This module, migrated from origins in Module:Hatnote, provides functionality for formatting links for display, including that powering the ((format link)) template.

It can pretty-format section links with the section symbol ("§") and appropriate whitespace, it automatically escapes category and file names with the colon trick, and includes functionality for italicizing the page or section name, and for detecting and categorizing results that produce red links.

Use from wikitext[edit]

The functions in this module cannot be used directly from #invoke, and must be used through templates instead. Please see Template:Format link for documentation on usage of that template.

Use from other Lua modules[edit]

To load this module from another Lua module, use the following code:

local mFormatLink = require('Module:Format link')

You can then use the functions as documented below.


    link = 'Link',
    display = 'Display',
    target = 'Target',
    italicizePage = true,
    italicizeSection = true,
    categorizeMissing = 'Pages using formatted red links'

Formats link as a wikilink. Categories and files are automatically escaped with the colon trick, and links to sections are automatically formatted as page § section, rather than the MediaWiki default of page#section.

Several options modify the output:

mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Foo#Bar'} → [[:Foo#Bar|Foo § Bar]] → Foo § Bar
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Baz', display = 'Qux'} → [[:Baz|Qux]] → Qux
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Foo|Bar', display = 'Baz'} → [[:Foo|Baz]] → Baz
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = '#Foo', target = 'Example#Foo'} → [[:Example#Foo|§ Foo]] → § Foo
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'The Lord of the Rings#Plot', italicizePage = true} → [[:The Lord of the Rings#Plot|''The Lord of the Rings'' § Plot]] → The Lord of the Rings § Plot
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012#Disini v. Secretary of Justice', italicizeSection = true} → [[:Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012#Disini v. Secretary of Justice|Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 § ''Disini v. Secretary of Justice'']] → Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 § Disini v. Secretary of Justice
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Nonexistent page', categorizeMissing = 'Example'} → [[:Nonexistent page]][[Category:Example]] → Nonexistent page
mFormatLink._formatLink{link = 'Existing', categorizeMissing = 'Example'} → [[:Existing]] → Existing


mFormatLink.formatPages(options, pages)

This derived function is useful for lists that format many links. It formats an array of pages using the _formatLink function, and returns the result as an array. Options in the options table are applied, and use the same names as the options for _formatLink.

mFormatLink.formatPages({categorizeMissing = 'Example'}, {'Foo#Bar', 'Nonexistent page'}){'[[:Foo#Bar|Foo § Bar]]', '[[:Nonexistent page]][[Category:Example]]'}


If _formatLink is used and neither a link nor a target argument is provided, then the module will produce an error message instead of its usual output, as it cannot then produce valid output.

You can solve this error by providing appropriate parameters to _formatLink, or you may want to ensure that a more descriptive error is provided by a downstream template or module when it would otherwise call _formatLink with inadequate arguments.

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