

There are several versions of Carmen saliare. I wonder which was written by Varro and which are later. -- jn (talk) 11:37, 27 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Corrupt text


That Varro's text is corrupt is acknowledged by all scholars.

Many have attempted to emend it.

What is certain are the refernces made to the carmen in Festus sv. pa (L p. 222. 22): "Pa pro parte, et po pro potissimum positum est in saliari carmine". "Pa is said for part and po for most powerful in the c. s.".

Paulus Fest. epit. sv. Mater Matuta (L p 109. 4-7): "Antiqui ob bonitatem appellabant, et maturum idoneum usui, et manem principium diei, et inferi di Manes, ut supliciter appellati bono essent, et in carmine saliari Cerus manus intelligitur creator bonus". "The ancient called because of (its) goodness either the ripe (maturus) i.e. apt to use, and morning (mane) the beginning of the day, and the underworld gods Manes, as they were invoked in supplication to be good , and in the c.s. Cerus manus is to be understood as good creator". (Cerus manus may be Ianus).

Basanoff Un texte archaique anterieur a' la loi de XII Tables in BIDR 14 (1935) pp. 209 ff.; V. Pisani Testi latini arcaici e volgari p.34 ff.; R. Giacomelli Storia della lingua latina Appendice 1993. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae sv. como Leipzig 1986 1411 ; W. Morel et al. Fragmenta poetarum latinororum epicorum et lyricorum Leipzig 1995.Aldrasto11 (talk) 05:05, 21 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]



What does this +...+ style mean? A reconstructed supposition? (talk) 15:38, 11 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]



Thus: The text needs proper sourcing, not just of the original author (Varro, Scaurus) but also of the editor. And the numbering of the fragments needs a sourcing too.

Compared with Maurenbrecher (and partly also Kent who mentions him), already the numbering at wikipedia is wrong: Varro in lib. VII gives fragments 1-3, and Scaurus is fragment 6. While Kent might in many parts be a guessing, his text makes sense (which "(thou shalt) come forth with the cuckoo" doesn't, though of course it might be because of missing text).
As for the translation (in WP added in August 2011‎, improved in July 2013), google gives only two possible sources: Religion and Law in Classical and Christian Rome (2006), or it being a WP creation. - (talk) 03:34, 23 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]