The following discussion is preserved as an archive of a successful nomination to join the Mediation Committee. Please do not modify it.


User:Bcorr has been proposed to be part of the MC.

Sam and Perl, your comments are duly noted and will be taken into consideration. You both should not worry of any risk of unfairness toward both of you, in case of a subsequent mediation. This essentially for one core reason : mediation is first of all talking and listening to people. It is important disputants feel safe and confident with their mediator. Obviously, no disputant will ever choose a mediator he does not feel trust toward. That means, only people who trust Brian will chose him. Of course, if you are in trouble, you are both free to refuse Brian as a mediator. We will never impose such a thing on you.

Bcorr may be a fine administrator and might do his job well, but being a mediator is an entirely different job and requires a user who will judge others fairly and will not hold grudges.

It has not been repeated enough I fear. But mediators do not judge people. They have no power of judgement. Arbitrators judge other people behavior. We do not. FirmLittleFluffyThing 01:02, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)
I do not worry any risk of unfairness in any mediation because im not the kind of individual who gets into trouble.Perl 02:08, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)

This is very simple in my eyes. Bcorr did not react to/communicate with me in any way resembling an appropriate response. His antagonistic and bizarre behaviours are clear proof to me (and I would hope any fair minded person who reviews the links I provided) that he is a particularly poor choice for mediating anyone. I have no illusions that he would be involved as a mediator in any mediations relating to me. What disturbs me is that he could end up a mediator in matters relating to others, a task I clearly feel he is tremendously predisposed against. Sam Spade 01:41, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Yes, you may represent that you believe your interaction with him to be demonstrative of Bcorr's inappropriateness for the position. We, other editors of wikipedia, are also free to not take your representation at face value. -- Cimon avaro 08:03, Mar 13, 2004 (UTC)
I take nothing at face value alone, but maybe thats just me. Inspect my information or ignore it, but don't take my word on it, God forbid! ;) Sam Spade 08:27, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Does bCorr plan to post the content of his attempted mediations on his talk subpages? bCorr has established a trophy page regarding a contributor he dislikes and on that page has placed what he considers to be the product of mediation. His behavior is not conciliatory and his anxiety over conflict is exhibited in his effort to perpetuate conflict by documenting his version of events on his talk page. DontMessWithThis 04:12, 16 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Don't make me work for it. Post the link. -- Cyan 05:21, 16 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Anyway, Brian will do just as we do; no reason for him to make a subpage of cases; no reason for us to imagine he will do so :-) FirmLittleFluffyThing

Jimbo : no veto
MC : 4 supports, no opposition
Community : 4 supports, 1 opposition
Welcome 13th of march 2004. FirmLittleFluffyThing 19:53, 18 Mar 2004 (UTC)

The above nomination to join the Mediation Committee is preserved as an archive of the discussion. Please do not modify it.