I mostly write articles and make diagrams. I'm from Altes Land, Lower Saxony.



If you would like to import a dataset to Wikidata: Feel free to ask me for help.

Unused properties

Many properties were created, but not used. In the moment 760 properties are used < 30 times.

Data quality

There are tons of

Where is the sense for quality?


As of 17 November 2016
en[1] de fr ru
Chemists 7032 5833 1632 2246
Biologists 23714 9948 9640 7078
Physicists <<21634 5530 2963 4145
Geologists 3628 1955 1144 1520
Power plants 4763 2068 / /
Pesticides[2] 320+ 550+ 258+ 113+
  1. Because of PetScan timeouts I had to transfer the categories to Pagepiles and then intersect it with P31:Q5
  2. (claim[31:178266] OR claim[31:193237] OR claim[31:181322]) AND link[**wiki]