A cape and a beach seen from above.
Portuguese mariner Bartolomeu Dias named the Cabo das Tormentas ("cape of the storms") in southern Africa but the king John II of Portugal renamed it Cabo de Boa Esperança ("cape of good hope").

A noa-name is a word that replaces a taboo word, generally out of fear that the true name would summon the thing. The term derives from the Polynesian concept of noa, which is the antonym of tapu (from which derives the word taboo) and serves to lift the tapu from a person or object.

A noa-name is sometimes described as a euphemism,[1] though the meaning is more specific; a noa-name is a non-taboo synonym used to avoid bad luck,[1] and replaces a name considered dangerous.[2] The noa-name may be innocuous or flattering, or it may be more accusatory.[3]


See also


  1. ^ a b Noaord at glosbe.com (Swedish)
  2. ^ Noaord at SAOB (Swedish)
  3. ^ a b c Gillis Herlitz & Per Peterson (2011) Vargen : hatobjekt och kramdjur. Liber AB. ISBN 978-91-47-09625-1.
  4. ^ Suda. Ἄλλα δ' ἀλλαχοῦ καλά· παρόσον τὰς Εὐμενίδας ἄλλοι ἄλλως καλοῦσιν. ἄλλα οὖν ὀνόματα παρ' ἄλλοις καλὰ νομίζονται, παρ' ἡμῖν δὲ ταῦτα, τὸ ὀνομάζειν αὐτὰς Εὐμενίδας κατ' εὐφημισμόν, τὰς Ἐριννύας. [Inasmuch as different men call the Eumenides by different names. So other names are judged good by other people, but we prefer to call them Eumenides [Favoring Ones] by euphemism instead of Erinnyes [Furies].]
  5. ^ Schiefenhövel, Wulf (June 2013). "Biased semantics for right and left in 50 Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages: Biased semantics for right and left in 50 languages". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1288 (1): 135–152. doi:10.1111/nyas.12124. PMID 23742684. S2CID 3421618. the words for left, usually never positively biased, were turned into euphemisms in three language groups (Scandinavian, Greek, and Avestan).