Dingane Breeding

A Breeding of a variety of animals in the middle of the great karoo... With bucks, sheep and cattle, the breeding is own by the van den Berg family.

The farm is mostly known for its merino sheep, ( a large-breed sheep mostly known, for its wool, and its meat) cattle, the tuli ( a white to red, smaller cattle breed, known for its meat ) and it's differsity of buck's: The 5 diffrent colour and blood-lines of springbuck( Kalahari, Damara, Cupper, Black, White and Blue ) oryx ( normal and scimitar oryx ) Sable, nyala, blackwildebeest, Blesbuck, bontebuck, Zebra, Kudu, ostrich and steenbuck.

Dingane breeding is close to merriman station, in the karoo. With the railroad, and the "karoo-bossie", it's a place to enjoy yourself. A place of wonder and beauty, this is surely the place to lose your heart...