99th Percentile is the Wikipedia alias of Tom Fairlie, a 40-something male living in Lakeville, Minnesota in the midwestern United States.

My alias is based upon the IQ score that I received when testing to enter Mensa.

Before you make light of this achievement (as most friends and acquaintances tend to :-), consider this:

My formal education is in engineering and computer science and I currently earn my living as a senior systems engineering manager in the medical industry.

Politically, I am dead center in the libertarian left (according to the Political Compass, my scores are: Economic Left/Right: -5.25 and Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82). Although I am an independent voter, frustrated by the lack of promise of both major parties, I tend to eschew the Republican Party. Historically speaking, they have been the party of elitism and exclusion. More recently, they have been the party of the big lie, willing to compromise practically every conservative principle for the sake of electoral victory and the consolidation of power. Democrats, on the other hand, can hardly be accused of such lying, since they have no identifiable platform on which to base such an accusation.

Favorite pages (warning: not all of these are fun)

Pages improved, so to speak (listed chronologically)

Lost changes


  1. ^ H. R. Shapiro, Democracy in America: A Political History of the United States, 1620-1789/1984. Manhattan Communications, 1986. pp. 290-343.