A chart of Romania's export products in 2012

Romania has a developing, upper-middle income market economy, the 17th largest in the European Union by total nominal GDP and the 11th largest based on purchasing power parity.[1] The country is a regional leader in multiple fields, such as IT and motor vehicle production.[2][3]

In 2016, Romania was the 46th largest exporter of goods in the world.[4]

In 2015, Romania's largest trading partner was Germany, followed by Italy. Romania's main exports to Germany were insulated wire, cars and vehicle parts, whereas its main German imports are cars and vehicle parts. The principal Italian imports to Romania include hides, footwear parts, pharmaceuticals, telephones, and vehicle parts. Romania's chief exports to Italy included leather footwear, cars, telephones, tobacco, men's suits, seats and iron pipes.[5]

2.8% of the country's GDP is derived from agricultural activity. While Romania imports substantial quantities of grain, it is largely self-sufficient in other agricultural products and food stuffs. Food must be regulated for sale in the retail market, therefore Romania imports almost no food products from other countries. In 2006 Romania imported food products worth €2.4 billion, up almost 20% versus 2005, when imports were worth slightly more than €2 billion. The European Union is Romania's main trade partner in agri-food products. Romanian EU exports represent 64%, and imports from EU countries represent 54%. Other important partners are the Central European Free Trade Agreement countries, Turkey, Moldova and the United States.[6]

Main export goods

The following is a list of the exports of Romania. Data is for 2014, in millions of United States dollars, as reported by The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Currently the top thirty exports are listed.[7]

Rank Product Value ($ million)
1 Vehicle parts 4,730
2 Insulated wire 3,940
3 Cars 3,780
4 Refined petroleum 3,360
5 Wheat 1,960
6 Rubber tires 1,760
7 Seats 1,710
8 Leather footwear 1,270
9 Telephones 1,270
10 Electrical control boards 1,090
11 Packed pharmaceuticals 1,070
12 Ball bearings 965
13 Electric heating 965
14 Low-voltage protective equipments 962
15 Rolled tobacco 943
16 Corn 935
17 Non-knit women's suits 928
18 Sawn wood 907
19 Air pumps 854
20 Non-knit men's suits 841
21 Spark-ignition engines 792
22 Iron pipes 767
23 Sunflower seeds 631
24 Engine parts 613
25 Other furniture 591
26 Scrap iron 578
27 Particle boards 507
28 Passenger and cargo ships 485
29 Hot-rolled iron 482
30 Refrigerators 469


  1. ^ "World Economic Outlook Database October 2009 – WEO Groups and Aggregates Information". Retrieved 16 September 2014.
  2. ^ Statistic definitions
  3. ^ "BCR: Romania poate adopta euro in 2014 23904". Retrieved 16 September 2014.
  4. ^ "Country Comparison: Exports". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  5. ^ "Germany remains Romania's top trading partner. Which are the others?". romania-insider.com. Retrieved 24 June 2016.
  6. ^ Romania imports agri-food products of 2.4 bn euros in 2006 – Danmarks ambassade Bukarest Archived 13 April 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  7. ^ "What does Romania export?". Observatory of Economic Complexity. Retrieved 19 June 2016.