
Corepages: Audacitor | Talk | Contributions
Subpages: Map | MOTDs | Userboxes | Projects | Awards
StatusBot says I'm (unknown ). You tell 'em, mate!

Books | Film and Television | Food | Gaming | Language | Math | Miscellaneous | Music | Politics | Science | Technology | Zoological

libThis user is a liberal.

No comment.

This user is not gay, but supports gay people.

No comment.

This user supports recycling.

No comment.

This user regards Colony Collapse Disorder as a serious problem.

No comment.

This user wants to stop
global warming.

No comment.

This user supports the
use of green energy.

No comment.

PC This user is pro-choice.

No comment.

This user is against
strict gun control.

No comment.

This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.

No comment.

This user finds censorship offensive.

No comment.

No comment.

This user knows that there are
2,000,000 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.

No comment.

Books | Film and Television | Food | Gaming | Language | Math | Miscellaneous | Music | Politics | Science | Technology | Zoological

Corepages: Audacitor | Talk | Contributions
Subpages: Map | MOTDs | Userboxes | Projects | Awards