The canton of Louhans is an administrative division of the Saône-et-Loire department, eastern France. Its borders were modified at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Louhans.[1]

It consists of the following communes:[1]

  1. Branges
  2. Bruailles
  3. La Chapelle-Naude
  4. Le Fay
  5. Juif
  6. Louhans
  7. Montagny-près-Louhans
  8. Montcony
  9. Montret
  10. Ratte
  11. Sagy
  12. Saint-André-en-Bresse
  13. Saint-Étienne-en-Bresse
  14. Saint-Martin-du-Mont
  15. Saint-Usuge
  16. Saint-Vincent-en-Bresse
  17. Simard
  18. Sornay
  19. Vérissey
  20. Vincelles


  1. ^ a b "Décret n° 2014-182 du 18 février 2014 portant délimitation des cantons dans le département de Saône-et-Loire | Legifrance". Retrieved 2017-07-16.

46°38′N 5°13′E / 46.63°N 5.22°E / 46.63; 5.22