This user lives in Brooklyn, and enjoys the public library, crossword puzzles, and swimming. She focuses on editing biography pages of women and lesbians. New to editing on Wikidata.

Created pages
Some pages I have made significant contributions to:
Favorite expansions Scientists Women artists/writers/performers Misc. contributions
Springfield City Library Patricia Vaurie Julia Weist Dori J. Maynard
Alice Austen Emmett Reid Dunn Magdalena Gómez Che Gossett
Sylvia Stone Charles Lewis Camp Caroline Van Hook Bean Herbert Von King Park
Colin Robinson Edwin H. Colbert Sascha Braunig
Kara Jackson Martha Warren Beckwith Tsidii Le Loka
Lucille Mason Rose Ginny Wood Molly Gordon
Elana Dykewomon Otto Geist Renata Adler
Yvonne Twining Humber Nengi Adoki
Carrie Moyer Charlotte Charke
Ursula Nordstrom Cordell Jackson
Louise Fitzhugh Mabel Osgood Wright
Adrienne McNeil Herndon Barbara Noah
Sheila Levrant de Bretteville
Zoe Leonard
Paula Gunn Allen