Cƿuebec seo burg

Cƿuebec is Cƿuebeces hēafodstōl Canadiscan underrīces. In 2011 ƿunoden 516,622 menn in þære byrig and in þæm brādoran ceasterlican stōƿe sind 765,706 ƿunendas forþæm is hēo Quebeces þæs underrīces mæste burh æfter Montreale, sƿylc burg līþ 145 mīla be sūþƿesten.

Se ceaster stent þær rīseð hōh in Halgan Laurenties Ēa, seo nearƿaþ hēr, and þisses hōs næs is Cap-Diamant (se is Demantnæs). Þēos clūs in þære ēa geaf se stede his naman forþæm þe Kébec is ƿord in Algonquin sprǣce þæt menþ "Þær nearƿað sēo ēa ".


[adiht | adiht fruman]

Hēr in 1608 on Cƿuebeces hō staþoled Samuel de Champlain his burg se ƿæs Cƿuebecceaster and hēo is one of the yldstan ceastrum in Norþamerican. Se castelƿeall se behringeþ þære Eald Cƿuebec (Vieux-Québec) is se ān burgƿeallum in eallum American benorþen Mexico.

In 1759 gehiersumoden Bretƿare þes stede in mǣre heaþuƿeorc. Iacobus Ƿoolf Heretoga brōhtede his here andland Halgan Laurenties Ēa and besǣt Cƿuebec for þrim monaþum. Be nihte on 13. dæg Haligmonðes stigoden his fēðan þā clifas and manig ƿæron Hēahlandmenn þara eard ƿæs on hēam dūnlande. On Abrahames Ƿongum samnoden hie and in ānre earhfare brāc þone Frenciscan þrēat. Se beaduƿeorc ƿæs gefremmed in ānum stundes feoƿerþe dæl ac begen heretogan feall in sæcce on þissum feld – Ƿoolf and Montcalm.