Nasjonalinstrument er musikkinstrument av symbolsk eller kulturell tyding innan ein nasjon, stat, folkegruppe, stamme eller liknande. I nokre høve er nasjonalinstrument framleis vidt utbreidde og brukte, som cuatro i Puerto Rico. For andre har instrumenta mest tyding som symbol, som med den walisiske trippelharpa. Den danske etnologen Lisbet Torp har kome fram til at nokre nasjonalinstrumenttradisjonar, som finsk kantele, er påfunne, med intellektuelle og nasjonalistar som pådrivar for å velja visse instrument for å støtta nasjonalistiske idear.[1] Land har ofte ikkje noko offisielt anerkjend nasjonalinstrument, men det finst unntak, som paraguayansk harpe,[2] japansk koto[3] og trinidadisk steelpan.[4]

Denne lista omfattar instrument som det er blitt hevda er nasjonalinstrument av ulike kjelder. At eit instrument er med på lista tyder ikkje at det har udiskutabel status som nasjonalinstrument, berre at det er lagt fram haldbare bevis på at nokon reknar det som eit slikt. Kvar instrument har eit Hornbostel-Sachs-nummer. Dette nummeret viser korleis instrumentet blir klassifisert innan Hornbostel-Sachs-systemet (H-S), som organiserer instrument med nummer etter måten ein lagar lyd med dei på.[5] Ein nasjon kan ha fleire ulike instrument omtalte som nasjonalinstrument. I slike høve høyrer alle instrumenta med på lista.

Nasjon Instrument Bilete Skildring
H-S-nummer Ref.
Afghanistan rabab
Lutt med kort hals og tre strenger 321.321-6 [6][7]
Albania çiftelia
Arabisk oud
Pæreforma strengeinstrument utan tverrband 321.321-6 [8]
Argentina bandoneón
Knappetrekkspel med boksform 412.132 [9][10]
Argentina gitar
Strengeinstrument med tverrband 321.322 [11][12]
Armenia duduk
Fløyte med to røyrblad, vanlegvis diatonisk og med eit tonespenn på éin oktav 421.211.12 [7]
Australia, urfolk didgeridoo
didjeridu, yidaki, yiraki, magu, kanbi, ihambilbilg
Rett trompet utan fingerhol, tradisjonelt laga av ei tjukk grein eller ein trestamme, nokre gonger med bivoks kring blåseholet. Ein nyttar sirkelpusting for å spela på det. 423.121.11 [13][14]


Sekkepipe av geiteskinn 422.112.2-62
Aserbajdsjan balaban
Sett av sylindriske shawm-aktige instrument, med eit luftlager som ei sekkepipe 422.121-62 [16][17]
Baganda-folk frå Uganda endongo
Skålforma lyre laga av firfisleskinn med strengar festa til eit trestykke sett inn i to hol på to armar 321.21 [18]
Balotsjar suroz
Strengeinstrument med lang hals spelt med boge, liknande fele eller sarangi, halde vertikalt 321.322 [19]
Bangladesh dotara
Lite strengeinstrument med klimpra metallstrenger 321.322 [20]
Basjkortostan kurai
Lang open fløyte med fem fingerhol, blesen i enden 421.111.12 [21][22]
Basotho lesiba
Strengeinstrument som blir blese i staden for stroke eller klomplar, med ein enkeltstreng 311.121.222 [23]
Bayern zither
Strengeinstrument med resonanskasse 314.122 [24][25]
Bhutan dranyen
dranyen, dramnyen
Sjustrenga lutt med lang hals, utan tverrband 321.321 [26]
Bolivia charango
Skålforma lutt med tverrband og vanlegvis fire-fem dobbeltstrengar, tradisjonelt laga av skjelet til ein armadillo 321.321-6 [27]
Brasil gitar
Strengeinstrument med seks strengar og tverrband 321.322 [28]
Brasil berimbau
Musikkboge med ein streng
«Toque de Angola» på berimbau
311.121.221 [29]
Brasil pandeiro
Handhalden rammetromme med metallskiver (platinelas) attached 211.311
Bulgaria gaida
Sekkepipe 422.22-62 [31]
Colombia cuatro
Strengeinstrument med fire strenger, tverrband og hol kropp 321.322 [32]
Colombia tiple colombiano
Lite gitaraktig instrument med tverrband og tolv strenger 321.322 [33]
Costa Rica marimba
Xylofon-aktig instrument med kalebass-resonanskassar 111.222-4 [34]
Cuba tres
Gitar-aktig instrument 321.322 [35]
Dagarafolk frå Ghana gyil
Xylofonaktig kalebass med hol dekte av edderkoppsilke 111.222-4 [36]
Ecuador rondador
421.112.11 [37][38]
Egypt, det gamle harpe
Open harpe 322.12 [39]
Egypt, det gamle sistrum[40]
U-forma rammetromme 112.112
England concertina
412.132 [7]
Etruria kithara
Strengeinstrument 321.22 [41]
Finland kantele
Siterharpe, tradisjonelt med fem strenger, no med opptil tretti, halden i fanget 314.122 [1][42][43][44][45]
Finland, særleg finlandssvenskar fiolin
Strengeinstrument med fire strengar, spelt med boge, forma som eit timeglas
Akkordar på ein fiolin
321.322 [45][46]
Fula tambin
sereendu, fulannu
Diagonal diatonisk fløyte 411.111.22 [47][48]
Galicia gaita
gaita de fole, gaita gallega
Diatonisk sekkepipe 422.211.2-62 [49][50]
Tyskland waldzither
tysk lutt, også nytta om luttgitar
Cittern med ni stålstrenger stemt til C, G G, C C, E E, G G 321.322 [51]
Hellas, det gamle aulos
Dobbel-shawm 422.121 [52]
Hellas, det gamle lyre
Strengeinstrument spelt med plekter, der den frie handa stilnar strenger ein ikkje bruker. Traditsjonelt laga av eit skjelpaddeskjel. 321.21 [53][54]
Hellas bouzouki
Strengeinstrument med pæreforma bol og lang hals, spelt med plekter 321.321 [1]
Guatemala marimba
Xylofonaktig instrument med kalebass-resonanskassar, spelt på med køller, med to nivå av tangentar så ein kan spela ein full kromatisk skala. 111.222-4 [55][56]
Hawaii ukulele
Strengeinstrument avleidd frå portugisisk braguinha, frå hawaiisk uku lele, 'hoppande loppe'
Akkordar på ukulele
321.322 [57]
Ungarn cimbalom
czimbalom, cymbalom, cymbalum, ţambal, tsymbaly, tsimbl, santouri, santur
Kromatisk dulcimer med fire føter 314.122-4 [58]
India sarasvati-vina
Semitonisk lutt med tverrband, med lang, sylindrisk form og to kalebassar 311.222 [59]
Indonesia angklung
To bambusrøyr 112.122 [60][61]
Iran tar
Strengeinstrument med seks strenger 314.122-4 [62]
Irland harpe
cruit, cláirseach
Fleirstrenga harpe med søyle framme 322.221
Irland store irske krigssekkepiper
Píob Mhór
Svært lik skotsk sekkepipe
Irland Uilleann Pipes
Píobaí Uilleann, Union Pipes
Pump blown Bagpipe
Israel kinnor
Historisk instrument skildra i Bibebelen, truleg ein kithara; på moderne hebraisk viser det til fiolin 321.22 [63]
Italia mandolin
Strengeinstrument 321.321 [64]
Japan koto
Langt, holt strengeinstrument med tretten strenger 312.22-7 [65]
Jødisk sjofar
Uthola horn 423.121.1 [66]
Kasakhstan dombra
Langhalsa lutt med tverrband og rund kropp, spelt på med plekter 321.321-6 [67][68]
Kenya nyatiti
3-fot-long (0,91 m) harpe av tre og geite- eller antilopeskinn, klimpra med begge hender 321.21-5 [69][70][71]
Khoikhoi goura
Strengeinstrument med ein streng, blese og ikkje klimpra. Strengen er festa til ein resonator av eit kokosnøttskjel 311.121.222 [72]
Kina guqin
Siter med sju opne strengar som blir spela ved å klimpra 312.22 [73][74]
Kina guzheng
zheng, gu-zheng
Rektangulær siter 312.22-5 [75]
Kina pipa
Pæreforma lutt med hals, spelt ved å klimpra 321.321-5 [76]
Kina yangqin
yang ch'in, yang qin
Dulcimer 314.122-4 [7]
Korea gayageum
kayagum, kayago
siter-aktig strengeinstrument med 12 strenger 312.22-5 [77][78]
Kirgisistan komuz
Lutt med tre strengar utan tverrband 321.321 [79][80]
Korsika cetera
ceterina, cetara
Citterninstrument 111.224-4
Kreta lyra
Strengeinstrument med tverrband og tre strenger 321.21 [81]
Kroatia tamburica og lijerica
Lutt-aktig strengeingstument med lang hals 321.321 [82][83]
Lanna (Nord-Thailand) pin pia
Siter med to-fem strenger 311.221 [84]
Laos khene
Munnspel med bambusrøyr 412.132 [85]
Latvia kokles
Diatonisk, lutt-aktige steingeinstrument 314.122 [86][87]
Libanon darbuka
Begerforma handtromme 211.261.21 [88]
Litauen birbyne
Aerofon med enkelt eller dobbelt røyrblad, med eller utan munnstykke 422 [89]
Litauen kanklės
Strengeinstrument 314.122 [90]
Lobifolk frå Ghana gyil
Kalebassinstrument med treramme og hol dekte av edderkoppsilke 111.222-4 [36]
Madagaskar valiha
Røyrforma siter 312.11 [91][92]
Mandinka frå Vest-Afrika balo
Xylofon av trestykke festa på kalebassar på ei ramme 111.212
Maroonar frå Jamaica abeng
Aerofon laga av eit kuhorn som ein bles i 423.122.2 [95]
Mexico marimba
Xylofon-aktig instrument 111.222-4 [96]
Mongolia morin khuur
hestehovudfele, igil
Strengeinstrument med to strenger, halde mellom føtene<! the legs, with a trapezoidal body and a horse's head typically carved on the upper edge of the pegbox--> 321.322 [97][98]
Montenegro gusle
Strengeinstrument, rundt, typisk med ein streng feste til toppen av halsen med ein stemmeknagg 321.321-71 [99]
Myanmar saung-gauk
saung, burmesisk harpe
Bøygd harpe med seksten strenger, festa til harpa med raude bomullsduskar 322.11 [100]
Nepal madal
Sylindrisk tofellstromme 211.212.1 [101]
Nederland fele
Strengeinstrument med fire strenger, spelt med boge 321.322 [102]
Nicaragua marimba
Xylofonaktig instrument med kalebass-resonatorar 111.222-4 [103]
Noreg hardingfele
Dekorert fele med fire hovudstrenger og fire resonansstrenger under 321.322-71 [42][104][105]
Noreg langeleik
Rektangulær siter med fem-seks strenger der ein av dei er melodistreng 314.122 [42]
Pakistan daf
dafli, dap, def, tef, defi, gaval, duf, duff, dof
Rammetromme 211.311 [106]
Paraguay paraguayansk harpe
Diatonisk harpe med 32, 36, 38 eller 40 strenger 322.211 [107][108][109]

Peru cajón
Treboks med eit hol i ei side 111.221 [110][111]
Peru charango
charanga, chillador
Gitar-aktig instrument, vanlegvis med ti strenger, laga av eit armadilloskjel 321.321-6 [112]
Filippinane bandurria
Rondalla-klimpra khordofon med 14 strenger stemte F# B E A D G. 321.321 [113]
Polynesia nasefløyte
Fløyte laga av eit enkelt bambusstykke med tre hol ein bles i frå nasebora, og fingerhol 421.111.22 [114]
Portugal portugisisk gitar
Strengeinstrument med tverrband og hol kropp 321.322 [115]
Puerto Rico cuatro puertorriqueño
Strengeinstrument med tverrband og hol kropp, avleidd frå spansk tiple og andre strengeinstrument 321.322 [116]
Romarriket tibiae
aulos (gresk namn)
Shawm med dobbelt røyrblad, spelt i par 422.122 [117]
Russland garmon
Akkordar på trekkspel
412.132 [118]
Russland balalaika
Familie av triangelforma lutt-aktige instrument 321.32 [7]
Russland gusli
Siter-aktig instrument med mellom elleve og trettiseks strenger, stemt diatonisk 314.122 [119]
Russland skeier
Måla treskeier brukt til perkusjon 111.141 [120]
Ryukyuøyane i Japan sanshin
Strengeinstument med tre strenger, dekt med slangeskinn, liknar ein banjo 321.312-6 [121]
Sakha khomus
munnharpe 121.221 [122]
Skottland høglandssekkepipe
Sekkepipe 422.112.2-62
Serbia trekkspel
Trekkspel 412.132 [125]
Serbia frula
svirala, jedinka
Fløyte i tre med seks fingerhol, blesen i enden 421.211.12 [126]
Serbia gajda
Sekkepipe 422.22-62 [31]
Serbia gusle
Strengeinstrument, rundt
321.321-71 [127]
Slovakia fujara
421.211.12 [128][129]
Slovenia accordion
Trekkspel 412.132 [130]
Sør-Afrika lesiba
rattle stick
Spania gitar
321.322 [12][131]
Sverige drejelire
321.322-72 [42][45]
Sverige nyckelharpa
321.322-71 [42][132]
Svensk Estland talharpa
321.22-71 [133]
Sveits alpehorn
423.121.12 [134][135]
Trinidad og Tobago steelpan
111.241.2 [4][136][137]
Tyrkia saz
bağlama, kopuz
Lutt med lang hals og tverrband 321.321-6 [138][139]
Turkmenistan dutar
321.322 [140]
Tyva igil
Lita fele 321.322 [141]
Tyva khomus
Munnharpe 121.221 [142]
Tyva morin khuur
Horse-head fiddle
Stor fele 321.322 [141]
Ukraina bandura
321.321 [143]
USA appalachian dulcimer
dulcimer, mountain dulcimer, lap dulcimer, fretted dulcimer, dulcimore, et al.
321.312-5 [144][145]
USA banjo
321.312-5 [146][147]
Usbekistan doira
Rund, flat tromme 211.311
Usbekistan karnay
Lang messing-trompet med munnstykke 423.121.12 [149][150]
Venezuela cuatro
Gitar-aktig lutt med fire strenger 321.322 [32][151][152]
Venezuela harpe, venezuelansk
Diatonisk harpe 322.211 [152]
Vietnam đàn bầu
321.22 [153]
Wales crwth
321.22 [153]
Wales harpe, trippel
Harpe 322.212.1 [154][155][156]
Jugoslavia gusle
Strengeinstrument 321.321-71 [157]
Zimbabwe mbira
thumb piano
122.12 [158][159]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Grahn, Göran (April 1999). «Review of Musikkens Tjenere - Instrument - Forsker - Musiker by Mette Müller and Lisbet Torp». The Galpin Society Journal 52: 367–368. JSTOR 842547. doi:10.2307/842547. «One of the most interesting articles is that by Lisbet Torp about invented traditions in creating a national instrument, such as the Highland bagpipe in Scotland, the kantele in Finland, the bouzouki in Greece etc. She takes the reader through a tour of Europe, in a journey through time and space, beginning in the British Isles at the end of the 18th century with the Irish harp and the Scottish highland bagpipe. She then points to the influence of intellectuals and nationalists in the nationwide promotion of selected musical instruments as a vehicle for nationalistic ideas. The conclusion is that Denmark never developed any national instrument, though, 'at the beginning of the 20th century, the prehistoric bronze lurs were treated as a national symbol.'» 
  2. «Study Guide for Quad City Arts' Visiting Artists Series» (PDF). Quad City Arts. oktober 2001. Arkivert frå originalen (PDF) 23. januar 2018. Henta 23. desember 2007. 
  3. «About the Japanese Koto». KotoWorld. Arkivert frå originalen December 11, 2007. Henta December 23, 2007. 
  4. 4,0 4,1 Dudley, Shannon; Stuempfle, Stephen (Spring–Summer 1998). «Review of The Steelband Movement: The Forging of a National Art in Trinidad and Tobago by Stephen Stuempfle». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 42 (2): 366–368. JSTOR 3113905. doi:10.2307/3113905. «(The book) uses an appropriate approach for the first major work on Trinidad and Tobago's national instrument.» 
  5. von Hornbostel, Erich M.; Curt Sachs (March 1961). «Classification of Musical Instruments: Translated from the original German by Anthony Baines and Klaus P. Wachsmann». Galpin Society Journal (Galpin Society) 14: 3–29. JSTOR 842168. doi:10.2307/842168. 
  6. Doubleday, Veronica (2000). «Afghanistan: Red Light at the Crossroads». I Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. s. 3–7. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. «Afghans have a special feeling for the rubab, describing it as the 'lion' of instruments and their 'national instrument'.» 
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 ARC music; Peter McClelland. «Glossary of Folk Instruments». Hobgoblin Music. Henta December 17, 2007. 
  8. Project Results (PDF). The Music Inter-Cultural X-Change: Project for Peace in Israelpublisher=The Boston Conservatory. s. 2. Henta December 26, 2007. [daud lenkje]
  9. Peiro, Teddy; Jan Fairley (2000). «Argentina: Vertical Expression of Horizontal Desire». I Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides Ltd. s. 305. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. 
  10. Troop, William (2007). «Global Hit: Dino Saluzzi» (mp3). The World. PRI. Henta 17. desember 2007. «(Dino Saluzzi) is a master of Argentina's national instrument, the button accordion known as the bandoneon.» [daud lenkje]
  11. Fink, Michael (2. februar 2003). «Assad Duo, guitars with Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, violin». Arkivert frå originalen (program notes) December 26, 2007. Henta 21. desember 2007. «Another folk element is a reference to the guitar, considered a national instrument associated with the gauchos of the Pampas region.» 
  12. 12,0 12,1 Pinnell, Richard T.; Ricardo Zavadivker (1993). The Rioplatense Guitar. Bold Strummer. ISBN 0-933224-42-7. 
  13. Neuenfeldt, Karl; Cited to Moyle, 1981 (see Further reading) (1998). «The Quest for a "Magical Island": The Convergence of the Didjeridu, Aboriginal Culture, Healing and Cultural Politics in New Age Discourse» (Reprint). Social Analysis 42 (2): 73–102. Henta 17. desember 2007. «It has not been a national instrument until quite recently, the previous range was primarily in the northern third of the continent.» 
  14. Breen, Marcus (2000). Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla, red. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. s. 11. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. «The aura and resonance of the continent the instrument carries means the didgeridoo will never lose its place as the instrument that best reflects the Aboriginals' 50,000 years of tradition and experience.» 
  15. Lughofer, Rudolf; Wagner, Gotthard (2014). Grenzenlos - die Wiederkehr des Dudelsacks: Gedanken und Fakten über ein europäisches Instrument. Weitra, Austria: Bibliothek der Provinz. ISBN 978-3-99028-407-0. 
  16. Heumann, Michael (August 16, 2004). «Azerbaijan». Almaty or Bust!. Stylus Magazine. Arkivert frå originalen 11. januar 2008. Henta 26. desember 2007. «(T)he Azeri national instrument is a type of bagpipe called a balaban 
  17. Umid, Aysel; Translated by Afina Yagizarova. «Guba: Music». Azerbaijan: The Land of Arts. TUTU Children's Cultural Center. Henta February 17, 2008. 
  18. Wachsmann, Klaus (1964). «The Migration of Musical Instruments: Human Migration and African Harps». Journal of the International Folk Music Council 16: 84–88. JSTOR 835087. doi:10.2307/835087. 
  19. Badalkhan, Sabir (oktober 2003). «Balochi Oral Tradition». Oral Tradition 18 (2): 229–235. doi:10.1353/ort.2004.0049. «Notwithstanding the emergence of a strong nationalistic feeling among the Baloch population both in Iran and Pakistan, the existence of pahlawan (professional singers of verse narratives), and the love for suroz (a bowed instrument played as an accompaniment to narrative songs and considered to be the national instrument of the Baloch) among the educated classes, there seems to be no future for the oral tradition in Balochistan.» 
  20. Begum, Rumena Mohima. «Musicians Stories». World on Your Street. BBC. Henta 17. desember 2007. «The dotara is the national instrument of Bangladesh.» 
  21. Seryogina, Olesya (24. oktober 2007). «Musician's Seven Kurais». Culture. BASHvest. Arkivert frå originalen July 22, 2011. Henta 26. desember 2007. «Music performed on this wonderful Bashkir national instrument is understandable and dear to all.» 
  22. Belaiev, Victor (1963). «The Formation of Folk Modal Systems». Journal of the International Folk Music Council (International Council for Traditional Music) 15: 4–9. JSTOR 836227. doi:10.2307/836227. 
  23. «Traditional Music & Dance». The Drum Cafe. Henta 21. desember 2007. «Discover the sounds of the lesiba, the Basotho national instrument with its harsh, bird-like sounds.» 
  24. Grove, George (1954). Dictionary of Music and Musicians. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 1-147-22765-9. «The zither may be considered the national instrument of Bavaria» 
  25. «The Concert Zither: A Brief History». Zithers-USA. Zither Newsletter USA. Henta February 17, 2008. 
  26. Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham (2000). World Music. James McConnachie. Rough Guides. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. 
  27. Baumann, Max Peter (1997). «Review of Bolivie: Charangos et guitarrillas du Norte Potosi by Florindo Alvis and Jean-Marc Grassler». Yearbook for Traditional Music 29 (1997): 200–201. JSTOR 768327. doi:10.2307/768327. «Among chordophones, the charango has become the Bolivian national instrument par excellence.» 
  28. «Chamber Recital Programme». The Annual Glebe Music Festival. Glebe Music Festival. November 25, 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «Born in Brazil, Murilo Tanouye began his musical pursuit by learning Jazz and Bossa Nova (sic) on the guitar, his country's national instrument.» 
  29. Graham, Richard (Spring–Summer 1991). «Technology and Culture Change: The Development of the "Berimbau" in Colonial Brazil». Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana (University of Texas Press) 12 (1): 1–20. JSTOR 780049. doi:10.2307/780049. «Although this metamorphosis insured the emerging berimbau a higher social status as a Brazilian national instrument.» 
  30. Ya Salaam, Kalamu. «When Brazil Came Calling» (Reprint). The New Black Magazine. Kalamu. Henta 17. desember 2007. 
  31. 31,0 31,1 «Bagpipes: A blast from the past». November 30, 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. 
  32. 32,0 32,1 Vandervort, Leland. «Andean Instruments». Musica Andina. Arkivert frå originalen 25. desember 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «The cuatro has a very dry sound and is often strummed in syncopation with the rhythm of many musical forms originating from Colombia and Venezuela. The cuatro is also considered the "national instrument" of these two countries.» 
  33. Pinnell, Richard; Zuluaga, David Puerta (Autumn 1993). «Review of Los Caminos del Tiple by David Puerta Zuluaga». Ethnomusicology 37 (3): 446–448. JSTOR 851728. doi:10.2307/851728. 
  34. Marrs, Stuart. «Percussion in Costa Rica, 1972-82» (PDF). Percussion Studies. University of Maine. Arkivert frå originalen (PDF) September 4, 2006. Henta 17. desember 2007. «After all, the marimba is the "national instrument" of Costa Rica.» 
  35. McSweeney, Jim. «Nelson Gonzalez». Congahead. Arkivert frå originalen 4. november 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «The tres is the national instrument of Cuba, and at first glance you'd probably call it a guitar.» 
  36. 36,0 36,1 «About the Artists». El Taller Latino Americano. Arkivert frå originalen 25. desember 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «Gyil,... the grandmother of the keyboard family, is the national instrument of the Dagara and Lobi nations of Ghana in West Africa.» 
  37. Bishop, Douglas. «A Worldwide History of the Panflute». Henta December 26, 2007. «This family of pan flutes has many representatives: antara (Quechua) or siku (Aymara), chuli, sanka, malta (the most common variety of siku), toyo (bass siku), and rondador (Ecuador's national instrument, a chorded pan flute).» 
  38. Sargeant, Winthrop (April 1934). «Types of Quechua Melody». The Musical Quarterly 20 (2): 230–245. JSTOR 738763. doi:10.1093/mq/XX.2.230. 
  39. Gilman, Daniel; Coit, Harry; Thurston Peck; Frank Moore Colby), red. (1906). «Egyptian Music». The New International Encyclopedia. Dodd, Mead & Company. s. 712. «Although the harp always remained a national instrument, its popularity was later eclipsed by the lyre.» 
  40. Peck, Harry Thurston (1897). Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities. Harper & Brothers. ISBN 0-8154-0176-0. 
  41. Lawergren, Bo (January–June 1985). «Musikarchäologie als Traditionsforschung - A Lyre Common to Etruria, Greece, and Anatolia: The Cylinder Kithara». Acta Musicologica (International Musicological Society) 57 (Fasc. 1): 25–33. JSTOR 932686. doi:10.2307/932686. 
  42. 42,0 42,1 42,2 42,3 42,4 Isaacson, Lanae H. (Winter 1995). «Folk og Kultur: Arbog for Dansk Etnologi og Folkemindevidenskab». Scandinavian Studies. 67.n1 (2): 142. «Mette Muller's initial essay on the folk musical instruments of Denmark and Scandinavia ("Folk - Folkelig - Folkelige musikinstrumenter i Danmark") circles around the central question of why Denmark did not develop a uniquely national instrument in the same way as Norway (hardingfele and langeleik), Finland (kantele), and Sweden (nyckelharpa and drejelire) 
  43. Asplund, Anneli (December 2001). «The Kantele: Finland's National Instrument». Virtual Finland. Arkivert frå originalen 14. mai 2008. Henta 17. desember 2007. «(T)he kantele is an essential part of the power of (the Kalevala and thus became), in the 19th century, the Finns' national instrument.» 
  44. Moisala, Pirkko (Autumn 1994). «The Wide Field of Finnish Ethnomusicology». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 38 (3): 417–422. JSTOR 852108. doi:10.2307/852108. «(Researchers) have run a long-term campaign to introduce the kantele, which has been branded the national instrument of Finland, into every school.» 
  45. 45,0 45,1 45,2 Andersson, Otto (October–December 1911). «On Violinists and Dance-Tunes among the Swedish Country-Population in Finland towards the Middle of the Nineteenth Century». Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft 13 (1): 107–114. JSTOR 929299. «While in Sweden the hurdy-gurdy occupies the rank of a national instrument, like the kantele among the Finns, the Swedish country-population has not adopted either of these instruments, but has instead chosen the violin.» 
  46. Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. s. 95. ISBN 0-415-96800-3. 
  47. Rouget, Gilbert; James Porter (Januar 1978). «Review of The Peuls by Simha Arom». Ethnomusicology 22 (1): 224–225. JSTOR 851392. doi:10.2307/851392. «This proportion is an accurate reflection of the importance of the flute among the Fula; it is, in a sense, their national instrument.» 
  48. Calabash Music. «Fula Flute». National Geographic. Arkivert frå originalen 17. januar 2008. Henta February 17, 2008. 
  49. El-Shawan, Salwa; Dorothe Schubarth (1991). «Review of Galicia: Derradeira Polavila». Yearbook for Traditional Music (International Council for Traditional Music) 23: 157–158. JSTOR 768420. doi:10.2307/768420. «The record also features the gaita... which Galicians consider their national instrument» 
  50. Trend, J. B. (January 1924). «Music in Spanish Galicia». Music & Letters 5 (1): 15–32. JSTOR 726256. doi:10.1093/ml/5.1.15. 
  51. «Waldzither - Bibliography of the 19th century». Studia Instrumentorum. Henta 23. mars 2014. «Es ist eine unbedingte Notwendigkeit, dass der Deutsche zu seinen Liedern auch ein echt deutsches Begleitinstrument besitzt. Wie der Spanier seine Gitarre, der Italiener seine Mandoline, der Engländer das Banjo, der Russe die Balalaika usw. sein Nationalinstrument nennt, so sollte der Deutsche seine Laute, die Waldzither, welche schon von Dr. Martin Luther auf der Wartburg im Thüringer Walde (daher der Name Waldzither) gepflegt wurde, zu seinem Nationalinstrument machen. - Liederheft von C. H. Böhm (Hamburg, March 1919)» 
  52. Herzka, H. S. «Dissemination and History». Instruments and Info. Reed Music Tradition. Arkivert frå originalen 22. januar 2016. Henta 21. desember 2007. «For the Greeks, it was the most important of wind instruments, a national instrument. It belonged to the entourage of the god Dionysus, god of fertility, wine, frenzy, ecstasy and rebirth.» 
  53. «Review of Midiaeval Music: An Historical Sketch by Robert Charles Hope» (pdf). Saturday Review of Books and Art (New York Times). 16. desember 1899. Henta 21. desember 2007. 
  54. Roberts, Helen (February 1981). «Reconstructing the Greek Tortoise-Shell Lyre». Archaeology and Musical Instruments 12 (3): 303–312. JSTOR 124242. doi:10.1080/00438243.1981.9979805. 
  55. Stone, Matthew (6. februar 2002). «Indigenous Music of Caribbean Central America». World Beat: Music From Somewhere Else. PopMatters. Henta 17. desember 2007. «(T)he marimba... has become Guatemala's national instrument.» 
  56. Yurchenco, Henrietta (January 1966). «Review of The Marimbas of Guatemala by Vida Chenoweth». Ethnomusicology 10 (1, Latin American Issue): 105–106. JSTOR 924197. doi:10.2307/924197. «(The marimba) is truly a national instrument, enjoyed as much by primitive Indian as by sophisticated urbanite.» 
  57. Cooper, Mike (2000). «Hawaii: Steel and Slide Hula Baloos». I Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. s. 56. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. «(Hawaiian craftsmen) began to use local kou and koa wood (in the manufacture of the braguinha) and before long the (ukulele) became a national instrument.» 
  58. Hartmann, Arthur (1916). «The Czimbalom, Hungary's National Instrument». The Musical Quarterly II (4): 590–600. JSTOR 737942. doi:10.1093/mq/II.4.590. «(The cimbalom) is the one instrument which so deeply speaks to (the heart of the Hungarian people) which translates the melancholy of the deserts and which in every way expresses (the Hungarian) world of emotions.» 
  59. Frishmuth, Sarah S. (July 1905). «Stringed Instruments». Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum (Philadelphia Museum of Art) 3 (11): 45–48. JSTOR 3793687. doi:10.2307/3793687. «India has an infinite variety of lutes, the vina, her national instrument, having a...» 
  60. «Visit by Indonesian Culture and Goodwill Delegate». Campus Flash. Kyoto Sangyo University. 3. juli 2007. Arkivert frå originalen 9. mai 2008. Henta 26. desember 2007. «KSU students also enjoyed a performance with the Indonesian national instrument, the Angklung.» 
  61. Perris, Arnold B. (September 1971). «The Rebirth of the Javanese angklung». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 15 (3): 403–407. JSTOR 850641. doi:10.2307/850641. 
  62. Norouzi, Khateren (September 16, 2006). «Iranian Music With Norwegian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra». Iran Press Service. Arkivert frå originalen 27. september 2011. Henta 26. desember 2007. 
  63. «David's Harp». Dolmetsch Online. Henta 21. desember 2007. «In Hebrew kinnor, also known as David's harp, is the national instrument of Israel.» 
  64. Jahnel, Franz; Nicholas Clarke (2000). Manual of Guitar Technology: Chords Especially for Lefties. Bold Strummer. ISBN 0-933224-99-0. «During the 18th Century (sic), the mandolin became associated with particular Italian districts or regions, and became the national instrument.» 
  65. «Koto». Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopædia Britannica. Henta 13. mars 2008. 
  66. Wulstan, David (May 1973). «The Sounding of the Shofar». The Galpin Society Journal (Galpin Society) 26: 29–46. JSTOR 841111. doi:10.2307/841111. «It is clear that the word shofar was not used as the name of the Jewish national instrument until comparatively late.» 
  67. Levin, Theodore C. «Kazakhstan». National Geographic World Music. Arkivert frå originalen 14. desember 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «(The dombra) has become the national instrument of Kazakhstan.» 
  68. Mirseitova, Sapargul (2005). «Kazakhstan and Its People» (PDF). WLT Kids. World Literature Today. Arkivert frå originalen (PDF) 25. mai 2011. Henta 18. februar 2008. 
  69. Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. s. 58. ISBN 0-415-96800-3. «Much of Kenya's music is derivative of other Afropop forms, most obviously Congolese, but the singing, high-pitched guitar work, use of the national instrument, the nyatiti (a seven-stringed harpe), and bottle percussion give it a unique, identifiable sound.» 
  70. Verjee, Zain (August 30, 1999). «Journey through a rhythm nation». Kenya (BBC News). Henta February 19, 2008. 
  71. Radano, Ronald Michael; Philip Vilas Bohlman (2000). Music and the Racial Imagination. Houston A Baker, Jr. and Houston A. Baker. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-70199-9. 
  72. Balfour, Henry (January–June 1902). «The Goura, a Stringed-Wind Musical Instrument of the Bushmen and Hottentots». The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland) 32: 156–176. JSTOR 2842910. doi:10.2307/2842910. 
  73. «The Qin». Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. «Endowed with cosmological and metaphysical significance and empowered to communicate the deepest feelings, the qin is the most prestigious of China's instruments.» 
  74. Beijing Review, Issues 27-52. Beijing Review, original from the University of Michigan. 1981. s. 30. 
  75. «Dong Yi in Zheng Recital at the Great Hall of the People». Link Chinese. Henta 21. desember 2007. «As the most popular national instrument in China, zheng (also known as gu-zheng) is one of the eldest Chinese string instruments with a history of at least 2,500 years.» 
  76. Millward, James. «From Camelback to Carnegie Hall: the Global Journey and Modern Makeover of the Pipa». AAS Annual Meeting. Arkivert frå originalen 25. desember 2007. Henta 22. desember 2007. «I note the irony of this transformation: the modernization of the pipa as a Chinese national instrument entailed reworking it to fit the musical standards and contexts of polyphonic Western music.» 
  77. «Kayagum 3». Encyclopædia Britannica. Henta 31. mai 2008. 
  78. «Kayagum». University of Washington Libraries. Arkivert frå originalen 9. juli 2012. Henta 31. mai 2008. 
  79. «Cobza». Eliznik. 2005. Arkivert frå originalen 3. mai 2009. Henta December 21, 2007. 
  80. Golos, George S. (January 1961). «Kirghiz Instruments and Instrumental Music». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 5 (1): 42–48. JSTOR 924307. doi:10.2307/924307. 
  81. Dawes, Kevin (oktober 2003). «Lyres and the body politic: studying musical instruments in the Cretan musical landscape». Popular Music and Society 26.3 (21): 263–283. doi:10.1080/0300776032000116950. «The island's "national" instrument, the lyra has become emblematic of the struggle that many Cretans experience in their attempt to retain a sense of a local identity.» 
  82. «Croatia». National Geographic World Music. Arkivert frå originalen 26. desember 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «The tamburica is a lutt-like instrument similar to the turkish saz and is the national instrument of Croatia.» 
  83. Erdely, Stephen (1979). «Ethnic Music in the United States: An Overview». Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council (International Council for Traditional Music) 11: 114–137. JSTOR 767568. doi:10.2307/767568. «The tamburitza... is the national instrument of the Croatians.» 
  84. McGraw, Andrew (Summer–Fall 2007). «The Pia's Subtle Sustain: Contemporary Ethnic Identity and the Revitalization of the Lanna 'Heart Harp'». Asian Music 38 (2): 115–142. doi:10.1353/amu.2007.0035. 
  85. Morton, David; Brunet, Jacques (September 1974). «Review of Traditional Music of Southern Laos by Jacques Brunet». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 18 (3): 472. JSTOR 850536. doi:10.2307/850536. «The "national instrument" of Laos is the khene 
  86. Sheeter, Laura (29. oktober 2005). «Latvia celebrates national instrument». BBC News. Henta 17. desember 2007. «Latvia's national instrument (is) the kokle... (which) is reasserting its place at the heart of contemporary Latvian culture.» 
  87. Erdely, Stephen (1979). «Ethnic Music in the United States: An Overview». Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council (International Council for Traditional Music) 11: 114–137. JSTOR 767568. doi:10.2307/767568. «Its revival was initiated (among Latvian-Americans in the United States) in the 1930s by Latvian folklorists, who claimed it to be their true national instrument.» 
  88. Kerbaj, Mazen (Mars 2006). «Live in Beirut» (liner notes). Peter Brötzmann and Michael Zerang. Al Maslakh Records. Arkivert frå originalen 21. januar 2020. Henta 21. desember 2007. «Zerang ensorcelled the crowd, especially when he played hard-core rhythms and extended techniques on the Lebanese national percussion instrument, the darbuka (or debakeh).» 
  89. «Lithuania». Baltic and Finno-Ugric. Digelius Nordic Gallery. 29. februar 2004. Arkivert frå originalen 10. desember 2007. Henta 26. desember 2007. 
  90. «The Baltic Countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania». Lithuanian-American Community. 24. august 1998. Arkivert frå originalen December 26, 2007. Henta 22. desember 2007. «A wooden stringed instrument, similar to the zither, is considered a "national" instrument for all three countries. The Estonian kannel, the Latvian kokles, and the Lithuanian kankles, though similar in design, have distinctive styles.» 
  91. «Afropop Glossary». Afropop. Arkivert frå originalen December 18, 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «zither, national instrument of Madagascar, similar in sound to the kora» 
  92. «Like a God When He Plays». Arkivert frå originalen 20. november 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. 
  93. «The Behlanjeh, the national musical instrument of the Mandingos». Royal Commonwealth Society Library. Cambridge University Library. University of Cambridge. 5. november 2004. Arkivert frå originalen June 27, 2007. Henta 26. april 2008. 
  94. «Balo». Metropolitan Museum of Art. Henta April 26, 2008. 
  95. DjeDje, Jacqueline Cogdell (Spring–Autumn 1998). «Remembering Kojo: History, Music, and Gender in the January Sixth Celebration of the Jamaican Accompong Maroons». Black Music Research Journal (Center for Black Music Research - Columbia College Chicago) 18 (1/2): 67–120. JSTOR 779395. doi:10.2307/779395. 
  96. «New England Conservatory Presents the World Premiere of Robert Xavier Rodriguez's El Día de los Muertos». Sequenza21. November 15, 2006. Henta December 21, 2007. «Eschewing all drums except timpani, the score "utilizes a rich assortment of pitched percussion instruments, with prominent use of two marimbas (the marimba being the national instrument of Mexico as well as an apt musical representation of skeletons)," according to the composer.» 
  97. Pegg, Carole (2000). «Mongolia and Tuva: Sixty Horses in My Herd». I Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. s. 191–192. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. 
  98. Bayarsaikhan, B.; Jeremy Stoun. Morinkhuur: The Mongolian Horse-head Fiddle (Reprint). Morin Khuur: Self Learning Book. Henta December 17, 2007. «(The morin khuur) is the instrument most associated with Mongolian traditions and culture... (W)e hope this book will help foreigners learn to play the Morin Khuur and spread the word about Mongolia's national instrument throughout the world.» 
  99. «Montenegrin Music». Visit Montenegro. Arkivert frå originalen 4. april 2015. Henta December 21, 2007. «The beginnings of vocal – instrumental music in Montenegro are neither extravagant nor mystical... the warm sound of fife (reed), patriotic singing of players of gusle (Montenegrin national instrument) or simply a song of the shepherdess in the mountain – were the first, but for Montenegrin music most significant melodic expression.» 
  100. «Arched Harp». Annotated Checklist of Musical Instruments From East Asia on Display at the National Music Museum. National Music Museum. Henta December 21, 2007. «This highly decorative harp, formerly associated with the Buddhist dynasties that ruled Burma for centuries, is the national instrument of Myanmar.» 
  101. «Dance & Music». Nepal Dance School. Henta December 21, 2007. «The madal is the national instrument of Nepal.» 
  102. Dwight, John Sullivan (1859). Dwight's Journal of Music: A Paper of Art and Literature. 
  103. «Nicaragua Information». World InfoZone. Henta December 17, 2007. «The marimba, an instrument similar to a xylophone, is the national instrument.» 
  104. «Norwegian Hardanger Music and Dance at UMC Feb. 15». UMUC News. University of Minnesota, Crookston. Arkivert frå originalen December 25, 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «The Hardanger fiddle is considered Norway's national instrument.» 
  105. Bjorndal, Arne (1956). «The Hardanger Fiddle: The Tradition, Music Forms and Style». Journal of the International Folk Music Council (International Council for Traditional Music) 8: 13–15. JSTOR 834737. doi:10.2307/834737. «In Norway, the national instrument has come to be the Hardanger fiddle.» 
  106. Ali, Ayesha. «What is the National Musical Instrument of Pakistan?». Pakistan General Knowledge. Henta June 3, 2021. 
  107. «The Harp: A Latin American Reinvention». BBC. 6. juli 2001. Henta 17. desember 2007. «In Paraguay, (the harp) became the national instrument.» 
  108. Schechter, John M.; Daniel E. Sheehy; Ronald R. Smith (Spring–Summer 1985). «The New Grove: Latin America». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 29 (2): 317–330. JSTOR 852145. doi:10.2307/852145. «The distinctive Paraguayan harp... is featured as lead instrument in hundreds of ensembles in that country, where it is the national instrument.» 
  109. «Paraguayan Harp». Dolmetsch Online. Henta December 21, 2007. «(C)haracterized by a large soundbox with a rounded base, very light weight, closely spaced light tension strings (usually nylon), a relatively flat harmonic curve, and with the strings running up through the centre of the neck, which are tuned with gear-style tuners (like a guitar). Almost all harps of this style are played with the fingernails, in very rhythmically intricate music. This is the national instrument of Paraguay, and is commonly found throughout South America, Central America, and in parts of Mexico» 
  110. Rosenberg, Dan. «Afro Peruvian». Afropop. Arkivert frå originalen 31. oktober 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «These wooden boxes were soon developed into the cajon, the large wooden box that today is the national instrument of Peru.» 
  111. Fairley, Jan (2000). «Andean Music: Beyond the Ponchos». I Broughton, Simon; Ellingham, Mark; McConnachie, James; Duane, Orla. World Music: The Rough Guide. Based on an interview with Susana Baca, a Peruvian singer. Rough Guides Ltd. s. 284–285. ISBN 1-85828-636-0. 
  112. Bennett, Caroline. «Music in Peru». Viva Travel Guides. Arkivert frå originalen 17. februar 2022. Henta December 17, 2007. «Native music consists primarily of stringed instruments reminiscent of mandolins and Spanish guitars, including the charanga—Peru's national instrument.» 
  113. Aning, Jerome (November 23, 2007). «Rondalla maestro makes strong pitch for banduria». Inquirer Entertainment. Inquirer. Arkivert frå originalen May 27, 2008. Henta December 22, 2007. «A respected rondalla maestro is pushing for the adoption of the banduria as the country's national musical instrument to stimulate interest in its study and cultivation.» 
  114. Person, Adam; Brant Himes; Mike Harris. «Aerophones» (PDF). Ethnic Instruments Catalog. Seattle Pacific University. s. 6. Arkivert frå originalen (PDF) June 10, 2011. «These flutes are found in other regions but particularly in Polynesia where the nose flute is the "national" instrument.» 
  115. «Biographical Notes». XVII Macao Internacional Music Festival. Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau. Arkivert frå originalen June 9, 2011. Henta December 26, 2007. «His book, The Portuguese Guitar, Lisbon 1999, is the first monograph on this national instrument's origins and historical evolution, iconography, organological study and repertoire.» 
  116. Figueroa, Frank M. (June–July 2002). «The Cuatro puertorriqueño: Puerto Rico's National Instrument». Latin Beat Magazine. Arkivert frå originalen December 26, 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «(F)irst and foremost, the cuatro is Puerto Rico's national instrument.» 
  117. Ginsberg-Klar, Maria E. (February 1981). «The Archaeology of Musical Instruments in Germany during the Roman Period». World Archaeology 12 (3, Archaeology and Musical Instruments): 313–320. JSTOR 124243. doi:10.1080/00438243.1981.9979806. «The tibiae (is) an instrument that may be characterized as the national instrument of the Romans.» 
  118. Von Busack, Richard (August 21–27, 2003). «Accordion Manifesto!» (Reprint). Metroactive. North Bay Bohemian. Henta February 17, 2007. «In Russia, the accordion is practically the national instrument.» 
  119. Hoerburger, Felix (1952). «Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Held at Opatija, Yugoslavia: Correspondence between Eastern and Western Folk Epics». Journal of the International Folk Music Council 4: 23–26. JSTOR 835837. doi:10.2307/835837. 
  120. «Spoons as Russian Folk Music Instrument». Russia-IC. June 26, 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. 
  121. Tokita, Alison McQueen; David Hughes. «Context and Change in Japanese Music» (PDF). Henta December 17, 2007. «(I)n the Ryukyus... the sanshin – the Ryukyuan 'national instrument' and direct ancestor of the shamisen – will be favoured.» 
  122. Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam (June 1996). «Flights of the Sacred: Symbolism and Theory in Siberian Shamanism». American Anthropologist. New Series 98 (2): 305–318. JSTOR 682889. doi:10.1525/aa.1996.98.2.02a00070. 
  123. Moore, John Weeks (1880). «Bagpipe». Complete Encyclopaedia of Music. New York: C. H. Ditson & Company. 
  124. Lysloff, René T. A.; Jim Matson (Spring–Summer 1985). «A New Approach to the Classification of Sound-Producing Instruments». Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 29 (2): 213–236. JSTOR 852139. doi:10.2307/852139. 
  125. Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham; Richard Trillo (2000). World Music. Rough Guides. s. 274. ISBN 1-85828-635-2. «Its place is now occupied by the accordion which has become the foremost national instrument since its introduction.» 
  126. «Meeting of the Flute - Frula Festival Of Morava». Cultural Corridors of South East Europe. Henta December 26, 2007. «Indigenous music performed on the frula – a Serbian national instrument» 
  127. «'Spinning Out of Control': Rhetoric and Violent Conflict» (PDF). June 1, 2006. s. 4. Henta December 21, 2007. «The cartoon shows a minuscule Cosic sitting on Milosevic's lap, while the latter is playing the gusle, the Serbian national instrument.» [daud lenkje]
  128. «Presidents of Latvia and Slovakia unveil Detva Folklore Festival». Chancery of the President of Latvia. July 8, 2006. Arkivert frå originalen July 16, 2011. Henta April 26, 2008. «van Gasparovič presented Vaira Vike-Freiberga with the Slovakian national instrument fujara that has been included in the UNESCO List of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2005.» 
  129. Randy Raine-Reusch (May 2002). «Fujara - Slovakia». World Instrument Gallery. Arkivert frå originalen May 25, 2008. Henta April 26, 2008. 
  130. Gobetz, Edward. «Acculturation and Assimilation». Slovenian Americans. Multicultural America. Henta December 26, 2007. «Since the 1970s there has been an unprecedented surge of interest in Slovenian music (especially the accordion as the national instrument), language, genealogy, history, culture, customs, folklore, and other aspects of Slovenian heritage.» [daud lenkje]
  131. Jensen, Melton (September 1994). «Review of Iberia 1990: Otto fantasie per chitarra di autori spagnoli contemporanei by Alís, Bertomeu Salazar, Fernández Alvez, García Abril, Juliá, Marco, Prieto, Ruiz López, Gabriel Estarellas, Angelo Gilardino». Notes 51 (1): 423–426. JSTOR 899279. doi:10.2307/899279. 
  132. Flores, Gypsy (August 3, 2005). «Swirling and Whirling on the Swedish Dance Floor». PopMatters. Henta December 21, 2007. «The nyckelharpa is considered Sweden's national instrument.» 
  133. Andersson, Otto (August 1970). «The Bowed Harp of Trondheim Cathedral and Related Instruments in East and West». The Galpin Society Journal (Galpin Society) 23: 4–34. JSTOR 842060. doi:10.2307/842060. 
  134. Helgelson, Rachel (April 28, 2003). «Switzerland's Music: An Annotated Bibliography». Arkivert frå originalen 12. mai 2021. Henta December 21, 2007. «The alphorn is considered Switzerland's national instrument.» 
  135. «The Swiss National Instrument». Swiss Alpine Music. Arkivert frå originalen 12. mai 2021. Henta December 21, 2007. «In 1827 the musicologist Joseph Fétis pronounced the alphorn to be the Swiss national instrument.» 
  136. «NIU Steel Band leaders Teague, Alexis, share honors, dream big about steelpan's place in music world». Northern Illinois University. September 13, 2005. Arkivert frå originalen August 5, 2012. Henta December 17, 2007. «(In Trinidad and Tobago), the steel pan was invented and remains the national instrument.» 
  137. Montagu, Jeremy (January–February 1965). «What is a Gong?». Man (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland) 65: 18–21. JSTOR 2796036. doi:10.2307/2796036. 
  138. «Saz». Glossary. National Geographic. Arkivert frå originalen December 26, 2007. Henta December 22, 2007. «Considered the national instrument of Turkey.» 
  139. Koprulu, Mehmed Fuad; Devin DeWeese (2006). Early Mystics in Turkish Literature. Translated by Gary Leiser and Robert Dankoff. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-36686-0. 
  140. «Puppet Theatre». Washington Folk Festival. 2. juni 2007. Arkivert frå originalen 12. oktober 2007. Henta 17. desember 2007. «There was great admiration for his virtuosity on their national instrument» 
  141. 141,0 141,1 Wilson, Sue (June 2, 2003). «Yat-Kha, The Ferry, Glasgow». The Independent (London). Arkivert frå originalen December 1, 2013. «Tiuliush also plays the morinhuur and the igil, daddy and baby versions of the Tuvans' national instrument, the horse-headed fiddle, held like a small cello and with two strings, each comprising up to 130 hairs from a horse's tail.» 
  142. Pareles, John (July 10, 1993). «Review of From Half a World Away, Tuva's Unearthly Songs». Review/Music (New York Times). Henta December 26, 2007. «The national instrument of Tuva, the khomuz (jaw harp), also depends on a drone and virtuosically shaped overtones, as a solo piece demonstrated on Thursday night.» 
  143. Jarosewich, Irene. «Roman Hrynkiv hopes to give the bandura international stature». Ukraine Weekly. Arkivert frå originalen December 19, 2006. Henta December 17, 2007. «The bandura will always be known as Ukraine's national instrument.» 
  144. Long, Lucy M. (2001). «Appalachian dulcimer». I Sadie, Stanley; Tyrrell, John. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2. utg.). London: Macmillan. 
  145. Marcuse, Sibyl; Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary; W.W. Norton & Co.; New York: 1975. Appalachian Dulcimer.
  146. Hill, Errol; James Vernon Hatch (2003). A History of African American Theatre. Don B. Wilmeth. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-62443-6. 
  147. Bailey, Jay (January–March 1972). «Historical Origin and Stylistic Developments of the Five-String Banjo». Journal of American Folklore (American Folklore Society) 85 (335): 58–65. JSTOR 539129. doi:10.2307/539129. 
  148. Corneli, Zoe (February 22, 2007). «Stanford Pan-Asian Musical Festival». The World. PRI. Arkivert frå originalen 31. oktober 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «Abbos Kasimov, the premier percussionist from Uzbekistan, is playing his national instrument, the doira 
  149. «Rhythms of Uzbekistan: Featuring Shod & Lyazgi». Event Listings. Festival of World Culture. Arkivert frå originalen March 8, 2008. Henta April 26, 2008. 
  150. IA Jahon (August 9, 2007). «'Tashkent' Musicians Capture Attention In UK, Gain Appraisal». Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea. Henta April 26, 2008. «the magic sound of karnay (the Uzbek national music instrument)» [daud lenkje]
  151. Lloyd, A. L. (March 1965). «Folklore Tachirense by L. F. Ramon y Rivera and Isabel Aretz». Journal of the International Folk Music Council 17 (1): 14–15. JSTOR 942277. doi:10.2307/942277. «This small, four-stringed, guitar-like lute, the national instrument of Venezuela...» 
  152. 152,0 152,1 Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. s. 349. ISBN 0-415-96800-3. «The cuatro rivals the harpe as the national instrument» 
  153. 153,0 153,1 Edgerly, Beatrice (1942). From the Hunter's Bow: The History and Romance of Musical Instruments. G.P. Putnam's Sons. 
  154. Chorley, Henry Fothergill; Henry G. Hewlett (May 1, 1880). «The National Music of the World». The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular (Musical Times Publications Ltd.) 21 (447): 240–241. JSTOR 3357258. doi:10.2307/3357258. «Much is said... about Welsh airs and the national instrument, the harp» 
  155. Marson, John (oktober 1970). «Reviews of Harp Music». The Musical Times 111 (1532): 1029–1030. JSTOR 957286. doi:10.2307/957286. «A people which could cherish the triple harp so long after the rest of the world had dismissed it as obsolete must have more than mere tradition to guide its composers to the national instrument» 
  156. «Triple Harp». Dolmetsch Online. Henta December 21, 2007. «Today the triple harp is the national instrument of Wales» 
  157. Lord, Albert B. (1936). «Homer and Huso I: The Singer's Rests in Greek and Southslavic Heroic Song». Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (The Johns Hopkins University Press) 67: 106–113. JSTOR 283230. doi:10.2307/283230. 
  158. «Music in Zimbabwe». Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. March 16, 2006. Arkivert frå originalen December 26, 2007. Henta December 17, 2007. «The instrument is, in slightly varying forms, several centuries old and is found in many parts of Africa, but only in Zimbabwe has it risen to become something of a national instrument» 
  159. Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. s. 81. ISBN 0-415-96800-3. «The mbira is inextricably associated with Zimbabwean traditional music, and is truly the national instrument.» 
