The Lublinians (Polish: Lubliniacy) are a subethnic group of the Polish people, who reside in the historic region of Lesser Poland, in the area of the city of Lublin. They use their own dialect, which belongs to the Lesser Poland dialect of the Polish language. Like most Poles, the Lubliniacy are Roman Catholics.

Polish linguist Jan Stanislaw Bystron claimed that the Lubliniacy should be regarded as a group that belongs to the region of Kresy Wschodnie (Eastern Borderlands), as they resided in areas which had previously been inhabited by Eastern Slavs. Furthermore, the Lubliniacy were under influence of neighboring province of Mazovia. Examples of local architecture and other artefacts are kept at the Museum of Lublin Village in Lublin.

Polish ethnographer Janusz Kamocki divided the Lubliniacy into the following subgroups:


See also