I'm a Geography & Environmental Science student attending UMBC in Maryland. I've been a Wikipedia reader and editor since late 2001.

This summer, I'm trying to migrate some skills in ArcMap/Illustrator over to QGIS/Inkscape, and the Map Workshops seem to be an efficient way to practice. All map work listed here for me to keep track of. A portfolio of non-trivial cartography will come later after I'm a bit more familiar with wikipedia-specific conventions, tools, correctly-licensed data, etc.

Summer Map Blog

Summer Map Projects

Several of the posts on Map Workshop have suggested WikiMapProjects, which I may end up doing when I have the time. With GIS usually once you've got a dataset and format together it's not time-consuming at all to do repetitive work on similar objects. Here's some things I'll be getting around to in spare time.

US Ancestry Percentage by County for each reported Census Ancestry

The lead for this came from a request for a legend on the Scottish page. Most of the current maps use a Census web tool that creates aesthetically lacking results and no legend. The exceptions use a copyrighted professionally-made map. I have data for these, I just need to find the time to put them all together.

Tamil Nadu State Highways

There are 200 or so state highways in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. A map request for one, and a note that the person will be creating a database, begs for an authoritative map that one can subset. OSM fails hard here with only 14 numbered highways labelled as such. An award-winning 2006 small-scale map of major National Highways in India, which has spawned many subset maps that highlight a route, is no help here - not even for the national highways. In addition, since the National Highways had all of their numbers changed a few months ago, the world is in need of new maps for those as well. It shouldn't be that difficult to digitize these from directions, but so far I only have directions for one of them. I'm still looking for data on state highways, though there is a verbal guide to the NH changes.

Smithsonian National Mall complex map

From Smithsonian_Institution_Building's map request, and looking at the other museums, it looks like the tourist maps that are presented by the bus companies, the Smithsonian, and WMATA don't have a freely licensed counterpart to function as a basic illustrated location map.

User:Kmusser points out a perfectly functional base to work with: File:Washington DC map1.png

Map Portfolio