The Security Council of the Russian Federation (SCRF) is an executive-level branch of the Russian government that acts as a consultative body on national security affairs (Russian: Совет Безопасности РФ; Soviet Bezopasnosti). Comprised of key ministers and agency heads and chaired by the President of the Russian Federation, the SCRF was established to be a forum for coordinating and integrating national security policy.

Since its formation, it apparently has gradually lost influence in competition with other power centers in the presidential administration. However, the June 1996 appointment of former army general and presidential candidate Alexander Lebed to head the Security Council improved prospects for the organization's standing. In July 1996, a presidential decree assigned the Security Council a wide variety of new missions. The decree's description of the Security Council's consultative functions was especially vague and wide-ranging, although it positioned the head of the Security Council directly subordinate to the president. As had been the case previously, the Security Council was required to hold meetings at least once a month.

Secretaries of the Security Council

Official Site: (in Russian) (in Russian)

Information in English: