The canton of Calais-2 is an administrative division of the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. It was created at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Calais.[1]

It consists of the following communes:[1]

  1. Alembon
  2. Andres
  3. Ardres
  4. Les Attaques
  5. Autingues
  6. Bainghen
  7. Balinghem
  8. Bouquehault
  9. Boursin
  10. Brêmes
  11. Caffiers
  12. Calais (partly)
  13. Campagne-lès-Guines
  14. Coulogne
  15. Fiennes
  16. Guînes
  17. Hardinghen
  18. Herbinghen
  19. Hermelinghen
  20. Hocquinghen
  21. Landrethun-lès-Ardres
  22. Licques
  23. Louches
  24. Nielles-lès-Ardres
  25. Rodelinghem
  26. Sanghen


50°56′N 1°53′E / 50.94°N 1.89°E / 50.94; 1.89