Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Taleb 2010-yilda
Tavalludi 12-sentyabr 1960-yil (1960-09-12) (63 yosh)
Amyun, Livan
Dafn etilgan joyi Livan va AQSh
Fuqaroligi Livan bayrogʻi Livan
AQSH bayrogʻi AQSh
Sohasi Qaror qabul qilish nazariyasi, tavakkalchilik, ehtimollik
Institutlar Nyu-York universiteti
Massachusets Amherst universiteti
Tezis sarlavhasi „The Microstructure of Dynamic Hedging“
Akademik rahbarlari Hélyette Geman
Mukofotlari Bruno Leoni mukofoti

Nassim Nicholas Taleb (talaffuzi: Nassim Nikolas Taleb; 1960-yil 12-sentyabrda tugʻilgan) – amerikalik essenavis, statistik, aforist va sobiq treyder[1][2].


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  1. Berenson, Alex. „A Year Later, Little Change on Wall St.“ (inglizcha). The New York Times (2009-yil 11-sentyabr). „Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a statistician, trader, and author, has argued for years that. …“.
  2. Maslin, Janet. „Explaining the Modern World and Keeping It Short“ (inglizcha). The New York Times (2010-yil 16-noyabr). „In his happily provocative new book of aphorisms, the fiscal prophet and self-appointed flâneur Nassim Nicholas Taleb aims particular scorn at anyone who thinks aphorisms require explanation. …“.


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]