Hālige Þriness Hēafordcirice, Calpis

Se Biscop of Calpis in Europan is biscop þǣre Angelcirican. His ercebiscop if se Ercebiscop of Cantaƿarabyrig.

Þæt Biscoprice Calpis in Europan hæfþ Calpis, se is Bryttisc landscipe ac ēac in his ambiht is ealle landfæst Europe, Morocco, Russland and ealle landscipas þæs Sofiet Gædes. Oððæt ðæt biscoprīce hæfþ his hēafordsōƿe in Calpis ceastre, and þǣre Hālige Þriness Hēafordcirican in þǣre ceastre se biscopes būr is in Brytene, æt Ƿeorþ, Sūþseaxe, on Sūþseaxum.

Se biscop is Geoffrey Roƿell MA PhD DD Biscop of Calpis in Europan.