As an editor on Wikipedia, you will have a choice: You can let everyone know who you are by using your real name. Or you can make your edits with a pseudonym, hiding your true identity, and keeping it to yourself.

Remaining anonymous is your right. But there are ways in which your identity can be revealed, even if you do not wish. In other words, on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog, unless you tell them you are.

For example, if you are so proud of an article you created that you tell people you know in person, they may read the article, and from looking at your contributions, they can then learn what else you did on Wikipedia. It is very possible that you do not wish for these people (who could be your relatives, friends, or even your boss) to know about other edits you have previously made or that you plan to make in the future. So before you go and brag, you may wish to be aware of this.

You may also get to "know" other editors on Wikipedia (without knowing their true identities) if you work on a project or on many articles within a common area. These are people you may end up in deep discussions with. You may not want them to know about your other areas of interest.

Hiding such edits from your edit history is a legitimate use for having a second account.

Voluntarily sharing your identity[edit]

There are various ways in which you can share your identity with others if you do wish:

Details of your identity[edit]

There are various details of one's identity that may be kept secret, but may be revealed by one's editing patterns.

IP editing[edit]

Many people refer to IP editing as "anonymous editing." But in reality, IP editing is less anonymous than registering a username. IP addresses in many cases can be traced to an exact location. On the other hand, if you create an account and edit under that, your IP address will be hidden from most users (though it can be obtained by a certain few users only if warranted).

A tool called WikiScanner enabled the IP address used for any IP edit to be traced to an approximate location, though it is no longer online. In some cases, it was used to determine that edits to an article about a company have been made from the company itself, which is often a conflict of interest.

This news story describes how WikiScanner was used to reveal that thousands of Wikipedia edits were allegedly made from the offices of various government agencies on taxpayer-funded time.

See also[edit]