The canton of Lot et Montbazinois is an administrative division of the Aveyron department, southern France. It was created at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Capdenac-Gare.[1]

It consists of the following communes:[1]

  1. Les Albres
  2. Asprières
  3. Balaguier-d'Olt
  4. Bouillac
  5. Capdenac-Gare
  6. Causse-et-Diège
  7. Foissac
  8. Galgan
  9. Lugan
  10. Montbazens
  11. Naussac
  12. Peyrusse-le-Roc
  13. Roussennac
  14. Salles-Courbatiès
  15. Sonnac
  16. Valzergues


  1. ^ a b "Décret n° 2014-205 du 21 février 2014 portant délimitation des cantons dans le département de l'Aveyron | Legifrance". Retrieved 2017-06-08.

44°34′N 2°05′E / 44.57°N 2.08°E / 44.57; 2.08