Highly influential modern occultist, author and co-founder of the Illuminates of Thanateros.

Coined the phrase chaos magic as a (sort of) defined magical current.

Peter Carroll (b. about 1952) Genuine, architypical magus in every sense of the word, Peter Carroll has travelled extensivly in India, Tibet and Australia and sailed the southern oceans, once becoming shipwrecked in an huricane, landing in India to be revered as a god, as strangly locals had never seen a white man until his arrival. Peter has lived in Yorkshire and Somerset where he now maintains a thriving aromatics company. (Bristol)

Works: Liber Null, Psychonaut, Liber Kaos and The Psychonomikon, Psyber Magic.

'Psyber Magic, advanced ideas in chaos magic'. (new falcon publications, US 1995/7):

In this work Pete announces his desire to step down from the 'roles of magus and pontiff of chaos' with the closing statement: the author chooses to maintain an antique and idiosyncratic code of chivalry, honour, and heroism in an era largely devoid of such things...and values uniqueness in an era of mass production' (ch. 59)

On politics he states 'nobody who wants political power should have it.'

Has now departed from magic as a field of study and discusses the hypothesis of three-dimensional time.

"Early on I realized that you can only make money out of magic by setting up a cult or running a correspondence course, and this did not appeal to me." New World Disorder Interview

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