest Kelley (January 20, 1920 - June 11, 1999). In Star Trek: The Original Series, he was one of the three main characters and the humanistic counterpart to the logical Spock.

Leonard McCoy was born in 2227 and attended the University of Mississippi from 2245 to 2249 and medical school from 2249 to 2253. A backstory, developed by Star Trek write D.C. Fontana, speculates that Leonard McCoy was married shortly before obtaining his Medical Degree. Starting a private practice, McCoy fathered a daughter before being divorced by his wife and losing custody of his child. Sometime after 2260, Leonard McCoy closed his medical practice and enlisted in Starfleet to escape the pain of losing his wife and daughter.

Joining Starfleet already as an educated doctor, McCoy was not a graduate of Starfleet Academy but rather was commissioned to the advanced rank of Lieutenant. His early assignments are unclear, but by 2265, he had been promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was assigned as a medical observer to the planet Capella. The assignment was unfruitful, as the Capellans found little need for medical arts and existed under a tribal society where only the strong survived.

In 2266, Leonard McCoy was named Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise NCC-1701 under Captain James T. Kirk, replacing Doctor Mark Piper. McCoy served until 2269, when the ship's five year mission ended. It is speculated that Leonard McCoy was promoted to Commander at this time, but in any event he had retired from Starfleet in 2270 and again was engaging in private medical practice.

In 2271, Leonard McCoy was recalled to Starfleet and recommissioned as a Commander. After serving as the Medical Officer during the V'Ger Crisis, he signed on for a second five year voyage and served as Chief Medical Officer until 2276. His assignments of the late 2270s are unknown, but by 2282 he was a Medical Training Instructor at Starfleet Academy.

In 2286, Leonard McCoy was appointed as Cheif Medical Officer of the second USS Enteprise (NCC 1701-A). He served at this post until 2293, when the vessel was decommissioned. Star Fleet fans have speculated that McCoy was promoted to Captain sometime after 2295 and further speculation indicates that McCoy may have become the head of Starfleet Medical School.

By the early 24th century, Leonard McCoy had risen the rank of Admiral (some have speculated he at one point was the Starfleet Surgeon General) and had retired from Starfleet. He remained on-call for Starfleet duties and frequently performed starship medical inspections. He appeared at the age of 137 years in "Encounter at Farpoint", the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

McCoy had no actual further appearances in the the Next Generation or any of the following television series. McCoy was shown briefly in the Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribblations." However this was footage from the original "The Trouble with Tribbles" episode. McCoy has made appearances in several Next Generation era novels. It's unclear whether or not the McCoy character is still alive as DeForest Kelley passed away in June 1999. The passing of Kelley would probably preclude McCoy from making any further appearances in either a movie on Trek related television shows.
