This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (August 2008)

These are biblical figures unambiguously identified in contemporary sources according to scholarly consensus. Biblical figures that are identified in artifacts of questionable authenticity, for example the Jehoash Inscription and the bullae of Baruch ben Neriah, or who are mentioned in ancient but non-contemporary documents, such as David and Balaam,[n 1] are excluded from this list.

Hebrew Bible (Protocanonical Old Testament)

Tiglath-Pileser III: stela from the walls of his palace (British Museum, London).

The Hebrew Bible, known in Judaism by the acronym Tanakh, is the collection of ancient writings that are considered sacred by both Jews and Christians. They tell the story of the Jewish people and their ancestors, starting from the creation narrative and concluding near the end of the 5th century BCE.

Although the first mention of the name 'Israel' in archaeology dates to the 13th century BCE,[1] contemporary information on the Israelite nation prior to the 9th century BCE is extremely sparse.[2] In the following centuries a small number of local Hebrew documents, mostly seals and bullae, mention biblical characters, but more extensive information is available in the royal inscriptions from neighbouring kingdoms, particularly Babylon, Assyria and Egypt.[2]

Name Title Date (BCE)[n 2] Attestation and Notes Biblical references[n 3]
Adrammelech Prince of Assyria fl. 681 Identified as the murderer of his father Sennacherib in the Bible and in an Assyrian letter to Esarhaddon (ABL 1091), where he is called "Arda-Mulissi".[3][4] Is. 37:38, 2 Kgs. 19:37
Ahab King of Israel c. 874 – c. 853 Identified in the contemporary Kurkh Monolith inscription of Shalmaneser III[5] which describes the Battle of Qarqar and mentions "2,000 chariots, 10,000 soldiers of Ahab the Israelite" defeated by Shalmaneser.[6] 1 Kgs. 17, 2 Chr. 18
Ahaz King of Judah c. 732 – c. 716 Mentioned in a contemporary Summary Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III which records that he received tribute from "Jehoahaz of Judah".[7] Also identified in royal bullae belonging to Ahaz himself[8] and his son Hezekiah.[9] 2 Kgs. 16, Hos. 1:1, Mi. 1:1, Is. 1:1
Apries Pharaoh of Egypt 589–570 Also known as Hophra; named in numerous contemporary inscriptions including those of the capitals of the columns of his palace.[10][11] Herodotus speaks of him in Histories II, 161–171.[12] Jer. 44:30
Artaxerxes I King of Persia 465–424 Widely identified with "Artaxerxes" in the book of Nehemiah.[13][14] He is also found in the writings of contemporary historian Thucydides.[15] Scholars are divided over whether the king in Ezra's time was the same, or Artaxerxes II. Neh. 2:1, Neh. 5:14
Ashurbanipal King of Assyria 668 – c. 627 Generally identified with "the great and noble Osnappar", mentioned in the Book of Ezra.[16][17] His name survives in his own writings, which describe his military campaigns against Elam, Susa and other nations.[18][19] Ezr. 4:10
Belshazzar Coregent of Babylon c. 553–539 Mentioned by his father Nabonidus in the Nabonidus Cylinder.[20] According to another Babylonian tablet, Nabonidus "entrusted the kingship to him" when he embarked on a lengthy military campaign.[21] Dn. 5, Dn. 7:1, Dn. 8:1
Ben-hadad King of Aram Damascus early 8th century Mentioned in the Zakkur Stele.[22] A son of Hazael, he is variously called Ben-Hadad/Bar-Hadad II/III. 2 Kgs. 13:3, 2 Kgs. 13:24
Cyrus II King of Persia 559–530 Appears in many ancient inscriptions, most notably the Cyrus Cylinder.[23] He is also mentioned in Herodotus' Histories. Is. 45:1, Dn. 1:21
Darius I King of Persia 522–486 Mentioned in the books of Haggai, Zechariah and Ezra.[24][25] He is the author of the Behistun Inscription. He is also mentioned in Herodotus' Histories. Hg. 1:1, Ezr. 5:6
Esarhaddon King of Assyria 681–669 His name survives in his own writings, as well as in those of his son Ashurbanipal.[26][27] Is. 37:38, Ezr. 4:2
Evil Merodach King of Babylon c. 562–560 His name (Akkadian Amēl-Marduk) and title were found on a vase from his palace,[28] and on several cuneiform tablets.[29] 2 Kgs. 25:27, Jer. 52:31
Hazael King of Aram Damascus c. 842 – c. 800 Shalmaneser III of Assyria records that he defeated Hazael in battle and captured many chariots and horses from him.[30] Most scholars think that Hazael was the author of the Tel Dan Stele.[31] 1 Kgs. 19:15, 2 Kgs. 8:8, Am. 1:4
Hezekiah King of Judah c. 715 – c. 686 An account is preserved by Sennacherib of how he besieged "Hezekiah, the Jew", who "did not submit to my yoke", in his capital city of Jerusalem.[32] A bulla was also found bearing Hezekia's name and title, reading "Belonging to Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz king of Judah".[9][33] 2 Kgs. 16:20, Prv. 25:1, Hos. 1:1, Mi. 1:1, Is. 1:1
Hoshea King of Israel c. 732 – c. 723 He was put into power by Tilgath-Pileser III, king of Assyria, as recorded in his Annals, found in Calah.[34] 2 Kgs. 15:30, 2 Kgs. 18:1
Jehoash King of Israel c. 798 – c. 782 Mentioned in records of Adad-nirari III of Assyria as "Jehoash of Samaria".[35][36] 2 Kgs. 13:10, 2 Chr. 25:17
Jehoiachin King of Judah 598–597 He was taken captive to Babylon after Nebuchadrezzar first captured Jerusalem. Texts from Nebuchadrezzar's Southern Palace record the rations given to "Jehoiachin king of the Judeans" (Akkadian: Ya'ukin sar Yaudaya).[37] 2 Kgs. 25:14, Jer. 52:31
Jehu King of Israel c. 841 – c. 814 Mentioned on the Black Obelisk.[30] 1 Kgs. 19:16, Hos. 1:4
Johanan High Priest of Israel c. 410 – c. 371 Mentioned in a letter from the Elephantine Papyri.[38] Neh. 12:22–23
Jotham King of Judah c. 740 – c. 732 Identified as the father of King Ahaz on a contemporary clay bulla, reading "of Ahaz [son of] Jotham king of Judah".[8] 2 Kgs. 15:5, Hos. 1:1, Mi. 1:1, Is. 1:1
Manasseh King of Judah c. 687 – c. 643 Mentioned in the writings of Esarhaddon, who lists him as one of the kings who had brought him gifts and aided his conquest of Egypt.[27][39] 2 Kgs. 20:21, Jer. 15:4
Menahem King of Israel c. 752 – c. 742 The annals of Tiglath-Pileser record that Menahem paid tribute him, as stated in the Books of Kings.[40] 2 Kgs. 15:14–23
Mesha King of Moab fl. c. 840 Author of the Mesha Stele.[41] 2 Kgs. 3:4
Merodach-Baladan King of Babylon 722–710 Named in the Great Inscription of Sargon II in his palace at Khorsabat.[42] Also called "Berodach-Baladan" (Akkadian: Marduk-apla-iddina). Is. 39:1, 2 Kgs. 20:12
Nebuchadnezzar II King of Babylon c. 605–562 Mentioned in numerous contemporary sources, including the inscription of the Ishtar Gate, which he built.[43] Also called Nebuchadrezzar (Akkadian: Nabû-kudurri-uṣur). Ez. 26:7, Dn. 1:1, 2 Kgs. 24:1
Nebuzaradan Babylonian official fl. c. 587 Mentioned in a prism in Istanbul (No. 7834), found in Babylon where he is listed as the "chief cook".[44][45] Jer. 52:12, 2 Kgs. 25:8
Nebo-Sarsekim Chief Eunuch of Babylon fl. c. 587 Listed as Nabu-sharrussu-ukin in a Babylonian tablet.[46][47] Jer. 39:3
Necho II Pharaoh of Egypt c. 610 – c. 595 Mentioned in the writings of Ashurbanipal[48] 2 Kgs. 23:29, Jer. 46:2
Omri King of Israel c. 880 – c. 874 Mentioned, together with his unnamed son or successor, on the Mesha Stele.[41] 1 Kgs. 16:16, Mi. 6:16
Pekah King of Israel c. 740 – c. 732 Mentioned in the annals of Tiglath-Pileser III.[34] 2 Kgs. 15:25, Is. 7:1
Rezin King of Aram Damascus died c. 732 A tributary of Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria and the last king of Aram Damascus.[49] According to the Bible, he was eventually put to death by Tiglath-Pileser. 2 Kgs. 16:7–9, Is. 7:1
Sanballat Governor of Samaria fl. 445 A leading figure of the opposition which Nehemiah encountered during the rebuilding of the walls around the temple in Jerusalem. Sanballat is mentioned in the Elephantine Papyri.[38][50] Neh. 2:10, Neh. 13:28
Sargon II King of Assyria 722–705 He besieged and conquered the city of Samaria and took many thousands captive, as recorded in the Bible and in an inscription in his royal palace.[51] His name, however, does not appear in the biblical account of this siege, but only in reference to his siege of Ashdod. Is. 20:1
Sennacherib King of Assyria 705–681 The author of a number of inscriptions discovered near Nineveh.[52] 2 Kgs. 18:13, Is. 36:1
Shalmaneser V King of Assyria 727–722 Mentioned on several royal palace weights found at Nimrud.[53] Another inscription was found that is thought to be his, but the name of the author is only partly preserved.[54] 2 Kgs. 17:3, 2 Kgs. 18:9
Taharqa Pharaoh of Egypt, King of Kush 690–664 Called "Tirhaka, the king of Kush" in the books of Kings and Isaiah.[55] Several contemporary sources mention him and fragments of three statues bearing his name were excavated at Nineveh.[56] Is. 37:9, 2 Kgs. 19:9
Tattenai Governor of Eber-Nari fl. 520 Known from contemporary Babylonian documents.[57][58] He governed the Persian province west of the Euphrates river during the reign of Darius I. Ezr. 5:3, Ezr. 6:13
Tiglath-Pileser III King of Assyria 745–727 Numerous writings are ascribed to him and he is mentioned, among others, in an inscription by Barrakab, king of Sam'al.[59] He exiled inhabitants of the cities he captured in Israel. 2 Kgs. 15:29, 1 Chr. 5:6
Xerxes I King of Persia 486–465 Called Ahasuerus in the books of Ezra and Esther.[17][60] Xerxes is known in archaeology through a number of tablets and monuments,[61] notably the "Gate of All Nations" in Persepolis. He is also mentioned in Herodotus' Histories. Est. 1:1, Dn. 9:1, Ezr. 4:6

Deuterocanonicals or biblical apocrypha

Cleopatra Thea with her first husband, Alexander Balas

The deuterocanon consists of books and parts of books that are included in the Old Testament canon of the Eastern Orthodox and/or Roman Catholic churches, but are not part of the Jewish Tanakh, and are regarded as apocryphal by Protestants. In contrast to the Tanakh, which is preserved in Hebrew (with some Aramaic parts), the deuterocanonical books are preserved mainly in Koine Greek, though Hebrew and Aramaic fragments have been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

While the deuterocanon describes events between the eighth and second centuries BCE, most historically identifiable people mentioned in the deuterocanon lived around the time of the Maccabean Revolt (167–160 BCE), by which time Judea had become part of the Seleucid Empire. Coins featuring the names of rulers had become widespread and many of them were inscribed with the year number in the Seleucid era, allowing them to be dated precisely. First-hand information comes also from the Greek historian Polybius (c. 200 – c. 118 BCE), whose Histories covers much of the same period as the Books of Maccabees, and from Greek and Babylonian inscriptions.

Name[n 4] Title Date (BCE)[n 2] Attestation and Notes Scriptural references[n 3]
Alexander Balas King of Asia[n 5] 150–146 Pretended to be a son of Antiochus Epiphanes, as he is also described in 1 Maccabees.[62] Mentioned in Polybius' Histories.[63] 1 Macc. 10:1, 1 Macc. 11:1
Alexander the Great King of Macedon 336–323 Referred to by Athenian orator Aeschines,[64][65] and identified on his coins.[66] 1 Macc. 1:1, 1 Macc. 6:2 1 Macc. 1:10
Antiochus III the Great King of Asia 222–187 Mentioned by contemporary historian Polybius.[67][68] and coins with his name have survived.[69] 1 Macc. 1:10, 1 Macc. 8:6
Antiochus IV Epiphanes King of Asia 175–164 Known from Polybius' Histories[70][71] and from contemporary coins.[72] 1 Macc. 10:1, 2 Macc. 4:7
Antiochus V Eupator King of Asia 163–161 Executed by his half-brother Demetrius I when he was 11 years old. Identified in an inscription from Dymi,[73] and on contemporary coins.[74] 2 Macc. 2:20, 2 Macc. 13:1
Antiochus VI Dionysus King of Asia 145–142 Reigned only nominally, as he was very young when his father died,[75] but he is identified on contemporary coins.[76] 1 Macc. 11:39, 1 Macc. 12:39
Antiochus VII Sidetes King of Asia 138–129 Dethroned the usurper Tryphon. Coinage from the period bears his name.[77] 1 Macc. 15
Ariarathes V King of Cappadocia 163–130 Mentioned by Polybius.[78][79] 1 Macc. 15:22
Arsinoe III Queen of Egypt 220–204 Married to her brother, Ptolemy IV. Several contemporary inscriptions dedicated to them have been found.[80] 3 Macc. 1:1, 3 Macc. 1:4
Astyages King of Medes 585–550 The contemporary Chronicle of Nabonidus refers to the mutiny on the battlefield as the cause for Astyages' overthrow [81] Bel and the Dragon 1:1
Attalus II Philadelphus King of Pergamon 160–138 Known from the writings of Polybius.[82][83] 1 Macc. 15:22
Cleopatra Thea Queen of Asia 126–121 First married to Alexander Balas,[84] later to Demetrius II and Antiochus VII, she became sole ruler after Demetrius' death.[85] Her name and portrait appear on period coinage.[85] 1 Macc. 10:57–58
Darius III King of Persia 336–330 Last king of the Achaemenid Empire, defeated by Alexander the Great. Mentioned in the Samaria Papyri.[86] 1 Macc. 1:1
Demetrius I Soter King of Asia 161–150 A cuneiform tablet dated to 161 BCE refers to him,[87] and Polybius, who personally interacted with Demetrius, mentions him in his Histories.[88][89] 1 Macc. 7:1, 1 Macc. 9:1
Demetrius II Nicator King of Asia 145–138, 129 – 126 Ruled over part of the kingdom, simultaneously with Antiochus VI and Tryphon. He was defeated by Antiochus VII, but regained the throne in 129 BCE. Mentioned in the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries.[90] 1 Macc. 11:19, 1 Macc. 13:34
Diodotus Tryphon King of Asia 142–138 Usurped the throne after the death of Antiochus VI. Although Antiochus VII melted down most of his coins, some have been found in Orthosias[disambiguation needed].[77] 1 Macc. 11:39, 1 Macc. 12:39
Eumenes II Soter King of Pergamom 197–159 Several of his letters have survived,[91] and he is mentioned by Polybius.[92] 1 Macc. 8:8
Heliodorus Seleucid legate fl. 178 Identified in contemporary inscriptions.[93][94] 2 Macc. 3:7, 2 Macc. 5:18
Mithridates I King of Parthia 165–132 Also called Arsaces.[82] He captured Demetrius II as recorded in the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries.[90] 1 Macc. 14:2–3, 1 Macc. 15:22
Perseus King of Macedon 179–168 Son of Philip V.[95] Mentioned by Polybius.[96] and identified on his coins.[97] 1 Macc. 8:5
Philip II King of Macedon 359–336 Father of Alexander the Great. Known from contemporary coins,[98] and mentioned by Aeschines.[64][65] 1 Macc. 1:1, 1 Macc. 6:2
Philip V King of Macedon 221–179 His name appears on his coins,[99] and in Polybius' Histories.[100] 1 Macc. 8:5
Ptolemy IV Philopator King of Egypt 221–204 Mentioned together with his wife and sister Arsinoe III in contemporary inscriptions from Syria and Phoenicia.[80] 3 Macc. 1:1, 3 Macc. 3:12
Ptolemy VI Philometor King of Egypt 180–145 Referred to in ancient inscriptions,[101] and mentioned by Polybius.[102] 1 Macc. 1:18, 2 Macc. 9:29

New Testament

The Blacas Cameo (20–50 CE) depicting Roman emperor Augustus

By far the most important and most detailed sources for first-century Jewish history are the works of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (37 – c. 100 CE).[103][104] These books mention many of the same prominent political figures as the New Testament books and are crucial for understanding the historical background of the emergence of Christianity.[105] Josephus also mentions Jesus and the execution of John the Baptist[106] although he was not a contemporary of either. Apart from Josephus, information about some New Testament figures comes from Roman historians such as Tacitus and Suetonius and from ancient coins and inscriptions.

The central figure of the New Testament is Jesus of Nazareth. Despite ongoing debate concerning the authorship of many of its books, there is a consensus[14][107] among modern scholars that at least some were written by a contemporary of Jesus,[108][109] namely the epistles of Paul, parts of which are considered undisputed. However, outside the New Testament, no contemporary references to Jesus are known, unless a very early dating is assumed of some uncanonical gospel such as the Gospel of Thomas. Nevertheless, some authentic first century and many second century writings exist in which Jesus is mentioned,[n 6] leading scholars to conclude that the historicity of Jesus is well established by historical documents.[110][111][112]


Name[n 7] Title Attestation and Notes Biblical references [n 3]
Augustus Caesar Emperor of Rome Reigned between 27 BCE and 14 CE, during which time Jesus was born. He left behind a wealth of buildings, coins and monuments,[113] including a funerary inscription in which he described his life and accomplishments. Lk. 2:1
Caiaphas High Priests of Israel In 1990, workers found an ornate limestone ossuary while paving a road in the Peace Forest south of the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem.[114][115] This ossuary appeared authentic and contained human remains. An Aramaic inscription on the side was thought to read "Joseph son of Caiaphas" and on the basis of this the bones of an elderly man were considered to belong to the High Priest Caiaphas.[114][116] In 2011, archaeologists from Bar-Ilan University announced the recovery of a stolen ossuary, It is inscribed with the text: "Miriam, daughter of Yeshua, son of Caiaphas, Priest of Ma’aziah from Beth ‘Imri". Based on it, Caiaphas can be assigned to the priestly course of Ma’aziah, instituted by King David. Jn. 18:13
Jn. 11:49
Lk. 3:2
Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea A son of Herod the Great. Mentioned in Antiquities[117] and Wars of the Jews.[118] Both Matthew and Josephus record that he killed John the Baptist. Lk. 3:1, Mt. 14:1
Herod Archelaus Ethnarch of Judea, Samaria and Edom A son of Herod the Great. He is known from the writings of Flavius Josephus[117] and from contemporary coins.[119] Mt. 2:22
Herod the Great King of Judea Mentioned by his friend, the historian Nicolaus of Damascus.[120][121] His name is also found on contemporary Jewish coins.[119] Mt. 2:1, Lk. 1:5
Herodias Herodian princess The wife of Herod Antipas.[122] According to the synoptic gospels, she was formerly married to Antipas's brother Philip, apparently Philip the Tetrarch. However, Josephus writes that her first husband was Herod II. Many scholars view this as a contradiction, but some have suggested that Herod II was also called Philip.[123] Mt. 14:3, Mk. 6:17
James the brother of Jesus Bishop of Jerusalem A leading figure of the early Christian community in Jerusalem and traditionally considered the author of the Epistle of James. Papias says that he was the Son of Cleopas/Alphaeus and Josephus records that he was condemned by the Sanhedrin led by the high priest Ananus ben Ananus and then stoned to death c. 62 CE.[124][125][126] Mk. 6:3,
Matthew the Apostle Tax collector Papias of Hierapolis mentions that "Matthew put together the oracles of the Lord in the Hebrew language, and each one interpreted them as best he could."[126] Lk. 6:15, Mt. 9:9
Philip the Apostle Bishop of Hierapolis On Wednesday, 27 July 2011, the Turkish news agency Anadolu reported that archaeologists had unearthed a tomb that the project leader claims to be the tomb of Saint Philip during excavations in Hierapolis close to the Turkish city Denizli. The Italian archaeologist, Professor Francesco D'Andria stated that scientists had discovered the tomb within a newly revealed church. He stated that the design of the tomb, and writings on its walls, definitively prove it belonged to the martyred apostle of Jesus.[127] Jn 12:21 Jn 1:43
Philip the Tetrarch Tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis Josephus writes that he shared the kingdom of his father with his brothers Herod Antipas and Herod Archelaus.[128] His name and title appear on coinage from the period.[129][130] Lk. 1:3
Pontius Pilate Prefect of Judea He ordered Jesus' execution. A stone inscription was found that mentions his name and title: "[Po]ntius Pilatus, [Praef]ectus Iuda[ea]e" (Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judaea),[131][132] see Pilate Stone. He is mentioned by his contemporary Philo of Alexandria in his Embassy to Gaius (De Legatione ad Gaium, Περι αρετων και πρεσβειας προς Γαιον) Mt. 27:2, Jn. 19:15–16
Quirinius Governor of Syria Conducted a census while governing Syria as reported by Luke and Josephus,[133] and confirmed by a tomb inscription of one Quintus Aemilius Secundus, who had served under him.[134] Lk. 2:2
Thomas the Apostle Papias of Hierapolis says that he was a disciple of Jesus[126] Jn. 11:16, Jn. 14:5
Tiberius Caesar Emperor of Rome Named in many inscriptions and on Roman coins. Among other accounts, some of his deeds are described by contemporary historian Velleius (died c. 31 CE).[135] Lk. 3:1
Salome Herodian princess A daughter of Herodias.[122] Although she is not named in the Gospels, but referred to as 'the daughter of Herodias', she is commonly identified with Salome, Herodias' daughter, mentioned in Josephus' Antiquities.[136] Mt. 14:6, Mk. 6:22
Simon Peter Bishop of Rome Mention by Ignatius of Antioch's Letter to the Romans and to the Smyrnaeans, Fragments from Papias's exposition of the oracles of the Lord, and the First Epistle to the Corinthians by Clement, who also says that Peter died as a martyr.[137][126][138][139] Mt. 4:18–20, Mt. 16

Acts of the Apostles and Epistles

Name[n 8] Title Attestation and Notes Biblical references[n 3]
Ananias son of Nedebaios High Priest of Israel He held the office between c. 47 and 59 CE, as recorded by Josephus,[140] and presided over the trial of Paul. Acts 23:2, Acts 24:1
Antonius Felix Procurator of Judea Mentioned by historians Josephus,[141] Suetonius[142] and Tacitus[143] He imprisoned the apostle Paul around the year 58 CE, two years before Porcius Festus replaced him.[144] Acts 23:24, Acts 25:14
Apollos Both Paul and Clement affirmed that he was a Christian in Corinth.[137] 1 Cor 3:6
Aretas IV Philopatris King of the Nabateans According to Paul, Aretas' governor in Damascus tried to arrest him. Besides being mentioned by Josephus,[145] his name is found in several contemporary inscriptions[146] and on numerous coins.[147] 2 Cor. 11:32
Berenice Herodian princess A daughter of Herod Agrippa I. She appears to have had almost equal power to her brother Herod Agrippa II (with whom she was rumored to have an incestuous relationship, according to Josephus)[141] and is indeed called Queen Berenice in Tacitus' Histories.[148] Acts 25:23, Acts 26:30
Claudius Caesar Emperor of Rome Like other Roman emperors, his name is found on numerous coins[149] and monuments, such as the Porta Maggiore in Rome. Acts 11:28, Acts 18:2
Drusilla Herodian princess Married to Antonius Felix, according to the Book of Acts and Josephus' Antiquities.[141][150] Acts 24:24
Gallio Proconsul of Achaea Full name Lucius Iunius Gallio Annaeanus. Seneca, his brother, mentions him in his epistles.[151] In Delphi, an inscription, dated to 52 CE, was discovered that records a letter by emperor Claudius, in which Gallio is also named as proconsul[152] Acts 18:12–17
Gamaliel the Elder Rabbi of the Sanhedrin He is named as the father of Simon by Flavius Josephus in his autobiography.[153] In the Talmud he is also described as a prominent member of the Sanhedrin.[154] Acts 5:34, Acts 22:3
Herod Agrippa I King of Judea Although his name is given as Herod by Luke,[n 9] and as Agrippa by Josephus,[155] the accounts both writers give about his death are so similar that they are commonly accepted to refer to the same person.[22][156] Hence many modern scholars call him Herod Agrippa (I). Acts 12:1, Acts 12:21
Herod Agrippa II King of Judea He ruled alongside his sister Berenice. Josephus writes about him in his Antiquities,[141] and his name is found inscribed on contemporary Jewish coins.[119] Acts 25:23, Acts 26:1
John of Patmos Mentioned by the Fragments of Papias of Hierapolis and by his contemporary Ignatius of Antioch[157][126] Rev. 1
Judas of Galilee Leader of a Jewish revolt. Both the Book of Acts and Josephus[133] tell of a rebellion he instigated in the time of the census of Quirinius.[158] Acts 5:37
Jude, brother of Jesus Catholicoi of all Armenians Papias Identifies him with Jude the Apostle, Saying that he was the Son of Mary of Cleophas and the brother of James[126] Jude. 1
Nero Caesar Emperor of Rome Mentioned in Contemporary Coins,[159] Although he is not named in the Book of Revelation, the book mentions the number 666, theologians typically support the numerical interpretation that 666 is the equivalent of the name and title Nero[160] using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, and was used to secretly speak against the emperor. Also "Nero Caesar" in the Hebrew alphabet is Template:Rtl-lang NRON QSR, which when used as numbers represent 50 200 6 50 100 60 200, which add to 666. Rev. 13:18 2 Thes. 2:3
Paul the Apostle Mention by Ignatius of Antioch's Epistle to the Romans and Epistle to the Ephesians, Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians, and in Clement of Rome's Epistle to the Corinthians, who also says that Paul Suffered martyrdom and that he had preached in the East and in the Far West[161][162][138][163] Gal. 1, 1 Corinthians 1
Porcius Festus Governor of Judea Succeeded Antonius Felix, as recorded by Josephus and the Book of Acts.[164][165] Acts 24:27, Acts 26:25

Tentatively identified

These are Biblical figures for which tentative but likely identifications have been found in contemporary sources based on matching names and credentials. The possibility of coincidental matching of names cannot be ruled out however.

Hebrew Bible (Protocanonical Old Testament)

Timeline showing the kings of Israel and Judah according to the chronology from Edwin R. Thiele. Kings that are known from contemporary extra-biblical sources are highlighted in yellow. Tentatively identified kings are highlighted in orange.
The so-called Shebna Lintel

Deuterocanonicals or biblical apocrypha

New Testament

See also


  1. ^ Identified in the Tel Dan Stele and the Deir Alla Inscription respectively.
  2. ^ a b For kings and rulers these dates refer to their reigns. Dates for Israelite and Judahite kings are according to the chronology of Edwin R. Thiele.
  3. ^ a b c d The dagger symbol (†) indicates that all occurrences in the Bible (including the Deuterocanonical books) have been cited.
  4. ^ Names that are also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible are not repeated here.
  5. ^ The official title for kings of the Seleucid dynasty
  6. ^ These sources include (but are not limited to) 1st century: Paul, Peter, Josephus, Clement and the Synoptic Gospels; 2nd century: Tacitus, Lucian, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp, Hegesippus, Justin Martyr and a number of apocryphal works. For dates of the New Testament books, see Dating the Bible#Table IV: New Testament.
  7. ^ Names that are also mentioned in the Old Testament are not repeated here.
  8. ^ Names that are also mentioned in the Gospels are not repeated here.
  9. ^ i.e. the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. See Authorship of Luke–Acts.


  1. ^ Davies, Philip R., In Search of Ancient Israel: A Study in Biblical Origins, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015, p. 48 [1]
  2. ^ a b Kelle, Brad E., Ancient Israel at War 853–586 BC, Osprey Publishing, 2007, pp. 8–9 [2]
  3. ^ De Breucker, Geert, in The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture [3], edited by Karen Radner, Eleanor Robson, Oxford University Press, 2011, p. 643
  4. ^ Kalimi, Isaac; Richardson, Seth (ed), Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem [4], Brill, 2014, p. 45
  5. ^ Rainey, Anson F. "Stones for Bread: Archaeology versus History". Near Eastern Archaeology, Vol. 64, No. 3 (Sep., 2001), pp. 140–149
  6. ^ Lawson Younger, K. "Kurkh Monolith". In Hallo, 2000, Vol. II p. 263
  7. ^ Galil, G., The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah, Brill, 1996, p. 67 [5]
  8. ^ a b Deutsch, Robert. "First Impression: What We Learn from King Ahaz's Seal". Biblical Archaeology Review, July 1998, pp. 54–56, 62
  9. ^ a b Heilpern, Will (December 4, 2015). "Biblical King's seal discovered in dump site". CNN. Retrieved 2016-05-03.
  10. ^ The palace of Apries, University College London, 2002
  11. ^ Petrie, W. M. Flinders & Walker, J. H. (1909). The palace of Apries (Memphis II). School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College.
  12. ^ Wolfram Grajetzki, Stephen Quirke, and Narushige Shiode (2000). Digital Egypt for Universities. University College London.
  13. ^ Rogerson, John William; Davies, Philip R. (2005). The Old Testament world. Continuum International, 2005, p. 89.
  14. ^ a b Dunn, James D. G. and Rogerson, John William (2003). Eerdmans commentary on the Bible]. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. "Artaxerxes": p. 321 ; "Pauline epistles": p. 1274
  15. ^ Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War. Translated by Thomas Hobbes, Book 1, Chapter 137
  16. ^ Lewis, D. M. and Boardman, John (1988). The Cambridge ancient history, Volume IV. Cambridge University Press. p. 149.
  17. ^ a b Coogan et al., 2010, p. 673 [6]
  18. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, pp. 294–301
  19. ^ Harper, P. O.; Aruz, J.; Tallon, F. (1992). The Royal City of Susa: Ancient Near Eastern Treasures in the Louvre. Metropolitan Museum of Art. p. 270.
  20. ^ Nabonidus Cylinder translation by Paul-Alain Beaulieu, author of The Reign of Nabonidus, King of Babylon 556–539 BC (1989).
  21. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 313
  22. ^ a b Geoffrey W. Bromiley International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: A–D. "Agrippa": p. 42; "Ben-Hadad III": p. 459
  23. ^ Translation by Irving Finkel, at the British Museum
  24. ^ Berlin, Adele and Brettler, Marc Zvi (2004). The Jewish Study Bible. Oxford University Press. p. 1243.
  25. ^ Stead, Michael R. and Raine, John W. (2009). The Intertextuality of Zechariah 1–8. Continuum International. p. 40.
  26. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, pp. 289–301
  27. ^ a b Thompson, R. Campbell (1931). The prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal found at Nineveh. Oxford University Press. pp. 9, 25.
  28. ^ Barton, George A. (1917). Archæology and the Bible. American Sunday-school Union. p. 381.
  29. ^ Beaulieu, Paul-Alain (2003). The pantheon of Uruk during the neo-Babylonian period. Brill. pp. 151, 329.
  30. ^ a b The Black Obelisk at the British Museum. Translation adapted by K. C. Hanson from Luckenbill, Daniel David (1927). Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  31. ^ Hagelia, Hallvard (January 2004). "The First Dissertation of the Tel Dan Inscription". Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament. Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 136
  32. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, pp. 287–288
  33. ^ Cross, Frank Moore (March–April 1999). "King Hezekiah's Seal Bears Phoenician Imagery". Biblical Archaeology Review.
  34. ^ a b Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 284
  35. ^ Tetley, M. Christine (2005). The reconstructed chronology of the Divided Kingdom. Eisenbrauns. p. 99.
  36. ^ Bryce, Trevor (2009). The Routledge Handbook of The People and Places of Ancient Western Asia: The Near East from the Earky Bronze Age to the fall of the Persians Empire. Routledge. p. 342
  37. ^ Wiseman, D. J. (1991). Nebuchadrezzar and Babylon. Oxford University Press. pp. 81–82.
  38. ^ a b c Ginsburg, H. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 492
  39. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 291
  40. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 283
  41. ^ a b The Mesha Stele at the Louvre. Translation by K. C. Hanson (adapted from Albright 1969:320–21).
  42. ^ Birch, Samuel and Sayce, A. H. (1873). Records of the past: being English translations of the Ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia. Society of Biblical Archaeology. p. 13.
  43. ^ "The Ishtar Gate", translation from "The Ishtar Gate, The Processional Way, The New Year Festival of Babylon". by Joachim Marzahn, Mainz am Rhein, Germany: Philipp von Zaubern, 1995.
  44. ^ Boardman, John. The Cambridge ancient history. Vol. III Part 2. p. 408.
  45. ^ Lipschitz, Oded (2005). The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem: Judah Under Babylonian Rule. Eisenbrauns. p. 80
  46. ^ Greenspoon, Leonard (November 2007). "Recording of Gold Delivery by the Chief Eunuch of Nebuchadnezzar II". Biblical Archaeology Review. 33 (6): 18.
  47. ^ "Nabu-sharrussu-ukin, You Say?". British Heritage. 28 (6): 8. January 2008. Retrieved January 25, 2015.
  48. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. in Pritchard 1969, p. 297
  49. ^ Grabbe, Lester L. (2007). Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? New York: T&T Clark. p. 134
  50. ^ Vanderkam, James C. (2001). An introduction to early Judaism. Wm. B. Eerdmans. p. 7.
  51. ^ "The Annals of Sargon". Excerpted from "Great Inscription in the Palace of Khorsabad", tr. Julius Oppert, in Records of the Past, vol. 9. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons, 1877. pp. 3–20.
  52. ^ Reade, Julian (October 1975). "Sources for Sennacherib: The Prisms". Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4. pp. 189–196
  53. ^ Lipiński, Edward et al. (1995). Immigration and emigration within the ancient Near East. Peeters Publishers & Department of Oriental Studies, Leuven. pp. 36–41, 48.
  54. ^ Luckenbill, D. D. (April 1925). The First Inscription of Shalmaneser V. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, Vol. 41, No. 3. pp. 162–164.
  55. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1016 [7]
  56. ^ Thomason, Allison Karmel (2004). "From Sennacherib's Bronzes to Taharqa's Feet: Conceptions of the Material World at Nineveh". Vol. 66. Papers of the 49th Rencontre Assriologique Internationale, Part One. pp. 151–162
  57. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 674 [8]
  58. ^ Briant, Pierre (2002). From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. Eisenbrauns. p. 487.
  59. ^ Oppenheim, A. L. and Rosenthal, F. in Pritchard 1969, pp. 282–284, 655
  60. ^ Fensham, Frank Charles (1982). The books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Eerdmans. p. 69.
  61. ^ Briant, Pierre (2006). From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. Eisenbrauns, 2006, p. 554.
  62. ^ Schwartz, Daniel R. (2008). 2 Maccabees. Walter de Gruyter. p. 13
  63. ^ Polybius, Book 33 Chapter 18
  64. ^ a b Worthington, Ian, Alexander the Great: Man and God, Routledge, 2014, p. 66 [9]
  65. ^ a b Aeschines, 3.219 Against Ctesiphon
  66. ^ Mørkholm, O., Grierson, P.,, and Westermark, U. (1991). Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamaea (336–188 BC). Cambridge University Press. p. 42.
  67. ^ Scolnic, Benjamin Edidin (2010). Judaism Defined: Mattathias and the Destiny of His People. University Press of America. p. 226.
  68. ^ Polybius, Book 1 Chapter 3
  69. ^ British Museum, # HPB, p150.1.C (in online collection)
  70. ^ Champion, Craige B. (2004). Cultural Politics in Polybius’s Histories. University of California Press. p. 188.
  71. ^ Polybius, Book 31 Chapter 21
  72. ^ British Museum, # TC, p203.2.AntIV (in online collection)
  73. ^ Grainger, John D. (1997). A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer. Brill. p. 28. Citing Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 252
  74. ^ British Museum, # 1995,0605.73 (in online collection)
  75. ^ Bartlett, J. R. (1973). The First and Second Books of the Maccabees. Cambridge University Press. p. 158.
  76. ^ Bing, D. and Sievers, J. "Antiochus VI". Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved 12 January 2016.
  77. ^ a b Astin, A. E. (1989). The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume 8. Cambridge University Press. p. 369.
  78. ^ Polybius, Book 21 Chapter 47
  79. ^ Goodman, Martin; Barton, John; and Muddiman, John (eds.). The Oxford Bible Commentary: The Apocrypha. Oxford University Press, 2001. p. 158.
  80. ^ a b Gera, Dov (1998). Judaea and Mediterranean Politics: 219 to 161 B.C.E. Brill. p. 12.
  81. ^ Cyrus takes Babylon (530 BCE)(
  82. ^ a b Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1592
  83. ^ Gruen, Erich S. (1986). The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome. Volume 1. University of California Press, 1986. p. 573. Citing Polybius, Book 30 Chapter 1
  84. ^ Kosmin, Paul J. (2014). The Land of the Elephant Kings. Harvard University Press. p. 135.
  85. ^ a b Salisbury, Joyce E. (2001). Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World. ABC-CLIO. pp. 55–57.
  86. ^ Folmer, M. L. (1995). The Aramaic Language in the Achaemenid Period: A Study in Linguistic Variation. Peeters Publishers. pp. 27–28.
  87. ^ Astin, A. E. (1989). The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume 8. Cambridge University Press. p. 358.
  88. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1574
  89. ^ Polybius, Book 31 Chapter 19
  90. ^ a b Rahim Shayegan, M. (2011). Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post-Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia. Cambridge University Press. p. 68.
  91. ^ Jonnes, L. and Ricl, M. (1997). A New Royal Inscription from Phrygia Paroreios: Eumenes II Grants Tryriaion the Status of a Polis. Epigraphica Anatolica. 1997, pp. 4–9.
  92. ^ Geoffrey W. Bromiley (1982). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Wm. B. Eerdmans. pp. 199–200. Citing Polybius, Book 21 Chapter 45
  93. ^ Schwartz, Daniel R. (2008). 2 Maccabees. Walter de Gruyter. p. 192. Citing Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 247
  94. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1604
  95. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1576
  96. ^ Thompson, Thomas L. and Wajdenbaum, Philippe (2014). The Bible and Hellenism: Greek Influence on Jewish and Early Christian Literature. Routledge. p. 203.
  97. ^ British Museum, # 1968,1207.9 (in online collection)
  98. ^ Warry, John (1991). Alexander 334–323 BC: Conquest of the Persian Empire. Osprey. p. 8.
  99. ^ British Museum, # 1896,0703.195 (in online collection)
  100. ^ Polybius, Book 4 Chapter 22
  101. ^ Gera, Dov (1998). Judaea and Mediterranean Politics: 219 to 161 B.C.E. Brill. p. 12. Citing Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 760
  102. ^ Polybius, Book 39 Chapter 18
  103. ^ Grabbe, Lester L., An Introduction to First Century Judaism: Jewish Religion and History in the Second Temple Period, A&C Black, 1996, p. 22 [10]
  104. ^ Millar, Fergus, The Roman Near East, 31 BC–AD 337, Harvard University Press, 1993, p. 70 [11]
  105. ^ Feldman, Louis H., Josephus, the Bible, and History, Brill, 1989, p. 18 [12]
  106. ^ Antiquities, Book XVIII Chr. 5 § 2
  107. ^ Coogan et al., 2010, p. 1973 [13]
  108. ^ Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome, Paul: a critical life, Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 4 [14]
  109. ^ Cate, Robert L., One untimely born: the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul Mercer University Press, 2006, p. 48 [15]
  110. ^ Levine, Amy-Jill ed., Allison, Dale C. Jr. ed., Crossan, John Dominic ed., The Historical Jesus in Context, Princeton University Press, 2008, [16] "Most scholars agree that Jesus was baptized by John, (...) engaged in healings and exorcisms, taught in parables, (...) and was crucified by Roman soldiers during the governorship of Pontius Pilate (26–36 CE)"
  111. ^ Stanton, Graham, The Gospels and Jesus Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2002, p. 145. He writes: "Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed and that the gospels contain plenty of valuable evidence which has to be weighed and assessed critically."
  112. ^ Bockmuehl, Markus N. A., The Cambridge companion to Jesus, Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 124 [17] "The fact that Jesus existed, that he was crucified under Pontius Pilate (...) seems to be part of the bedrock of historical tradition. If nothing else, the non-Christian evidence can provide us with certainty on that score"
  113. ^ Augustus (Roman Emperor) in the Encyclopædia Britannica
  114. ^ a b Metzger, Bruce M.; Coogan, Michael, eds. (1993). Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. p. 97. ISBN 978-0195046458.
  115. ^ Specter, Michael (August 14, 1992). "Tomb May Hold the Bones Of Priest Who Judged Jesus". The New York Times. New York City: New York Times Company. Retrieved January 11, 2019.
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  117. ^ a b Antiquities, B. XVII, Chr. 8, § 1
  118. ^ Flavius Josephus, Wars of the Jews, translated by William Whiston, Book 2, Chr. 6, Par. 3
  119. ^ a b c Kanael, Baruch Ancient Jewish Coins and Their Historical Importance in The Biblical Archaeologist Vol. 26, No. 2 (May, 1963), p. 52
  120. ^ Toher, Mark, in Herod and Augustus: Papers Presented at the IJS Conference, 21st-23rd June 2005 (edited by Jacobson, David M. & Kokkinos, Nikos), Brill, 2009, p. 71 [18]
  121. ^ Nicolaus of Damascus, Autobiography, translated by C.M.Hall, fragment 134
  122. ^ a b Antiquities, B. XVIII Chr. 5 § 4
  123. ^ Hoehner, Harold W., Herod Antipas: A Contemporary of Jesus Christ, Zondervan, 1980, pp. 133–134
  124. ^ Davids, P. H. in The Oxford Companion to the Bible, edited by Metzger, B. M. and Coogan, M. D., Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 339–340
  125. ^ Chilton, B. D. (ed.), Evans, C. A. (ed.), Bauckam, R., James The Just and Christian Origins, Brill, 1999, pp. 4, 199
  126. ^ a b c d e f From the exposition of the oracles of the Lord.
  127. ^ "Tomb of Apostle Philip Found". 16 August 2014. Retrieved 1 September 2015.
  128. ^ Antiquities, B. XVII, Chr. 11 § 4
  129. ^ Myers, E. A., The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East: Reassessing the Sources [19], Cambridge University Press 2010, p. 111
  130. ^ a b Freedman, D.N. (ed), Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible [20], Wm. B. Eerdmans 2000, Philip the Tetrarch: p. 584, Nergal-Sharezer: p. 959
  131. ^ Taylor, Joan E., Pontius Pilate and the Imperial Cult in Roman Judaea in New Testament Studies, 52:564–565, Cambridge University Press 2006
  132. ^ Pilate Stone, translation by K. C. Hanson & Douglas E. Oakman
  133. ^ a b Antiquities, B. XVIII Chr. 1 § 1
  134. ^ Levick, Barbara, The Government of the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook [21], 2nd ed. Routledge 2000, p. 75
  135. ^ Marcus Velleius Paterculus, Roman History, Book 2, Chr. 122
  136. ^ Salome in the Encyclopædia Britannica
  137. ^ a b Letter to the Corinthians (Clement)
  138. ^ a b The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans
  139. ^ The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
  140. ^ Antiquities, B. XX Chr. 5 § 2
  141. ^ a b c d Antiquities, B. XX Chr. 7
  142. ^ Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, The Twelve Caesars, translated by J. C. Rolfe, Book V, par. 28
  143. ^ Cornelius Tacitus, Annals, translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb, Book XII Chr. 54
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  145. ^ Antiquities, B. XVIII Chr. 5 § 1
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  147. ^ Galil, Gershon & Weinfeld, Moshe, Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography: Presented to Zechariah Kallai (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum), Brill Academic Publishers 2000, p. 85
  148. ^ Cornelius Tacitus, The Histories, translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb, Book II, par. 2
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  153. ^ Flavius Josephus, The Life of Flavius Josephus, translated by William Whiston, paragraph 38.
  154. ^ Gamaliel I in the Jewish Encyclopedia
  155. ^ Antiquities, B. XVIII Chr. 6 § 1
  156. ^ Bruce, F.F. The Book of Acts (revised), part of The New international commentary on the New Testament, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1988
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  159. ^ Coinweek - NGC Ancients: Roman Coinage of Emperor Nero
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  162. ^ St. Polycarp
  163. ^ The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
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  166. ^ a b Dever, William G. (2017). Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah. SBL Press. p. 492. ISBN 9780884142171.
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  169. ^ Heltzer, Michael, THE SEAL OF ˓AŚAYĀHŪ. In Hallo, 2000, Vol. II p. 204
  170. ^ Avigad, Nahman, Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals, (p. 237 WSS 90), published by the Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities
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  173. ^ a b Mykytiuk, Lawrence J., Identifying Biblical persons in Northwest Semitic inscriptions of 1200-539 B.C.E., Society of Biblical Literature, 2004, Baalis: p. 242 [28]; Jeroboam: p. 136 [29]
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  188. ^
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  208. ^ Richard Bauckham, Gospel Women: Studies of the Named Women in the Gospels (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2002), 143
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