Ideas and proof of concept for customizing the display of the ((Expand language)) template on article pages.



The result of this Tfd about Template:Expand language was 'keep' i.e., don't move it to the talk page. But, it was clear from the comments that some users would prefer to have the template at the bottom of the page, while others were more or less okay with it at the top, but found it too obtrusive and would seek to minimize it somehow. Some preferred to do away with it entirely.



This is a proof-of-concept attempt, to see what, if anything can be done to satisfy these users, without changing the default or in any way undoing or modifying the 'status quo' result of the Tfd. Looking at the Tfd comments, we can extrapolate the the following possible objectives:

  1. make the template less obtrusive
  2. move the template to the bottom of the page
  3. do not display the template from the page

I found that through code changes and appropriate use of common.css, it's possible to achieve any of these goals by opt-in features not affecting anyone else:



The approach I'm looking into involves some transparent code changes and some css:

Another approach, might have been to include the style directly in the template itself, under control of some new parameter. This might be possible, but it doesn't seem in keeping with how other templates are created and used, and since common.css (and common.js) are provided by default to users and can be, and are used for all sorts of style customizations, this seemed like the right place to try to achieve the goals.

Proof of concept implementation


Implementation involve a two-prong approach:

This can be done by introducing new css classes to the <table> element generated by ((Ambox)). For objectives 1 (less obtrusive) and 3 (remove), only one class is needed, but for objective 2 (move to bottom) two classes are needed. This is because of the difference between top-of-page, article-level Expand <language> templates, of which there can be only one by definition[a] and section-level templates, of which there can be many. Only one template can be placed at the bottom of the page, because absolute positioning is used for this, so section templates should not be moved,[b] only the article template should be, if the user opts in for that.

Use of absolute positioning


Use of absolute positioning is part of the proof of concept, just to see if opt-in move is possible, but it isn't a permanent solution. If other templates tried to implement the same thing, they could interfere with each other, each one trying to "claim" the bottom spot. If the initial concept works, then a more permanent solution would require use of common.js to insert the html of the box near the #footer, maintaining relative positioning, rather than just overlay it on top of whatever was already there with absolute positioning. This would allow moving any number of templates, which would stack up at the bottom without impacting each other.

On the other hand, if "moving to the bottom" was only a compromise offer by those who would rather see the box eliminated entirely, and there aren't many who actually want to see it at the bottom of the page, then this whole problem just goes away. The point of absolute positioning in the initial approach was just to see if it could be done at all, and it can be.

Box classes


Template ((Expand French)) (like all other "Expand" templates) currently generates these classes in the <table> element:




Choosing French as the initial language, here are some articles that use ((Expand French)):

See also



  1. ^ If there are two stacked templates at the top, say, one for French, and one for German, only one of them (the second one) could be shown at the bottom of the page. But there shouldn't be two, because the case of multiple Expand templates is exactly the case where the user should be using the direct invocation of ((Expand language)) with multiple languages and articles, and not the daughter templates individually.
  2. ^ attempting to move section templates, if there were more than one, would run into the same problem, and only the last one would be visible.