I'm Dan, a very intermittent Wikipedian. You're most likely to find me fiddling with articles about:

  1. Politics, history and culture of various countries and regions across Eurasia:Iraq, Central Asia and the Caucasus, South Asia, and Russia
  2. Sanskrit language and literature

No promises that I ever have, or ever will, write anything in these categories - but it's more likely than elsewhere.

Also, of course, I'll tweak any articles I come across that need improvement.

If you want to get hold of me, you can find contact details on my personal web page [[1]]

Editing /
Missing Articles
  • See also: Requested Articles
  • Concepts
  • ・Theory of Magical Net in Tibetan Buddhism/sgyu 'phrul drwa ba/Mayajala
  • ・Threefold Path
  • Khenchen - or perhaps expand Khenpo instead
  • ・Marananussati
  • ・Dhatu (Buddhism) - It's mentioned by the Buddha in the Aṅgulimālīya Sūtra with no clear definition. Skandha has an section mentioning the Dhatus but not in the Buddha's context from the Aṅgulimālīya Sūtra.
  • Deities
  • ・Maha Brahma
  • Mātali
  • Organizations
  • ・Rangjung Yeshe Translations and Publications
  • ・Tsadra Foundation
  • ・Dedrol Gonpa
  • ・Amida-shu
  • People
  • ・James Valby
  • ・Ives Waldo
  • ・Karl Brunnhoelzl
  • ・Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje
  • ・Ngulchu Thogmed
  • ・Shabkar/zabs dkar
  • ・Adzom Drugpa
  • ・Letro Lingpa (Tib. las 'phro gling pa)
  • ・Sangye Lingpa
  • ・Mahasiddha Humkara
  • ・Achoe Rinpoche
  • ・Minjur Dorje
  • ・various modern teachers
  • Temples
  • ・Jampe Lhakhang - Bhutan
  • Texts
  • Bakabrahma Sutta
  • Kāma Sutta
  • Mahāsaccaka Sutta
  • Mahāsaḷāyatanika Sutta
  • Mahāsamaya Sutta
  • Mahāsīhanāda Sutta
  • Poṭṭhapāda Sutta
  • Upanisa Sutta
  • Nyingthig Yabshi
  • The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
  • Entering the Way of a Bodhisattva
  • Phagme Nyingthig (Tib. spelling: 'chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig,
  • Innermost Essence teachings of the Immortal Bodhisattva [Arya Tara])
  • Other
  • ・Buddhist sculpture
  • ・Buddhist Philosophy in Tibet - overview
  • ・Differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism
  • ・Differences between Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana?
  • ・Five Sisters of Long Life/Thon Thing Gyalmo
Expansion Merges
  • ・This list currently empty; if any articles relating to Buddhism planned for merging please list them here so they can be discussed and implemented.
Discussions Crossreferences

Open tasks for History of India
Top priorities Missing articles Expansion
Merges Maps
Routes, Wars, etc.
Recently Updated
Other requests


Try to get the number of stubs in Category:Indian_history_stubs down to <100 by either expanding them or merging them.

  • History of the Travancore Dynasty

NPOV Issues
British Raj
Company rule in India
Indian Rebellion of 1857
Economic History of India
Sino-Indian War

More Research Needed
Baji Rao I
Neera Arya

Wikibook - History Of India
There are requests for authors to expand the Wikibooks on Indian history and religion.