The New Historians are a loosely-defined group of Israeli historians who have published histories of expulsions of Palestinians by Israel in 1948, expropriations of Palestinian property, and/or campaigns of ethnic cleansing by Israel in and around 1948. Much of their primary source material comes from declassified Israeli government papers. The movement includes such scholars as Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé, Avi Shlaim, Tom Segev and (retrospectively) Simha Flapan. Many of their conclusions have been in incorporated into the political ideology of post-Zionists. But while some of the New Historians hold dovish political views, still others hold or held conservative views, themselves supporting expulsions.

Main arguments

The main arguments of the new historians were summarized by Avi Shlaim as follows:

The New Historians' publications present the Zionist movement as aimed in such a way that Jewish statehood could only be possible through the displacement of at least some Palestinian Arabs. This is in line with the prevailing Palestinian view - the traditional Israeli view is that the displacement was neither necessary for Israel's establishment nor desired by those establishing it. In particular, the New Historians claim that a majority of the Palestinian refugees were driven away from their homes during the 1948 war, rather than fleeing of their own free choice, as traditional Israeli histories had claimed. Nevertheless, not all of the New Historians see this process as the result of a pre-determined policy of expulsion.

New Historian Ilan Pappé claims[2], in sharp contrast to the views of both sides, that the military events of 1948 were not decisive. He claims that the establishment of Israel and the fate of the Palestinians was determined by politicians on both sides—in the discussions and decisions of the United Nations in 1947–8 and in the Arab League—long before a shot had been fired. Pappé argues that Israel's failure to take advantage of the genuine opportunity for peace with the Arabs at the UN-sponsored Lausanne Conference in 1949 resulted in the continuing and tragic conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

According to the New Historians, Israel and Arab countries each have their own share of responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian plight, though the larger responsibility for the present impasse lies with Israel. [3]


The writings of the New Historians have come under repeated criticism, both from traditional Israeli historians who accuse them of fabricating Zionist misdeeds and from Arab or pro-Arab writers who accuse them of whitewashing the truth about Zionist misbehavior. They are accused of ignoring four critical questions: Who started the war? What were their intentions? Who was forced to mount a defense? What were Israel's casualties? [4]

Early in 2002, the most famous of the new historians, Benny Morris, publicly reversed some of his personal political positions [5], though he has not withdrawn any of his historical writings.

Anita Shapira offers the following criticism:

One of the more serious charges raised against the "new historians" concerned their sparse use of Arab sources. In a preemptive move, [Avi] Shlaim states at the outset of his new book that his focus is on Israeli politics and the Israeli role in relations with the Arab world—and thus he has no need of Arab documents. [Benny] Morris claims that he is able to extrapolate the Arab positions from the Israeli documentation. Both authors make only meager use of original Arab sources, and most such references cited are in English translation... To write the history of relations between Israel and the Arab world almost exclusively on the basis of Israeli documentation results in obvious distortions. Every Israeli contingency plan, every flicker of a far-fetched idea expressed by David Ben-Gurion and other Israeli planners, finds its way into history as conclusive evidence for the Zionist state's plans for expansion. What we know about Nasser's schemes regarding Israel, by contrast, derives solely from secondary and tertiary sources. [6]

New Historians Critique of the Old Historians

  • The “Old Historians” lived through 1948 as highly committed adult participants in the epic, glorious rebirth of the Jewish commonwealth. They were unable to separate their lives from this historical event, unable to regard impartially and objectively the facts and processes that they later wrote about.
  • The “Old Historians” have written largely on the basis of interviews and memoirs and at best made use of select batches of documents, many of them censored.[7]

Major debates

On a few occasions there have been heated public debates between the New Historians and their detractors. The most notable:


  1. ^ Miron Rapaport (11.08.2005). "No Peaceful Solution" (PDF). Ha'aretz Friday Supplement. ((cite web)): Check date values in: |date= (help) (PDF)
  2. ^ Ilan Pappé, The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1951, I.B. Tauris 2004, Conclusions.
  3. ^ Miron Rapaport (11.08.2005). "No Peaceful Solution" (PDF). Ha'aretz Friday Supplement. ((cite web)): Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^
  5. ^ Morris, 2002
  6. ^ Shapira, 1999
  7. ^ Benny Morris 2007 Making Israel University of Michigan Press ISBN:047203216X pp.14-15
  8. ^ Karsh, 1996
  9. ^ Shlaim, 1996
  10. ^ Morris, 1996
  11. ^ Karsh, 1999
  12. ^ Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring 1995, pp. 44-62


Further reading