Vittorio Giovanni Rossi visiting the submarine Evangelista Torricelli (S-512) in 1965
Vittorio Giovanni Rossi (left) with President Giuseppe Saragat in 1965

Vittorio Giovanni Rossi (8 January 1898 – 4 January 1978) was an Italian journalist and writer.

Rossi was born in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy. He died in Rome and is buried in the S. Margherita Ligure cemetery, where is also his dedicated museum, inside the beautiful Villa Durazzo.

He was a special correspondent of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera and Epoca magazine. In his life, he has been also a shipmaster and officer, sailor and steersman, a deep-sea diver and fisherman, caravaneer and miner.




Books on Vittorio G. Rossi