This is an incomplete list of log-structured file system implementations.

Some kinds of storage media, such as flash memory and CD-RW, slowly degrade as they are written to and have a limited number of erase/write cycles at any one location. Log-structured file systems are sometimes used on these media because they make fewer in-place writes and thus prolong the life of the device by wear leveling. The more common such file systems include:

See also


  1. ^ Samson, Stephen L. MVS Performance Management OS/390 Edition. p. 12. CiteSeerX
  2. ^ "1981 IBM Corporate Technical Recognition Event Book, Outstanding Innovation Award, “Virtual Storage Disk Paging”"
  3. ^ Rosenblum, Mendel and Ousterhout, John K. (June 1990) - "The LFS Storage Manager". Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Usenix. pp315-324.
  4. ^ Rosenblum, Mendel and Ousterhout, John K. (February 1992) - "The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System". ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10 Issue 1. pp26-52.
  5. ^ Toigo, Jon William (5 March 2015). "The struggle between virtual machine performance and storage". TechTarget SearchStorage.
  6. ^ Shanks, Eric (November 25, 2013). "CASL with Nimble Storage". The IT Hollow.
  7. ^ "The NOVA filesystem []".
  8. ^ James E. Johnson; William A. Laing (1996). "Spiralog Log-Structured File System" (PDF). Digital Technical Journal. 8 (2).
  9. ^ "Why was Spiralog retired?". 2006-01-10. Retrieved 2021-01-13.