Vibrio metschnikovii
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota
Class: Gammaproteobacteria
Order: Vibrionales
Family: Vibrionaceae
Genus: Vibrio
V. metschnikovii
Binomial name
Vibrio metschnikovii
Gamaleia 1888

Vibrio metschnikovii is a Gram-negative species of bacteria found in freshwater and marine environments.[1] V. metschnikovii is an emergent pathogen in humans, causing gastrointestinal disease and wound infections.[2]

V. metschnikovii was named in honor of Russian biologist, Élie Metchnikoff.[3]


Vibrio metschnikovii is a halophilic Gram-negative rod. They are facultatively anaerobic and motile through a single polar flagellum.[4] They are catalase positive. V. metschnikovii is the only pathogenic Vibrio that is oxidase negative.[5] They grow readily on routine laboratory including TCBS agar and blood agar.


Vibrio metschnikovii is an infrequent cause of disease in humans, with 13 cases reported between 1981 and 2014.[6] In 2019, there were 6 reported cases of V. metschnikovii infections in the US in 2019.[7]


  1. ^ Valáriková, Jana; Korcová, Jana; Ziburová, Jana; Rosinský, Jozef; Čížová, Alžbeta; Bieliková, Sandra; Sojka, Martin; Farkaš, Pavol (Jun 2020). "Potential pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance of aquatic Vibrio isolates from freshwater in Slovakia". Folia Microbiologica. 65 (3): 545–555. doi:10.1007/s12223-019-00760-w. ISSN 0015-5632. PMID 31773555.
  2. ^ Linde, Hans-Jörg; Kobuch, Reinhard; Jayasinghe, Sylvia; Reischl, Udo; Lehn, Norbert; Kaulfuss, Stefan; Beutin, Lothar (Oct 2004). "Vibrio metschnikovii , a Rare Cause of Wound Infection". Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 42 (10): 4909–4911. doi:10.1128/JCM.42.10.4909-4911.2004. ISSN 0095-1137. PMC 522296. PMID 15472380.
  3. ^ Gamaleia, M N (1888). "Vibrio metschnikovi (n. sp.) et ses rapports avec le microbe du choléra asiatique". Annales de l'Institut Pasteur (Paris). 2: 482–488.
  4. ^ Abbott, S L; Janda, J M; Farmer, J J (2011). "Vibrio and Related Organisms". In Versalovic, James (ed.). Manual of clinical microbiology (10th ed.). Washington (D.C.): ASM press. ISBN 978-1-55581-463-2.
  5. ^ Lee, J. V.; Donovan, T. J.; Furniss, A. L. (1978-01-01). "Characterization, Taxonomy, and Emended Description of Vibrio metschnikovii". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 28 (1): 99–111. doi:10.1099/00207713-28-1-99. ISSN 0020-7713.
  6. ^ Konechnyi, Yulian; Khorkavyi, Yurii; Ivanchuk, Kateryna; Kobza, Ihor; Sękowska, Alicja; Korniychuk, Olena (Apr 2021). "Vibrio metschnikovii : Current state of knowledge and discussion of recently identified clinical case". Clinical Case Reports. 9 (4): 2236–2244. doi:10.1002/ccr3.3999. ISSN 2050-0904. PMC 8077321. PMID 33936672.
  7. ^ "COVIS Annual Summary, 2019". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sep 2023.
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