This is a list of quotes that I drew up over several years to serve as epigraphs for the chapters of my PhD thesis (I was bored). Several made it in the end, but rather than waste those that didn't, I've ported them to Wikipedia and intend to add them where appropriate.

Quotes = 0

- Aldous Huxley
- Anonymous
- Sir Ernest Shackleton, explorer
- Dr. Peter Venkman ('Ghostbusters')
- Nicolo Machiavelli ('The Prince')
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- Spock ('Star Trek', 'A Piece of the Action')
- Anonymous
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- Anonymous

Quotes = 10


Feist's Corollary to Watt-Evans' Law: There is no idea so brilliant or original that a sufficiently-untalented writer can't fuck it up.

- Anonymous
- netperson
- Windom Earle ('Twin Peaks')
- Anonymous

Confusious Say: Man Who Stand On Toilet, High On Pot.

- Netperson
- Al ('Quantum Leap')
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost.
For want of a rider, the battle was lost.
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail!
- Anonymous
- Walter Benjamin
- 'TV Nation' Poll
- William James

Quotes = 20

- Apocryphal Scotsman
- Catwoman ('Batman Returns')
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- John Haugeland
- Lauren Bacall
- Anonymous
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg on her visit to Auschwitz

Quotes = 30

- Ian Malcolm ('Jurassic Park')
- Andrew McCaddon (netperson)
- Monte Hellman (director)
- Chris Way (netperson)
- Warren C. Lathe II (netperson)
- Frederick Wheeler
- Mitch Radcliffe
- Robert A. Heinlein
- 'Song of _Anomalocaris_' vol 2, canto 8, verses 36-37 (Christopher Heiny, netperson)
- Anonymous

Quotes = 40

- Roger Bacon
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- M. C. Sheppard
- Steve Drost (netperson)
- Carl J. Spencer (netperson, quoting himself)
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- Mark Twain
- D.H Lawrence (Whales Weep Not)
- J.R. Dobbs
- Dave Horn (netperson)

Quotes = 50

- Bertrand Russell
- Q ('Star Trek : The Next Generation')
- Chris A. Hall (netperson)
- Frank Capra
- Obi Wan Kanobi ('Star Wars')
- Ray Deonandan (netperson)
- Terry Pratchett
- Me
- The Laws of Physics (courtesy of James W. Walden, netperson)
- Wolfgang Wuster (netperson)

Quotes = 60

- Newt Gingrich
- Daly and Townsend ('Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics',


- Jack Handey ('Deep Thoughts')
- J. McNab
  (they taught me all i knew); 
their names are what and why and when
  and how and where and who.
- Kipling
- Matthew P. Wiener (netperson)
- Alan Sherman ('The Rape of the A*P*E*')
- Robert Blake (netperson)
- Grant Hodgson (netperson)
- Andy Kerr, Oregon Natural Resources Council

Quotes = 70

- Dan Day
- Matthew P. Wiener (netperson,
- James P. Blaylock (in 'Lord Kelvin's Machine')
- Robert Sheckely
- Steve Price (netperson,
- Anonymous
- Nick Herbert ('Quantum Reality : Beyond the New Physics')
- Anatole France (1844-1924)
- Ambrose Bierce ('Devil's Dictionary')
- Robert A. Heinlein

Quotes = 80

- Dobzhansky
- Michael Marshall Smith ('Only Forward')
- Han Solo ('Star Wars')
- Paul * Sir Robin* Duncanson (netperson,
- George Washington (farewell address, 1796)
- Ernest Rutherford
- Darren F. Provine (netperson,
- Bertrand Russell
- Mark Meyer (netperson,
- The Dread Pirate Roberts ('The Princess Bride')

Quotes = 90

- Howard Aiken
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Mark Twain
- Ken Boucher (on human stupidity in sci.nanotech)
- Thomas kettenring (netperson)
- G. K. Chesterton ('Orthodoxy', 1908)
- Govindjee (netperson,
- L. F. Richardson

Quotes = 100

- Jeff T. (netperson)
- Mark Twain
- Robert A. Heinlein
- Henry Spencer
- Plutarch
- Sir Arthur Eddington
- T. H. Huxley
- Counsellor Troi ('Star Trek : The Next Generation')
- Francis Crick
- Larry McKnight (netperson)

Quotes = 110

- Albert Einstein
- John Stuart Mill
- Ash ('Army of Darkness')
- Arkansas congressman to Joint National Committee on Language
- Garrison Kiellor
- John (Chris) Wilkins (
- Jack Handy
- Dr. Pepper (netperson)
- Tero Sand (
- Al Scott

Quotes = 120

- Heraclitius
- Francis Thompson (The Mistress of Vision)
- The Advocate (spring 1994)
- Tom Lehrer
- 'Dr. Strangelove'
- Marshall McLuhan (Understanding Media)
- Loren King (
- Torkel Franzen
- Woody Allen
- Woody Allen

Quotes = 130

- Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor, in a letter to his tutor, M. Cornelius Fronto)
- R. Kadel
- Albert Einstein
- Murphy's 29th Law (courtesy of
- Edward H. Cooper (
- Howard Hershey ( on the Creationist author Lane P. Lester
- Archbiship Desmond Tutu (1990, addressing students at West Point)
- Josiah Royce
- Joyce Grossmans
- David C. Wright (

Quotes = 140

- Jim Mullen (Entertainment Weekly)
- Robert S. Bigelow ('The Dawn Warriors')
- Mark Twain
- Robert A. Heinlein
- Charles Darwin ('Darwin, My Life', Chapman and Hall, 1905, vol 1)
- Stephen J. Gould ('Eight Little Piggies')
- Garrett Hardin ('Filters Against Folly')
- Philip K. Dick, ('Valis')
- Bill Gates (allegedly)
- Anonymous programmer

Quotes = 150

- Iain M. Banks ('Use of Weapons')
- George Bernard Shaw
- Jean Paul Sartre
- Richard Feynman
- H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson
- H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
- Tom Weller ('Science Made Stupid')
- Martin Luther

Quotes = 160

- Jack Handey ('Deep Thoughts')
- Edmund Way Teale ('Circle of the Seasons')
- Me
- Jeremy S. Anderson
- Keith A. Cochran (
- Anonymous (possibly see 'Brocas Brain' by Sagan)
- Winston Churchill
- Thomas Hobbes

Quotes = 170

- Warren Bennis
- B. Waggoner
- Michael Ruse ('Darwinism Defended')
- Stephen J. Gould
- Stephen J. Gould
- Popular Mechanics, March 1949
- Charles Darwin (in his Zoonomia notebook, 1837)
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- David Hume
- Calvin Hall & Gardner Lindzey, 1978

Quotes = 180

- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)
- Diogenes
- Humphrey Bogart
- Damian Hammontree (
- Paul Hawken
- Robert Frost
- St. Albertus Magnus
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- George Wald (1906-1997)

Quotes = 190

- Stephen W. Hawking
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Quentin Crisp
- Gore Vidal
- Gore Vidal
- Leon Lederman
- Eugene Wigner (1902-1995)
- Thomas Hewitt Key (1799-1875)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

Quotes = 200

- Lord Kelvin (President of The Royal Society, 1895)
- Harry M. Warner (Warner Bros., 1927)
- Charles H. Duell (commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899)
- Thomas Watson (chairman of IBM, 1943)
- Ken Olsen (president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment

Corp., 1977)

- Daniel Dennett
- Anonymous
- Dorothy Parker
- R. Geis
- Eric Hoffer

Quotes = 210

- David Letterman

/earth: file system full.

- Anonymous
- Alex P. Keaton
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Talking Heads
- English Professor (Ohio University)
- Anonymous
- Voltaire
- Jules Feiffer
- JBS Haldane

Quotes = 220

- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare
- H. L. Mencken
- Anonymous
- A. Whitney Brown (The Big Picture)
- Lt. Henry Mon (USAF, circa 1961)
- Anonymous
- Omni
- Mark Twain

Quotes = 230

- Anonymous
- Keynes
- Hal Abelson
- Albert Einstein
- Paul Krassner
- Carl Sagan (Contact)
- Ogden Nash
- C. P. Snow (New York Times, 15 March 1971)
- Freeman Dyson ('Disturbing the Universe', 1979 (Columbia))

Quotes = 240

- Werner Von Braun
- Daniel Bernouilli (quoted in 'The Mathematical Intelligencer', vol. 13(1), Winter 1991)
- Albert Einstein
- Oscar Wilde (aka. Butch Oscar)
- Albert Einstein (24 March 1954. In *Albert Einstein: The Human Side* , Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffmann, eds., Princeton University Press, 1979, p. 38.)
- Gene Ward Smith
- Me
- Salvor Hardin (Isaac Asimov)
- Quentin Crisp
- Yossarian ('Catch 22', Joseph Heller)

Quotes = 250

- Suzanne Vega (The Guardian, Thursday, August 27, 1992)
- Kevin Goldstein-Jackson (Financial Times, 19/20 July 1996)
- James Lovelock ('The Ages of Gaia', 1989, Oxford University Press)
- Ethan Allen ('Reason the Only Oracle of Man', pamphlet, 1784)
- Bill Hicks
- Charles Dickens ('A Tale of Two Cities')
- Pasteur
- Lowell Thomas ('Cat Angels')
- Douglas Adams ('The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy')
- Iain M. Banks ('Consider Phlebas')

Quotes = 260

- Captain James T. Kirk (Steven Martin,
- * Crash* Davies ('Bull Durham')
- Kenneth Collins (
- Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
- Daniel Deudney and Christopher Flavin
- Ernest Hemingway
- Garrett Hardin
- Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand
- George Wald (1906-1997), Nobel laureate, biology
- Garrett Hardin

Quotes = 270

- Lisa White
- Daniel Dennett
- Tony Lawrence (
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Ingmar Bergman
- Mark Renton ('Trainspotting')
- Kurt Vonnegut ('Breakfast of Champions', 1973)
- Mahatma Gandhi (when asked what he thought of Western Civilisation)
- Roseanne
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)

Quotes = 280

- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Ransom K. Ferm ('The Sirens of Titan' by Kurt Vonnegut, 1959)
- Isaac Asimov
- Richard Saul Wurman ('Information Anxiety')
- Hubert Murray Jr. ('Methods for Satisfying the Needs of the

Scientist and the Engineer for Scientific and Technical Communication')

- Susan Hubbard ('Information Skills for an Information Society')
- John Wheeler
- Robert M. May, 1974

Quotes = 290

- James Gleick ('Chaos', 1987)
  1. You can't win
  2. You are sure to lose
  3. You can't get out of the game
- Garrett Hardin
- Matt Silberstein (netperson,
- M. W. Vogel (netperson,
- William Dale Robertson (netperson,
- Rachel ('BladeRunner')
- St. Augustine (354-430)
- Charles R. Darwin (1809-1882)
- Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), American clergyman [clipped from *The Courier-Journal,* Louisville, KY]
- Joel Cohen

Quotes = 300

- Jon Lien (Professor, St. John's University, Newfoundland)
- Ashley Montague
- Dr. Francis Gunther (father of pesticides, on detecting infinitesimal quantities of pesticides in food)
- Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
- Matt Cartmill
- Paul Dirac
- Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Quotes = 310

- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- Karl Arbeiter (former teacher of Albert Einstein)
- Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)
- Richard Feynman
- Richard Feynman

Quotes = 320

- Galileo Galilei
- Sherlock Holmes
- Alfred E. Neuman
- Henri Poincare'
- Carl Sagan
- J. D. Watson
- H. H. Williams
- John Muir
--P.G. Wodehouse
- Margaret Atwood

Quotes = 330

- Robert X. Cringely

The story goes that a [Russian?] mathematician, suspecting that the government bakery was fraudulently baking undersized loaves, began weighing his weekly bread ration. The result was a normal distribution with a mean that was significantly lower than the official quota, and so he challenged the bakery. Thereafter, the mathematician received only loaves that were greater than or equal to the quota. However, his new distribution of loaves resembled the tail of a normal distribution which was still centered below the quota, and he was able to use this as evidence to challenge the bakery again.

- Anonymous
- Robert Benchley
- Conrad E. Muller
- Paul Erdos
- Francis Crick
- Adolf Hitler
- Jack Handy
- Anne Lamot
- Samuel Johnson

Quotes = 340

- G. Kasparov
- Henry Kissinger
- Anonymous
- Greg Kaiser
- Paula Poundstone
- Albert Einstein
- Paul Ginsparg
- D. Mirelman
- Emo
- Scientific American (March, 1992)

Quotes = 350

- Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
- Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
- Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
- Richard Linklater (Slacker* , 1991)
- Anatole France (1844-1924)
- Alfred North Whitehead
- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
- Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
- Ashley Montagu
- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Quotes = 360

- Florynce Kennedy
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945; * Mein Kampf)
- Ronald Reagan (opposing expansion of Redwood National Park, 1966)
- George Bush (1924- )
- James Watt (1938- )
- Alben W. Barkley (1877-1956; US Vice President 1949-1953)
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
- Karl Marx (1818-1883)
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950; * The Rejected Statement)
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Quotes = 370

- Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929)
- Kurt Vonnegut ('Breakfast of Champions', 1973)
- Julian Jaynes
- Will Rogers (1879-1935)
- Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (1903-1989)
- Claude Bernard
- Andy Warhol
- Linus Pauling
- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
- Edward Abbey (b.1927)

Quotes = 380

- Granville Hicks (1901-1982)
- Marvin G. Gregory
- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
- Emile Henry Gauvreay
- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
- Garrett Hardin ('Filters Against Folly', 1985)
- Garrett Hardin ('Filters Against Folly', 1985)
- Professor Robert Silensky (University of California)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes = 390

- Robert Frost
- Jules Henri Poincare
- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
- Tak Eeyawn
- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
- John Brunner ('Stand on Zanzibar')
- Pastor Martin Neimoller

Quotes = 400

- Baron Richard Von Krafft-Ebing
- Edsger Dijkstra
- Lenny Bruce
- Stephen Hawking
- from a 1982 resolution of the Episcopal Church
- Leon Lederman ('The God Particle')
- Richard Feynman (1967; 1918-1988)
- Homer J. Simpson
- Richard Dawkins
- Anonymous programmer

Quotes = 410

- Stacey Hill (

7,140   pounds on the Sun
   97   pounds on Mercury or Mars
  255   pounds on Earth
  232   pounds on Venus or Uranus
   43   pounds on the Moon
  648   pounds on Jupiter
  275   pounds on Saturn
  303   pounds on Neptune
   13   pounds on Pluto
How much Elvis Presley would weigh at various places in the solar system.

- Anonymous
- Arthur C. Clarke
- T. H. Huxley (1894)
- Bill Clinton
- Robert Wright ('The Moral Animal', 1994)
- Randolph Nesse, 1994
- Garrett Hardin, 1968
- Matt Ridley ('The Origins of Virtue', 1996)
- Matt Ridley ('The Origins of Virtue', 1996)
- Matt Ridley ('The Origins of Virtue', 1996)

Quotes = 420

- Kurt Vonnegut ('Timequake', 1997)
- Kurt Vonnegut ('Timequake', 1997)
- Kurt Vonnegut ('Timequake', 1997)
- Dan Quayle (former U.S. Vice President)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)

Quotes = 430

- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)

Quotes = 440

- Douglas Coupland ('Generation X', 1991)
- Katherine Whitehorn
- Oscar Wilde
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Steven Wright
- Willa Cather
- Anonymous
- Richard Nixon
- Woody Allen
- Phil White

Quotes = 450

- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Mark Twain
- Dave Barry
- Ray Simard
- Mark Twain
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ronald Reagan
- Mark Twain
- Hunter S. Thompson
- John Kenneth Galbraith

Quotes = 460

- Anonymous
- Dorothy Parker
- Dwight Eisenhower (April 16, 1953)
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ronald Reagan
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')

Quotes = 470

- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')
- Ambrose Bierce ('The Devil's Dictionary')

Quotes = 480

- Hedy Lamarr
- Rich Jeni
- Rich Jeni
- Emo Philips
- Rich Jeni
- Ren Hicks
- Emo Philips
- Ronald Firbank
- Kin Hubbard
- E. M. Cioran ('The Trouble With Being Born')

Quotes = 490

- Jmes Thurber
- Don Marquis
- Dwight Morrow
- John Mortimer
- Mark Twain
- Quentin Crisp
- Henry Louis Mencken
- Lily Tomlin
- Jack Handy ('Deep Thoughts')
- Jacob Churosh

Quotes = 500

- Anatole France
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Elbert Hubbard
- Gustave Flaubert
- Rita Mae Brown
- W. Somerset Maugham
- Bernard Berenson
- Alan Coren
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Charles Schultz

Quotes = 510

- Jonathan Swift
- George Jean Nathan
- Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes)
- Mark Twain
- J. Robert Oppenheimer
- Aldous Huxley
- G.B. Shaw
- Albert Einstein
- James Gibbons Huneker
- Fran Lebowitz

Quotes = 520

- Fry, 2001-esque, on entering the internet (Futurama)
- W. C. Fields (My Little Chickadee)
- Narrator ('Fight Club', 1999)
- George W. Bush (Saginaw, MI, 29/09/00)
- George W. Bush (Beaverton, OR, 25/09/00)
- George W. Bush (Florence, SC, 11/01/00)
- Dick Cavett, mocking the TV-violence debate
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Lily Tomlin
- Alan Coren

Quotes = 530

- David Frost
- Ernie Kovacs
- Anonymous
- Groucho Marx, 1890-1977
- From * Taxi
- Gallagher
- Douglas Coupland ('All Families Are Psychotic')
- Janeane Garofalo
- Oscar Wilde

Quotes = 540

- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1961)
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1961)
- Moliere (1622-1673)
- Franklin P. Jones
- Tom Weller
- Graham Swift ('Last Orders', 1996)