The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid.Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can.
Millennium: 3rd millennium
Centuries: 20t century21st century – 22nt century
Decades: 1980s  1990s  2000s  – 2010s –  2020s  2030s  2040s
Years: 2009 2010 201120122013 2014 2015

2012 (MMXII) wis a lowp year stairtin on a Sunday in the Gregorian calendar.


This section needs tae be updatit. Please update this article tae reflect recent events or newly available information.












Unkent dates

Majur religioos holidays

Metaphysical predictions

2012 is whiles claimed tae be a great year o spiritual transformation (ur apocalypse). mony esoteric soorces interprit the completion o the thirteent b'ak'tun cycle in the lang coont o the Meya calendar (which occurs oan December 21 by the maist widely held correlation) tae pure techt thaur will be a majur chynge in warld order. accordingly, several eclectic authors claeem 'at a majur, world-changin' event will tak' place in 2012:







See awso


  1. Digital TV for Ulster Scots in ‘Northren Ireland’: Whit Is The Deegital Cheenge-Ower?
  2. when is the digital tv switchowre? the different regions an dates
  3. Brown, David Jay; Novick, Rebecca McClen, eds. (1993). "Mushrooms, Elves And Magic". Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations for the New Millennium. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press. pp. 9–24. ISBN 978-0895946010.
  4. Jenkins, John Major (2009). "Early 2012 Books McKenna and Waters". The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History. Penguin. ISBN 978-1101148822.
  5. Jacobson, Mark (Juin 1992). "Terence McKenna the brave prophet of The next psychedelic revolution, or is his cosmic egg just a little bit cracked?". Esquire. pp. 107–138. ESQ 1992 06.
  6. Dery, Mark (2001) [1996]. "Terence McKenna: The inner elf". 21•C Magazine. Archived frae the original on 24 Julie 2014. Retrieved 7 Februar 2014.


argüelles, josé (1987). the Meyan factor: path beyond technology. bear & company.
argüelles, josé (2002). time an the technosphaur, the law o time in human affairs]. bear & company.
argüelles, josé/valum votan (2004). livin' ben the closin' o the cycle, a survival guide oan the road tae 2012. law o time press.
drosnin, michael (1997). the bible code. new york, ny: toochstain press.
finley, michael (2002). "the correlation question". the real Meya prophecies: astronomy in the inscriptions an codices. Meya astronomy. Retrieved 4 Juin 2007. :hancock, graham. (1995) fingerprints o the gods. new york, ny: thee rivers press.
hooston, stephen d. (1989). readin' the past: Meya glyphs. Lunnon: british museum publications. ISBN 0-7141-8069-6. OCLC 18814390.
joseph, lawrence e. (2007). apocalypse 2012: a scientific investigation intae civilization's end. new york: morgan road books. ISBN 978-0-7679-2447-4. OCLC 70673333.
miller, mary; ain karl taube (1993). the gods an symbols o ancient mexico an the Meya. Lunnon: thames an hudson. ISBN 0-500-05068-6. OCLC 27667317. :morrison, grant, an varioos artists (1995–2000) the invisibles, vol. yin issues 1–25, vol. tae issues 1–22, vol. thee issues 12–14. new york, ny: vertigo comics. :pinchbeck, daniel. (2006) 2012: the return o quetzalcoatl. new york, ny: penguin crew. :satinowre, jeffrey, m.d. (1997) crackin' the bible code. new york, ny: harpercollins press.
schele, linda; an david freidel (1990). a forest o kings: the untauld story o the ancient Meya. new york: william morraw. ISBN 0-688-07456-1. :stray, geoff. (2005) beyond 2012: catastrophe ur ecstasy. sussex uk: vital signs publishin'.
voss, alexander (2006). "astronomy an mathematics". In nikolai grube (ed.) (ed.). Meya: divine kings o the rain forest. eva eggebrecht an matthias seidel (assistant eds.). cologne: könemann press. pp. 130–143. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.CS1 maint: extra text: eeditors leet (link)
wagner, elizabeth (2006). "Meya creation myths an cosmography". In nikolai grube (ed.). Meya: divine kings o the rain forest. eva eggebrecht an matthias seidel (assistant eds.). cologne: könemann press. pp. 280–293. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.

See Finley (2002), Houston (1989, pp. 49–51), Miller an Taube (1993, pp. 50–52), Voss (2006, p. 138), Wagner (2006, pp. 281–283). Note that Houston 1989 mistakenly writes "3113 BC" (when "-3113" is meant), an Miller an Taube 1993's mention o "2 August" is a (presumed) erratum. The Long Count b'ak'tun date o this stairtin pynt ( is repeated, for the first time in a span o approximately 5,125 solar years. The significance o this period-endin tae the pre-Columbian Meya themselves is unclear, an there is an incomplete inscription (Tortuguero Monument 6) that records this date. It is tae be foond carved on the walls o the Temple o Inscriptions in Palenque an aa, whaur it functions as a base date frae which ither dates are computed.Wagner (2006, p. 281; ill.443 an aa). Houiver, it is conjectured that this Mey represent in the Meya belief seestem a transition frae the current Creation world intae the next.