If you are a marketing or public relations professional who has been directed to this essay, please realize: the intent is just to help you understand the reality of the situation. And that reality is that you are in the wrong place. You won't succeed at doing your job here, and trying to do it is going to annoy the unpaid volunteers who maintain the encyclopedia, and will probably backfire on you and your client anyway. So it would be best for you, your clients, and Wikipedia if you just accept that and do your job elsewhere.

But it's user-generated, Web 2.whatever, right?[edit]

They Tried To Advertise On Wikipedia, You Won't Believe What Happened Next (Hint: They got blocked.)

Yes, it sure is, but it explicitly is not a place where people or brands should be going to control their messaging. This is an encyclopedia, and nothing else. Everything here is based on what has already been reported in reliable sources. If you don't like what the reliable sources are writing about your client, take it up with them – not with Wikipedia. If they issue corrections, Wikipedia will correct its content as well. If they aren't writing about your client at all, your client is probably not notable enough for a Wikipedia article. Either way, it's not Wikipedia's problem and you shouldn't be trying to solve it by writing about them here.

But it's my job![edit]

No it isn't. You weren't hired to write an encyclopedia. That's all that is going on here; if you are trying to do anything other than that, this isn't the place for it.

I'd rather the article wasn't even here if I can't control it.[edit]

Yeah, it's easy to understand why someone paid to say only good things about a person would feel that way, but frankly, that's just too bad. It doesn't work like that. Let it go.

Can't I just create another account and not tell anyone what I'm doing?[edit]

You can try (if you are comfortable with abusing a volunteer-run website that is just trying to present free knowledge to the world), but people in your profession tend to have a hard time maintaining the neutral tone expected of an encyclopedia; it's basically the opposite of what is normally expected of you, so you'll probably get caught, and then we'll have to block your new account and your original account, and probably tag the article about your client as having been edited by an undisclosed paid editor, which will make them look bad, which is of course the opposite of what they are paying you for, and which makes you look bad as well. So you see, it's better for everyone if you don't. Wikipedia is there for you to read, always, but you should probably leave writing it to the people actually committed to this project – not to your client.

If you insist[edit]

There is a right way to go about this, if you really, really want to, but to be honest, most Wikipedians would still rather you didn't.

Seems kinda laborious, doesn't it? Guess what? It is that way because marketing and PR people have been a constant, day-in-day-out problem since practically the moment this project was founded. And yes, "problem" is the right word. Your goals are a problem; your goals are not compatible with the goals of this project. We're doing one thing, and you are trying to make it into something else that it isn't. That's why Wikipedians tend to be so defensive about it – you are not the first, or even the five thousandth person to think about trying to edit content about your client.

See also[edit]

See all that stuff? This didn't happen overnight, and that's not even close to all of it. This is why it might be better if you just didn't. Wikipedians have been thinking about this for more than twenty years. Think about that before you decide you know better.