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Course name
EEB 4611-Biogeochemical Processes-Spring 2024
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
James Cotner
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Environmental Sciences
Course dates
2024-01-16 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-05-24 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

In this course, we examine how the Earth, Universe, life and the elements originated and how different biogeochemical cycles are structured and coupled today. There is a strong emphasis on how humans have altered these cycles through various activities and processes such as climate change, mining, agriculture and changing land uses.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Fisc0776 Nitrobacter
Zfajri Effects of climate change on oceans Freshet, Snow algae
Czesz003 Meromictic lake
Kloth017 Pseudomonadota Snow algae, Acid rain
Abel.jack03 Lake stratification Ocean acidification, Water cycle
Mismosptk Snow algae
Schu4379 Snow algae Soil carbon, Freshet
Naomistow31 Extraterrestrial life Hydrothermal vent, Acid rain
Gushriver Nitrifying bacteria
MitchKrings Phosphorus cycle Freshwater marsh, Freshet
Jinoong31 Bacterioplankton Phosphorus biogeochemistry, Trichodesmium
Hjnelson02 Ammonia pollution Acid rain, Ammonium
AvOsero Freshet Snow algae, Freshwater marsh
Milenale13 Ocean acidification Ocean chemistry, Origin of life
Mullerybrux Freshwater marsh Ocean chemistry, Freshet
Linneajohnston Trichodesmium Snow algae, Lake stratification
VishalliAlagappan Sulfur cycle Beggiatoa, Extraterrestrial life
Xian Sun Nitrate
RMWilkens Ocean chemistry Freshwater marsh, Hydrothermal vent
Finle170 Pseudomonadota Freshwater marsh, Floodplain
Loralice Soil carbon
EchoingWinds Origin of water on Earth
Floralepe Climate change, Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere, Biological carbon fixation Ammonia pollution, Ammonium
Joh19094 Beggiatoa Effects of climate change on oceans, Denitrification
Jamison7 Hydrothermal vent Ammonium, Snow algae
NissaE Phosphorus biogeochemistry
MayaAbdul Ocean current
Henne744 Acid rain, Ocean current
AOpland Denitrification
Just.Awale Deforestation Effects of climate change on oceans, Acid rain
Candanyy Marine mucilage
Fuchs190 Ammonium Beggiatoa, Freshet
Cashi049 Trichodesmium Nitrobacter, Freshet
Elsmoll Floodplain
Harr2999 Microbiologically induced calcite precipitation
Bryanhuynh8 Ocean acidification Extraterrestrial life, Ammonia pollution
Reidbrown0605 Nitrogen fixation
Dohanminhtho Acid rain Ocean chemistry, Freshet
Coll1397 Lake stratification Meromictic lake, Extraterrestrial life
Backhand03 Hydrothermal Vents Extraterrestrial life, Meromictic lake
Pandas forest Origin of life Acid rain, Soil carbon
Fried913 Ocean current
LynSchwendy Whale fall Extraterrestrial life, Snow algae
NadiaEfon Biological carbon fixation, Soil carbon