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Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
Select committee

United States House of Representatives
117th Congress
FormedJuly 1, 2021
ChairBennie Thompson (D)
Since July 1, 2021
Vice chairLiz Cheney (R)
Since September 2, 2021
Political partiesMajority (7)
  •   Democratic (7)
Minority (2)
PurposeTo investigate the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021
Senate counterpartNone

The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is a select committee of the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.[1] The attack, inspired by Donald Trump's false claims of a stolen 2020 presidential election, was the culmination of attempts to overturn the election, which the incumbent Republican Trump lost to Democrat Joe Biden.

On June 12, 2022, the committee announced it has enough evidence to recommend that the Justice Department indict Trump.[2] The committee has argued that Trump knew he did not win the election and was thus perpetrating a fraud, and it has referred to a "criminal conspiracy" that led to the attack on the Capitol.[3][4]

The committee was formed through a largely party-line vote on July 1, 2021. Its membership was a point of significant political contention. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were the only two House Republicans to serve on the committee, and the Republican National Committee eventually censured them for their participation.[5]

The investigation commenced with public hearings on July 27, 2021 when four police officers testified. By May 2022, the committee had interviewed more than 1,000 people.[6] Some members of Trump's inner circle cooperated with the committee, while others defied it.[7] Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were indicted by federal grand juries for refusing to testify. Congress also held Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino in criminal contempt for refusing to testify, but the Justice Department said it would not prosecute them.[8][9]

Members, 117th congress

Vice Chair Liz Cheney
Majority Minority

In July 2021, Thompson announced the senior staff for the committee. They included:[11]

In August 2021, Denver Riggleman, a former U.S. House representative, and Joe Maher, a principal deputy general counsel at the Department of Homeland Security, were hired as staffers,[12] and Timothy J. Heaphy was appointed as the committee's chief investigative counsel.[13]


In the aftermath of the 2021 United States Capitol attack, the proposal to form a bicameral commission failed due to a filibuster from Republicans in the Senate.[14] In late May, when it had become apparent that the filibuster would not be overcome, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated that she would appoint a select committee to investigate the events as a fallback option.[15][16][17][18]

On June 30, 2021, the resolution to form the committee passed by a vote of 222 to 190, with all Democratic members and two Republican members, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, voting in favor. Sixteen Republican members did not vote.[19] The resolution empowered Pelosi to appoint eight members to the committee, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy could appoint five members "in consultation" with Pelosi.[20] Pelosi indicated that she would name a Republican as one of her eight appointees.[21]

On July 1, Pelosi appointed eight members, seven Democrats and one Republican, Liz Cheney (R-WY); Bennie Thompson (D-MS) would serve as committee chair.[22] On July 19, McCarthy announced the five members he would recommend as the minority on the select committee. He recommended that Jim Banks (R-IN) serve as Ranking Member, and minority members be Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), and Troy Nehls (R-TX).[23] Banks, Jordan, and Nehls voted to overturn the Electoral College results in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Banks and Jordan had also signed onto the Supreme Court case Texas v. Pennsylvania to invalidate the ballots of voters in four states.[24]

Logo of the committee

On July 21, Thompson stated in an interview that he would investigate Trump as part of the inquiry into Capitol attack.[25] Hours later, Pelosi said in a statement that she had informed McCarthy that she would reject the recommendations of Jordan and Banks, citing concerns for the investigation's integrity and relevant actions and statements made by the two members. She approved the recommendations of the other three.[26] McCarthy then pulled all of his picks for the committee and stated that he would not appoint anyone on the committee unless all five of his choices were approved.[27][28]

After McCarthy rescinded his recommendations, Pelosi announced on July 25 that she had appointed Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to the committee.[29][30] Kinzinger was one of the ten House Republicans who voted for Trump's second impeachment.[31] Pelosi also hired a Republican, former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA), as an outside committee staffer or advisor.[12] Cheney voiced her support and pushed for both of their involvement.[31]

On February 4, 2022, the Republican National Committee voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger, which it had never before done to any sitting congressional Republican. The resolution formally drops "all support of them as members of the Republican Party", arguing that they are, through their work on the January 6 House Committee, hurting Republican prospects in the midterm elections.[5][32]


The committee's work is ongoing. Its investigative teams each focus on a specific area like funding, individuals' motivations, organizational coalitions, and how Trump may have pressured other politicians.[33] As of the end of 2021, it had interviewed more than 300 witnesses and obtained more than 35,000 documents.[34] By May 2022, those totals had surpassed 1,000 witnesses and 125,000 records.[3] Some interviews were recorded.[35] While the investigation is still in progress, the committee publicly communicates some, but not all, of the information it finds.

Ultimately, the committee's findings may be used to inform new legislation. For example, in October 2021, committee members were already collaborating to draft a bill that would clarify the procedures for certifying presidential elections.[36] Election certification is governed by the 1887 Electoral Count Act.

The committee's findings may also be used in arguments to hold individuals legally accountable. Liz Cheney, the committee's vice chair, is reportedly focused on Trump's responsibility.[3] She suggested in December 2021 that Trump may have committed a felony by obstructing the electoral certification proceedings, which could carry a maximum sentence of 20 years,[37] and she said in March 2022 that the committee was examining "additional enhanced criminal penalties" for what she described as Trump's "supreme dereliction of duty" in not stopping the riot.[38] Seditious conspiracy, a charge brought against individuals including the leader of the Oath Keepers,[39] is a possible charge for Trump.[40][41] The committee was also considering wire fraud criminal referrals against Republicans who raised money off assertions of a stolen election they knew to be untrue.[42][43] The U.S. Department of Justice has the authority to open criminal investigations and bring criminal charges against political leaders,[44] and it has long been anticipated that the committee will recommend that the Justice Department do so.[45] Congress sometimes recommends criminal charges, but a "recommendation" or "referral" has no legal force in itself.[46] Trump's lawyers have argued that the committee's investigation should be properly limited to matters that have a "valid legislative purpose" and that any interest in recommending criminal charges, when expressed by the committee, may suggest that the committee's focus is impermissibly turning toward "law enforcement".[47]

A conviction, in turn, may be used to bar individuals from running for office in the future, as insurrectionists are constitutionally ineligible to hold public office. It is, however, unclear who enforces that.[48][49] In January 2022, lawyers challenged Representative Madison Cawthorn's eligibility to run for reelection,[50][51] and, in March 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene's eligibility was similarly challenged.[52]

The committee's work may also aid the state of Georgia if it decides to prosecute Trump for solicitation of election fraud. On May 2, 2022, Fulton County's District Attorney Fani Willis opened a special grand jury to consider criminal charges.[53]

In early March 2022, Elie Honig, a legal analyst for CNN, speculated that the Department of Justice was not yet actively investigating because typically they would have asked the congressional committee to stop interfering.[54] However, on March 30, it was reported that the Justice Department — which previously focused on prosecuting rioters — had a sitting grand jury to examine the activity of Trump's inner circle, particularly regarding the fake electors scheme, with the goal of helping prosecutors decide whether to bring charges.[55][56] On April 20, the Justice Department wrote to the committee asking for at least some existing interview transcripts—the number and identities of the interviewees were not reported—as well as "any additional interviews you conduct in the future.” The committee is negotiating for some of the Justice Department's evidence in exchange. Thompson, the committee chair, told reporters he did not intend to give the Justice Department "full access to our product" especially when "we haven’t completed our own work.”[57] In early June 2022, Carl Bernstein, a journalist famous for reporting on Watergate, said he believes the committee has enough evidence to prove Trump's sedition.[58]

Insofar as the Justice Department already has its own inquiries and investigations, the committee may focus on producing its final report.[59]


Donald Trump and Mark Meadows in 2020

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows did not provide a complete set of requested documents,[60] but provided thousands of emails and text messages[61][60] which revealed how certain people participated in efforts to overturn the election results:

Meadows also participated in a call with a Freedom Caucus group including Rudy Giuliani, Representative Jim Jordan, and Representative Scott Perry during which they planned to encourage Trump supporters to march to the Capitol on January 6.[68]

Meadows also exchanged post-election text messages with Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in which they expressed support of Trump's claims of election fraud. Ginni Thomas emailed Arizona lawmakers on November 9 to encourage them to choose different electors, and she attended the rally on January 6.[69][70]

Some of the communications revealed Trump allies who privately expressed disagreement with the events of January 6 while defending Trump in public:

The committee has obtained firsthand testimony from multiple people in Trump's inner circle who say he was repeatedly advised during the riot to address the nation to stop the violence. His delay in doing so is being characterized as a possible "dereliction of duty".[73] In mid-2022, CNN spoke to over a dozen people who had texted Meadows that day, and all of them said they believed that Trump should have tried to stop the attack.[74]

One of the most revealing documents provided by Meadows was a PowerPoint presentation[75][76] describing a strategy for overturning the election results. The presentation had been distributed by Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel (now owning a bar in Texas)[77] who specialized in psychological operations and who later became a Trump campaign associate. A 36-page version appeared to have been created on January 5,[78][75] and Meadows received a version that day.[79][80][81] He eventually provided a 38-page version to the committee.[78] It recommended that Trump declare a national security emergency to delay the January 6 electoral certification, invalidate all ballots cast by machine, and order the military to seize and recount all paper ballots.[79][80] (Meadows claims he personally did not act on this plan.[79]) Waldron was associated with former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn and other military-intelligence veterans who played key roles in spreading false information to allege the election had been stolen from Trump.[82][77] Politico reported in January 2022 that Bernard Kerik had testified to the committee that Waldron also originated the idea of a military seizure of voting machines, which was included in a draft executive order dated December 16.[83][84] The next month, Politico published emails between Waldron, Flynn, Kerik, Washington attorney Katherine Friess and Texas entrepreneur Russell Ramsland that included another draft executive order dated December 16. That draft was nearly identical to the draft Politico had previously released and embedded metadata indicated it had been created by One America News anchor Christina Bobb. An attorney, Bobb had also been present at the Willard Hotel command center.[85][86]


One of the main challenges to the committee's investigation was Trump's use of legal tactics to try to block the release of the White House communication records held at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).[87] He succeeded in delaying the release of the documents for about five months. The committee received the documents on January 20, 2022.[88][89]

Some of the documents had been previously torn up by Trump and taped back together by NARA staff.[90] Trump is said to have routinely shredded and flushed records by his own hand, as well as to have asked staff to place them in burn bags, throughout his presidency.[91][92] Additionally, as the presidential diarist testified to the committee in March 2022, the Oval Office did not send the diarist detailed information about Trump's daily activities on January 5 and 6, 2021.[93]

Trump's phone records from the day of the attack, as provided by NARA to the committee, have a gap of seven-and-a-half hours that spans the time when the Capitol was being attacked. It is not that pages were removed from his call logs; rather, no calls during this period were ever logged.[93] The apparently missing records suggest he was using a "burner" cell phone during that time.[94] He is said to have routinely used burner phones during his presidency.[95] The committee had not subpoenaed his personal phone records as of early February 2022.[96]

The committee began its request for the NARA records in August 2021.[97][98] Trump asserted executive privilege over the documents.[99] Current president Joe Biden rejected that claim,[100][101] as did a federal judge (who noted that Trump was no longer president),[102] the DC Circuit Court of Appeals,[103] and the U.S. Supreme Court.[104][105] While the request for NARA documents was being litigated, the committee agreed to a Biden administration request that they forgo obtaining certain documents from NARA relating to sensitive national security matters that had no bearing on events of January 6.[106]

Another difficulty is that Trump has told Republican leaders not to cooperate with the committee.[107][108][109][110] While hundreds of people have testified voluntarily,[111] the committee has also had to issue dozens of subpoenas[112] to legally compel certain uncooperative individuals to testify. Some people who were subpoenaed nevertheless refused to testify: Roger Stone and John Eastman pleaded their Fifth Amendment rights, while Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows were found in contempt of Congress. In December 2021, Michael Flynn sued to block a subpoena for his phone records and to delay his testimony, though a federal judge dismissed his suit within a day.[113]

The American Conservative Union is providing legal defense funds for some people who resist the committee. The organization says it only assists people who do not cooperate with the committee and who oppose its mission, according to chairman Matt Schlapp.[114]

Though the Republican National Committee has long insisted that the committee is invalid and should not be allowed to investigate, a federal judge found on May 1, 2022 that the committee's power is legitimate.[115]

Bill Stepian, Donald Trump's final campaign manager, cancelled his plans to testify for the second hearing, under subpoena, an hour before it started, due to his wife's going into labor, resulting in a delay of 45 minutes while the Select Committee scrambled to rearrange its presentation, with Bill Stepian's lawyer to read a statement for him. [116] [117]

Public hearings

A series of five scheduled hearings began on June 9, 2022. The first and fifth hearing were scheduled in the evening so that they could be broadcast on prime time television.[118] House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy plans to lead a response in Congress in defense of Trump.[119]

The first hearing was carried live by the major broadcast television networks ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as cable channels such as C-SPAN, CNN, Fox Business Network, MSNBC, and Newsmax, as well as various live streaming outlets. Fox News did not carry the hearing live; its regular programming of Tucker Carlson Tonight and Hannity was aired without commercial breaks. During the weeks following the 2020 election, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity had often amplified Trump's election falsehoods on their programs; previously disclosed text messages between Hannity and White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany were presented during the hearing.[120][121][118][122][123] Nielsen Media Research estimates that at least 20 million households watched the first hearing on traditional television, comparable to the average rating for NBC Sunday Night Football, which ranks as television's number one program.[124] Fox News did carry the second hearing.

Hearing schedule[125]
Hearing Date Day Eastern Time Video Transcript
1 June 9 Thursday 8 P.M. (ET) [126] [127]
2 June 13 Monday 10 A.M. (ET)
3 June 15 Wednesday 10 A.M. (ET)
4 June 16 Thursday 10 A.M. (ET)
5 June 23 Thursday 8 P.M. (ET)

First hearing (June 9, 2022)

The committee panel noted that Donald Trump attempted to overturn a free and fair democratic election by promoting a seven-part conspiracy.[128][129] According to Bennie Thompson, chairman of the committee, "Jan. 6 was the culmination of an attempted coup, a brazen attempt, as one rioter put it shortly after Jan. 6, to overthrow the government ... The violence was no accident. It represents Trump’s last stand, most desperate chance to halt the transfer of power.” Trump, according to the committee, "lied to the American people, ignored all evidence refuting his false fraud claims, pressured state and federal officials to throw out election results favoring his challenger, encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol and even signaled support for the execution of his own vice president."[128][129]

False claims of vote fraud

The committee revealed clips of videotaped testimony:

Representative Liz Cheney, vice chair of the committee, said that Representative Scott Perry and other Republican members of Congress had "sought Presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election."[127] Jared Kushner, in his videotaped testimony, admitted to fast-tracking pardon requests during the administration's final weeks.[132]

Attack on the Capitol

Compilation of video from the January 6 attack, which was released by the committee and played during the first hearing

The committee showed video, much of it never before seen by the public, of the mob charging the Capitol and battling police. The video began with scenes of roughly 200 Proud Boys leading the assault on the Capitol. As later scenes showed a violent rampage, audio was overlaid of Trump later saying, "The love in the air. I’ve never seen anything like it." As the attack lasted several hours, the video contained timestamps to illustrate the timeline.[133]

Live, in-person testimony was given by documentary filmmaker Nick Quested, who was embedded with the Proud Boys on January 6, and Capitol police officer Caroline Edwards, injured in violence instigated by the Proud Boys on January 6.[134]

Quested testified that he joined the Proud Boys at the Mall at 10:30 a.m., and that the Proud Boys walked past the Capitol at 11:52 a.m. He noted there was "only one police officer on the barricades that subsequently are overrun by the protesters. We then walked around the Capitol, and then we doubled back...around 12:45, we walked over to the peace circle and we stopped." He added, "I don't know if violence was a plan, but I do know that they weren't there to attend the rally because they had already left the rally by the time the president had started his speech."[127]

The committee revealed videotaped testimony of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley. According to Milley, it was Pence who directly ordered the National Guard to respond on January 6, yet the White House told him to say that the order came from Trump.[131]

Second hearing (June 13, 2022)

Witnesses scheduled to testify include Bill Stepien, a longtime Republican operative who joined Trump's 2016 campaign, later becoming the White House political director, before becoming Trump's campaign manager two months before the 2020 election. He was involved in the Stop the Steal effort, including spreading false information about voting machines despite a staff memo finding the allegations were false. Stepien had provided the committee a deposition under subpoena in December 2021, and was appearing under subpoena for this hearing.[135][136] Stepien's testimony was canceled shortly before the hearing due to a family emergency; his attorney was to read a statement on his behalf.[137]

Former U.S. attorney from Atlanta BJay Pak is also scheduled to testify. Pak resigned his position days before the January 6 attack; he later told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the White House informed him Trump would fire him if he did not publicly state his office had found election fraud in Georgia.[138][139]

Ben Ginsberg, a longtime Republican election attorney, will testify about the failure of Trump's election lawsuits amidst the absence of any evidence of widespread fraud.[140]

Chris Stirewalt, a former Fox News politics editor, will testify. Fox News was the first network to declare Biden as having won Arizona in the 2020 election; after Stirewalt defended that journalistic choice, Fox News fired him in January 2021.[141]

Al Schmidt, the Republican former city commissioner of Philadelphia will testify. He had drawn Trump's ire for refusing to publicly announce the city's election results were rife with fraud. He resigned in 2021, saying he had received death threats.[142]

Final report

Following public hearings in June 2022, the committee may release an interim report.[143] The committee is expected to hire a writer to help produce its final report, which will be presented in a multimedia format,[144][143] and to release the report in September 2022 before the midterm elections.[145]

Timeline of proceedings



  • Politico reported the committee was attempting to retrace Trump's efforts to subvert the election at the state level, especially in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The committee had acquired thousands of documents and interviewed state officials. Secretaries of state in Arizona and Michigan provided the committee with forged certificates of ascertainment created by unauthorized individuals that falsely asserted Trump won their states' electoral votes; the Arizona document used the official state seal. The unauthorized individuals had sent the fraudulent documents to NARA, which rejected them.[255]
  • The New York Times reported that the committee considered Pence's testimony particularly important because after he refused on January 5 to play the Pence Card, Trump harshly attacked him verbally and told his January 6 rally crowd "If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election." The Times reported federal prosecutors were asking defense attorneys of indicted rioters if their clients would admit in sworn statements that they stormed the Capitol believing Trump wanted them to stop Pence from certifying the election. One member of Proud Boys who pleaded guilty said he had conspired with other members to "send a message to legislators and Vice President Pence." Another rioter stated in her guilty plea that she marched on the Capitol specifically after hearing Trump encourage Pence to "do the right thing."[256]
  • The committee asked Republican House minority leader Kevin McCarthy to voluntarily provide information; McCarthy said hours later he would not cooperate. In a letter to McCarthy, the committee noted that he spoke to Trump before the attack, reportedly advising him that attempts to object to the election results were "doomed to fail," and during the attack, imploring him to intervene, but after meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on January 28 the tone of McCarthy's public comments "changed markedly." Six days after the attack, McCarthy said in a radio interview that he supported a bipartisan commission and grand jury to investigate and that Trump "told me personally that he does have some responsibility." The next day, McCarthy stated on the House floor that Trump "bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters." The committee asked if Trump or his aides discussed the change in tone with McCarthy in consideration of an impeachment proceeding or subsequent investigation. McCarthy ultimately opposed the formation of a bipartisan January 6 commission and the House committee.[257][258][259][260][261][262]
  • CNN reported the committee was investigating fraudulent certificates of ascertainment created by Trump allies in seven states in late December 2020. The documents had been published by the watchdog group American Oversight in March 2021 but received little attention until January 2022. Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel announced on January 14 that after a months-long investigation she had asked the U.S. Justice Department to open a criminal investigation.[263][264][265] Deputy attorney general Lisa Monaco confirmed several days later that the department was reviewing the matter.[266]


Some people testify and provide documents voluntarily, while others are legally compelled by subpoenas.[336][112][337] The committee does not always publicly announce the subpoenas it issues.[61] One notable subpoena requested the telephone records of more than 100 people,[338] some of whom sued.[339]

On May 12, 2022, the committee subpoenaed five House Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.[324] Representative Thompson, the committee chair, had told NBC's Meet the Press on January 2, 2022 that they would have "no reluctance" to subpoena sitting members of Congress once they determined they had the authority.[340][341]

In May 2022, the committee reportedly was still debating whether to call Trump and Pence,[342] although Thompson had told reporters on April 4 they would not bother with this, especially having already confirmed important information through Pence's former aides Marc Short and Greg Jacob.[309]

Known subpoenas of individuals and organizations
Name Role Subpoenaed Deposition Outcome
Telecom carriers call detail records for more than 100 people summer/fall 2021[221] N/A N/A
Mark Meadows former White House chief of staff September 23, 2021 orig. October 15, 2021
November 12, 2021
did not appear;[162] later cooperated, then stopped[343][219] and sued[344]
Daniel Scavino former White House deputy chief of staff for communications September 23, 2021 orig. October 15, 2021
postponed six times[345][301]
Kash Patel former chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller September 23, 2021 orig. October 14, 2021
December 9, 2021
Stephen Bannon former Trump adviser September 23, 2021 October 14, 2021 indicted[203]
Amy Kremer founder and chair of Women For America First; mother of Kylie Kremer September 29, 2021 October 29, 2021[349]
Kylie Kremer founder and executive director of Women For America First; daughter of Amy Kremer September 29, 2021 October 29, 2021[349]
Cynthia Chafian submitted the first permit application on behalf of WFAF for the January 6 rally, and founder of the Eighty Percent Coalition September 29, 2021 October 28, 2021[337]
Caroline Wren "VIP Advisor" for January 6, per rally permit September 29, 2021 October 26, 2021[337]
Maggie Mulvaney "VIP Lead" for January 6, per rally permit September 29, 2021 October 26, 2021[337]
Justin Caporale Event Strategies, Inc.; "Project Manager" for January 6, per rally permit September 29, 2021 October 25, 2021[337]
Tim Unes Event Strategies, Inc.; "Stage Manager" for January 6, per rally permit September 29, 2021 October 25, 2021[337]
Megan Powers MPowers Consulting LLC; "Operations Manager for Scheduling and Guidance" for January 6, per rally permit September 29, 2021 October 21, 2021[337]
Hannah Salem Stone logistics for rally September 29, 2021 October 22, 2021[337]
Lyndon Brentnall "on-site supervisor" for the rally; owner of a security company September 29, 2021 October 22, 2021[337]
Katrina Pierson national spokesperson for the 2016 Trump campaign September 29, 2021 November 3, 2021[337]
Ali Alexander connected to "Stop the Steal" rally permit October 7, 2021 October 29, 2021[337] reportedly cooperating as of April 2022[350]
Nathan Martin connected to "Stop the Steal" rally permit October 7, 2021 October 28, 2021[337]
Stop the Steal LLC organization; George B. Coleman, "custodian of records," will be deposed October 7, 2021 N/A[351]
Jeffrey Clark former DOJ official October 13, 2021 October 29, 2021[337] appeared November 5; refused to testify, invoking executive privilege;[352] will be rescheduled in 2022 when he is no longer ill[353]
William Stepien Trump 2020 campaign manager November 8, 2021 December 13, 2021[337]
Jason Miller Trump campaign senior advisor November 8, 2021 December 10, 2021[337]
John Eastman conservative lawyer and former professor November 8, 2021 December 8, 2021[337] Fifth Amendment (refused to testify)[354]
Michael Flynn former Trump national security advisor November 8, 2021 orig. December 6, 2021
Fifth Amendment (refused to testify) when he appeared March 10, after unsuccessfully suing to invalidate the subpoena[356][339][357]
Angela McCallum Trump campaign executive assistant November 8, 2021 November 30, 2021[337][358]
Bernard Kerik present at the meetings at the Willard Hotel November 8, 2021 December 3, 2021[337] appeared voluntarily on January 13, 2022[359]
Nicholas Luna personal assistant to Trump November 9, 2021 orig. December 6, 2021
Molly Michael Oval Office operations coordinator November 9, 2021 December 2, 2021[337]
Ben Williamson senior advisor to chief of staff Mark Meadows November 9, 2021 December 2, 2021[337]
Christopher Liddell deputy chief of staff November 9, 2021 November 30, 2021[337]
John McEntee White House personnel director November 9, 2021 December 15, 2021[337]
Keith Kellogg national security adviser to Pence November 9, 2021 December 1, 2021[337] testified[360]
Kayleigh McEnany former White House Press Secretary November 9, 2021 December 3, 2021[337] appeared on January 12[361]
Stephen Miller senior advisor for policy November 9, 2021 December 14, 2021[337]
Cassidy Hutchinson special assistant for legislative affairs November 9, 2021 December 1, 2021[337] testified February 23 and March 7, 2022[362]
Kenneth Klukowski senior counsel to assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark November 9, 2021 November 29, 2021[337]
Alex Jones InfoWars host November 22, 2021 December 18, 2021[205] Fifth Amendment (refused to testify)[363]
Roger Stone Republican operative November 22, 2021 December 17, 2021[205] Fifth Amendment (refused to testify)[364]
Duston Stockton Stop the Steal organizer November 22, 2021 December 14, 2021[365]
Jennifer Lawrence Stop the Steal organizer November 22, 2021 December 15, 2021[365]
Taylor Budowich Trump spokesman; communications director of Save America PAC November 22, 2021 December 16, 2021[365] testified; sued to block release of financial records, but the committee had already received them[366][367]
Oath Keepers militia organization November 23, 2021[208] N/A
Proud Boys far-right organization November 23, 2021[208] December 7, 2021
Stewart Rhodes Oath Keepers leader November 23, 2021 December 14, 2021[208] indicted by federal prosecutors; charged with seditious conspiracy;[368] trial set for July 2022[369]
Enrique Tarrio Proud Boys leader November 23, 2021 December 15, 2021[208] indicted by federal prosecutors; charged with conspiracy[368] and sedition[134]
Robert Patrick Lewis 1st Amendment Praetorian[370] November 23, 2021 December 16, 2021[208]
Marc Short Pence's chief of staff November 2021 January 26, 2022[371] testified; on December 6, 2021, it was reported he had been subpoenaed "weeks" earlier[372]
Max Miller former Trump aide December 10, 2021 January 6, 2022[373][374]
Robert Peede Jr. former Trump deputy assistant December 10, 2021 January 7, 2022[373][374]
Brian Jack former Trump director of political affairs December 10, 2021 January 10, 2022[373][374]
Bryan Lewis Trump aide who helped plan rally December 10, 2021 January 4, 2022[373][374]
Ed Martin Trump ally who helped plan rally December 10, 2021 January 5, 2022[373][374]
Kimberly Fletcher ties to "Moms for America," helped plan rallies December 10, 2021 January 4, 2022[373][374]
Phil Waldron author of a PowerPoint slideshow about how to overturn the election December 16, 2021 January 17, 2022[375]
Andy Surabian adviser to Donald Trump Jr. January 11, 2022[367] January 31, 2022[376]
Arthur Schwartz adviser to Donald Trump Jr. January 11, 2022[367] February 1, 2022[377]
Ross Worthington former White House official; helped Trump draft his January 6 rally speech January 11, 2022[367][378] February 2, 2022[379]
Meta, Alphabet, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit Social media companies January 13, 2022[378] N/A
Rudy Giuliani former Trump personal attorney January 18, 2022[380] orig. February 8, 2021
Sidney Powell former Trump attorney January 18, 2022[380] February 8, 2022[383] sued to block release of phone records[384]
Jenna Ellis former Trump attorney January 18, 2022[380] February 8, 2022[385]
Boris Epshteyn former Trump advisor January 18, 2022[380] February 8, 2022[386]
Eric Trump son of Trump reported January 18, 2022 phone metadata[387] records obtained[387]
Kimberly Guilfoyle Fiancée of Donald Trump Jr. reported January 18, 2022 phone metadata[387] records obtained[387]
Nick Fuentes Groypers leader, White Nationalist Activist, podcast host January 19, 2022[388] February 9, 2022[389]
Patrick Casey Far-right activist January 19, 2022[388] February 9, 2022[390]
Nancy Cottle Listed as chairperson for Arizona on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 16, 2022[391]
Loraine B. Pellegrino Listed as secretary for Arizona on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 16, 2022[391]
David Shafer Listed as chairperson for Georgia on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 21, 2022[391]
Shawn Still Listed as secretary for Georgia on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 21, 2022[391]
Kathy Berden Listed as chairperson for Michigan on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 22, 2022[391]
Mayra Rodriguez Listed as secretary for Michigan on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 22, 2022[391]
Jewll Powdrell Listed as chairperson for New Mexico on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 23, 2022[391]
Deborah W. Maestas Listed as secretary for New Mexico on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 23, 2022[391]
Michael J. McDonald Listed as chairperson for Nevada on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 24, 2022[391]
James DeGraffenreid Listed as secretary for Nevada on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 24, 2022[391]
Bill Bachenberg Listed as chairperson for Pennsylvania on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 25, 2022[391]
Lisa Patton Listed as secretary for Pennsylvania on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 25, 2022[391]
Andrew Hitt Listed as chairperson for Wisconsin on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 28, 2022[391]
Kelly Ruh Listed as secretary for Wisconsin on false slate of Trump electors January 28, 2022[281] February 28, 2022[391]
Judd Deere Trump deputy White House press secretary January 28, 2022[282]
Peter Navarro Trump economic advisor February 9, 2022[287] March 2, 2022[392] indicted[9]
Laura Cox Former Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman February 15, 2022[393] March 8, 2022
Kelli Ward Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman February 15, 2022[393] March 8, 2022
Gary Michael Brown Deputy Director of Election Day Operations for 2020 Trump campaign February 15, 2022[393] March 9, 2022
Douglas V. Mastriano Pennsylvania state senator, planned false slate of Trump electors February 15, 2022[393] March 10, 2022
Michael A. Roman Director of Election Day Operations for 2020 Trump campaign February 15, 2022[393] March 14, 2022
Mark Finchem Arizona state legislator, "Stop the Steal" backer February 15, 2022[393] March 15, 2022
Salesforce.com Software company, RNC’s fundraising platform February 23, 2022[394] March 16, 2022 RNC unsuccessfully sued to block subpoena[395][320]
Kenneth Chesebro Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election March 1, 2022[396] March 22, 2022
Christina Bobb Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election, OANN host March 1, 2022[396] March 23, 2022
Kurt Olsen Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election March 1, 2022[396] March 24, 2022 sued to block subpoena March 24, 2022[397]
Phill Kline Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election, OANN host March 1, 2022[396] March 25, 2022
Cleta Mitchell Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election March 1, 2022[396] March 28, 2022
Katherine Friess Attorney who worked on efforts to overturn election March 1, 2022[396] March 29, 2022
Kimberly Guilfoyle Fiancée of Donald Trump Jr. March 3, 2022[295] March 15, 2022[398]
Scott Perry Representative for Pennsylvania's 10th congressional district May 12, 2022[399] May 26, 2022
Andy Biggs Representative for Arizona's 5th congressional district May 12, 2022[399] May 26, 2022
Jim Jordan Representative for Ohio's 4th congressional district May 12, 2022[399] May 27, 2022
Kevin McCarthy House Minority Leader May 12, 2022[399] May 31, 2022
Mo Brooks Representative for Alabama's 5th congressional district, spoke at rally May 12, 2022[399] May 31, 2022


Prior to committee formation

According to several reports, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had warned Republican members that if they allowed Speaker Pelosi to appoint them to the select committee, they would be stripped of all their other committee assignments and should not expect to receive any future ones from Pelosi. In an interview with Forbes, Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said "Who gives a shit" and added, "When you've got people who say crazy stuff and you're not gonna make that threat, but you make that threat to truth-tellers, you've lost any credibility."[400]

House Leader McCarthy called the rejection of his initial recommendations "unprecedented" in a phone call with Pelosi. In a press conference, he labeled her a "lame duck speaker" out to destroy the institution. The Freedom Caucus pushed for McCarthy to file a motion to vacate the speakership, and punish Cheney and Kinzinger for accepting their appointments to the committee.[401][402] McCarthy later dubbed them "Pelosi Republicans."[146][147] Republicans also stated that if they won the House majority in the 2022 midterm elections, they would come after Democratic committee assignments, targeting Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar.[402] Steve Scalise stated that Pelosi had removed any credibility from the committee for rejecting their recommended members and opted instead for a political narrative.[402] Republicans Scott Perry, Chip Roy, and Kelly Armstrong expressed their disdain for both Cheney and Kinzinger and questioned their loyalty to the House Republican Conference, pushing for them to be stripped of their committee assignments.[401][146] Jim Banks and Mike Rogers stated that the two GOP committee members would be stuck to Pelosi's narrative of events.[146] Cheney and Kinzinger both dismissed comments from their colleagues.[146]

After Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's picks for the committee, The Wall Street Journal editorial board criticized Pelosi's rejection of McCarthy's picks. It acknowledged that McCarthy's picks were partisan, but claimed that Adam Schiff, who was appointed by Pelosi, had "lied repeatedly about the evidence concerning the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia." The editorial board posited, "if Mrs. Pelosi thinks the evidence for her conclusion is persuasive, why would she not want to have it tested against the most aggressive critics?"[403] On the other hand, the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board said: "Pelosi's chief mistake was not also rejecting Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas, who, like Jordan, Banks and a majority of House Republicans, voted to overturn the election on the day of the insurrection. No serious investigation of the riot can be undertaken by those who shared the goals of the rioters." It added that "McCarthy and company killed an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the attack even though the Republicans' top negotiator agreed to the terms."[404]

After committee formation

Some House Republicans—including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Representative Jim Jordan—said they did not watch the committee's first hearing on July 27, 2021. Representative Matthew M. Rosendale said he watched Representative Liz Cheney speak (and was "quite disappointed") but did not watch the police officers' testimony. Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik would not say whether she watched.[405]

In late August 2021, after the committee asked telecommunications and social media companies to retain certain records, McCarthy declared that if the companies "turn over private information" to the House committee, then the companies are "in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States", and that a future Republican legislative majority will hold the companies "fully accountable".[406] In response to McCarthy's comment, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint on September 3 with the chief counsel of the Office of Congressional Ethics. CREW noted that the subpoena was legally valid and claimed that McCarthy was illegally obstructing the investigation insofar as he was "threatening retaliation" against the telecommunications companies.[407] Eleven House Republicans who were associated with the January 6 "Stop the Steal" rally sent a September 3 letter to thirteen telecommunications companies stating they "do not consent to the release of confidential call records or data" and threatened legal action against what they asserted were unconstitutional subpoenas.[408][409][410][411]

During a September 2 television interview, McCarthy was asked about "how deeply [Trump] was involved," to which he replied that the FBI and Senate committees had found "no involvement."[412] He and other Republicans had cited an exclusive Reuters report that unnamed current and former law enforcement officials said the FBI had found "scant evidence" of an organized plot to overturn the election. In a September 4 statement, Thompson and Cheney said the committee had queried executive branch agencies and congressional committees investigating the matter and "it's been made clear to us that reports of such a conclusion are baseless."[413][414]

On October 16, The Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson criticized the committee's glacial progress, stating that "I don't believe that they're pursuing this with the degree of vigor that merits the type of targets they're talking about. We're dealing with people like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone and Ali Alexander ... They've had three months, they've done almost nothing."[415]

Representative Scott Perry said on December 21 that he would not cooperate with the committee because, in his view, the committee itself was "illegitimate, and not duly constituted under the rules of the US House of Representatives."[416] Similarly, on January 23, 2022, Newt Gingrich said on Fox News that he believed the committee was breaking laws, but he did not specify which laws.[417]

On December 23, Laurence Tribe, American legal scholar and University Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law at Harvard University, and colleagues published in The New York Times about Attorney General Merrick Garland: "Only by holding the leaders of the Jan. 6 insurrection — all of them — to account can he secure the future and teach the next generation that no one is above the law. If he has not done so already, we implore the attorney general to step up to that task."[418]

In June 2022, Fox News announced that it would not carry live coverage of the hearings, relegating it to its sister channel Fox Business and local Fox network affiliates.[120][121][419] Fox News instead carried special editions of Tucker Carlson Tonight and Hannity (the former notably airing commercial-free) that largely featured criticism of the hearing,[419][420] with Carlson deeming it "propaganda", and lower thirds describing it as a "sham", "show trial" and "political theater".[421]


According to a poll conducted in July 2021 by Politico, a majority of Americans support the January 6 investigation, with 58% overall supporting and 29% opposing; 52% of Republicans polled opposed it.[422] When Politico repeated the poll in December 2021, again, three-fifths supported the committee, including 82% of Democrats, 58% of independents, and 40% of Republicans.[423]

In an August 2021 Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, 58% of American voters said they thought the committee was biased, while 42% thought it was fair.[424] In September 2021, a Pew Research poll found that only 11% of American adults said they were very confident the committee would be fair and reasonable while another 34% were somewhat confident, while a 54% majority said they were not too confident (32%) or not at all confident (22%). Confidence was highly partisan: Nearly two-thirds of Democrats and less than a quarter of Republicans said they were at least somewhat confident.[425]

Just greater than half of Americans believe that Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the attack. A Washington Post–ABC News poll taken a week after the attack found 54% giving this response, and over a year later, it hadn't changed substantially, as 52% gave the same response to the same organization's poll conducted April 24–28, 2022. The division is partisan: 5 out of 6 Democrats support charging Trump, while 5 out of 6 Republicans oppose doing so.[426]

NBC News found that the percentage of Americans who believe that Trump was solely or mainly responsible for the January 6 attack dropped from 52% in January 2021 to 45% in May 2022. A decrease was found within all subgroups: Democrats, Republicans, and independents.[427]

See also


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