

Note: For detailed data and charts please visit COVIDNOW or Ministry of Health official GitHub page.

  Total confirmed cases   Active cases   Recoveries   Deaths

Positive Cases


  Active cases

  New cases

Prior to 21 March 2020, cases in intensive care units (ICUs) on ventilators were not specified and were included into the total number of ICU cases.

<span class="legend-color mw-no-invert" style="The time allocated for running scripts has expired.">  Active cases in ICUs <span class="legend-color mw-no-invert" style="The time allocated for running scripts has expired.">  Active cases in ICUs on ventilators

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



<span class="legend-color mw-no-invert" style="The time allocated for running scripts has expired.">  Recoveries per day

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



<span class="legend-color mw-no-invert" style="The time allocated for running scripts has expired.">  Daily death cases

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



<span class="legend-color mw-no-invert" style="The time allocated for running scripts has expired.">  Tests per day

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.