Boo Ya'll

There aint nothing special about me, I cant for the life of me figure out why you're here...Never assume anything. You reveal too much of yourself when you do. "We soon believe what we desire" - Latin Proverb.

Recently relocated from Bakersfield California to Clarksville Tennessee.

As I watched your world crumble in your hands you raised a glass to your last stand. Just a trembling heart crying out. I will be anything you want just lead me, save me from my solitude. It appears that genius has finally turned to madness with no remorse and no shame. In all fire, fury and flame, showing you things so unreal you believe that it's true.

This is the person pissing you off

I was 14 when this was taken you lil perv.

==Nicknames== Cat - Vila Wolf - Crazy Evil Demon Werewolf B**** From Hell - WaldyWolf





Near Death (most recent first)

Unusual Markings

Rose & Clef Tattoo on left shoulder Native Indian Raven Tattoo on back of left hand



1. Robert Englund - Phantom of the Opera 2. Rojo Sangre - Paul Naschy 3. The Lost Boys - Keifer Sutherland

1. Larry Talbot's Transformation in the original Wolf Man 2. That Italian Silent where the woman is walking down the hall and the curtain moves behind her cant for the life of me remember the name of it.

1. Coast To Coast Am 2. The Dark Knight Show w/ the real Bruce Wayne 3. Hometown Tales Radio Show and Podcast

1. Cry Little Sister - Sisters of Mercy 2. The Bane of Daninsky The Werewolf - Dark Moor

The Real Bruce Wayne - 106.1 Krab FM

1. "Only Love and Music are Forever" Englund's Phantom 2. "With enough silicone you dont need to have any talent" Paul Naschy's Rojo Sangren

1. No one in this world needs me. No none ever will. 2. The darkest regions of his incomparable imagination the dungeon of his tortured mind. 3. There is no angel of Music. There is only Erik

1."Aww Crap"! Kevin &Darien Fawkes - The Invisible Man, Pilot Eppie 2. Diva "Hello Lucien." LaCorix "Shouldn't all the good little girls be in bed by now?" - Forever Knight

Caller: "...So I pulled out my pepper spray and I sprayed 'em" Art Bell: "You Pepper Sprayed a Grey?! LAMO With thoes big eyes that can't close because they have no eye lids?! LAMO" Caller: "Yeah They were pissed..." Art: "I bet they were LMAO"

Coast to Coast, September 5, 2003

Illegal Activity

Smoked peyote once, Piracy, Trespassing (minor), Moon Shining (Both Rotgut and Mead)

Medical Information

Contact Information

Election Official Details

Currently on the "to work" list with the Montgomery Elections Offices.

County District - 14 City Ward - 8 School District - 6 State House - 67 State Senate - 22 US Congressional District - 7

Previous election experience


I was a poll worker with the Kern County Elections Office and I have worked several elections. (Mostly for the badge/pin as the Pay stinks) I am (or was at the last election) a Site-Inspector. Meaning that I was responsible for all votes cast in my prescient; 282 Site 505 Kern County

My advice: Don't be crabby with the Poll Workers. You think your day is bad? We WILL make you vote provisional if you give us a hard time. Aside from answering general questions such as "What party is so-an-so with?" or "What does this prop mean/do?" I cant say shit about the elections.

Elections I have worked:

Political Party Angry Gun Toting Meat Eating Mother F****r "Official" Political Party DTS: Declined To State

Paranormal Experience

Life long, third generational Ghost Hunter who went on my first legit Ghost Hunt at the age of 1. I did leave the entire thing behind for a while in high school because of what I saw as unprofessional infighting between groups. I've focused on folklore and mythology since then.

Other Stuff

You know more about me than you do yourself.

Remember, I hate you all.

This user is God.