Wikipedia Loves Libraries! at Norlin

Norlin Library, on the University of Colorado Boulder campus.

On October 27, 2011 at 5:30pm MDT, Norlin Library on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder will host a meetup as part of Wikipedia Loves Libraries! The event is structured as an introduction to Wikipedia, with a quick recap of Wikipedia's history, philosophy and mission, and a guide to contribute to Wikipedia. We'd also like to explore the possibility of setting up a student club of Wikipedians on the CU-Boulder campus.


Norlin Commons, room E113,
Norlin Library,
1720 Pleasant Street,
Boulder, CO 80302, USA
Getting there


5:30pm Arrive, grab pizza and drinks (sponsored by the University Libraries!)
5:45pm Introductions by the organizers.
5:55pm Presentation: An introduction to Wikipedia by Neal McBurnett (based on the "Standard Wikimedia Foundation executive presentation, June 2010" from [1].)
6:15pm Presentation: Your first edit on Wikipedia by Gaurav Vaidya.
6:30pm Attendees (that's you!) share your interests, your experiences with Wikipedia (as reader or editor), and your thoughts on the encyclopedia.
7:00pm Brainstorm a big Wikipedia-related event in Spring 2012, and the possibility of organizing a student group on the CU-Boulder campus.


Your suggestions?

I hope it's okay that I'm not a student at the school. Would you consider also talking about advanced editing techniques, like how I could make my user page look a little nicer? I know plenty about web design, but I'm still learning the wikimarkup that corresponds to the HTML/CSS. Or perhaps any advice for starting articles? I look forward to the good people and free pizza :-) Ender and Peter 05:42, 27 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]


We also have a Facebook event you can sign up through to RSVP!